weekly HelenC's 52 for 22 - Week 52: Showcase. Critique welcome

You've done well to rise to the challenge this week.
Your image meets the theme very well.
Well thought out Helen :D

That reminds me of the movie "Puzzle" about a lady who discovers that she's very good at jigsaws, I like that movie and your picture :D
What a creative take on the theme Helen, I had to stop for a moment when I first looked at the image as the blue pot seemed to be almost 3-d.

I hope you're feeling better soon.
That fits the theme nicely!
Plenty of fluids and get well soon!
Killing 2 birds in one Helen, keeping you occupied and fitting the theme.

Get well soon.

Perfect for the theme. Jigsaws are great for those moments when you haven't got a lot of concentration. I wish I'd thought of doing one recently!

I hope you feel better soon.

You've done well to rise to the challenge this week.
Your image meets the theme very well.
Well thought out Helen :D

That reminds me of the movie "Puzzle" about a lady who discovers that she's very good at jigsaws, I like that movie and your picture :D
What a creative take on the theme Helen, I had to stop for a moment when I first looked at the image as the blue pot seemed to be almost 3-d.

I hope you're feeling better soon.
That fits the theme nicely!
Plenty of fluids and get well soon!
Works well for the theme Helen.
I hope you’re feeling better soon.
Killing 2 birds in one Helen, keeping you occupied and fitting the theme.

Get well soon.

Thanks all for the good wishes and for dropping by. Have to say I'm still struggling but moving in the right direction.... albeit slowly.
I've only just tested negative for covid so I am allowed out at last (well, according to my own "regulations" rather than the lax stipulations of gov.uk!)
I still don't appear to have much energy so again little enthusiasm for photography still. Back to the "summer camera" infrared and the one thing I tend to avoid... the dreaded telegraph posts marching through the fields.

DSCF1744 by Helen Cannon, on Flickr
Glad to hear you're on the mend Helen. The shot works nicely in infrared.
Good IR shot again Helen. The ubiquitous post was not annoying this time.
The post stands out well against the the trees made lighter by the use of infrared. Hope you get your energy back soon.
Really like this. A place I've never seen photos of before, or anything similar. Can I ask where it is?

Thanks @catclick
It was taken at a place called Overstrand, just down from Cromer on the Norfolk coast. It probably looks unusual as it's shot looking down on the groyne from quite high above with a long lens.
Very well composed and processed image Helen.
Shadows and reflections add interest to an already interesting image.
Definetly worth the wait. Great image.
Thats a stunning photo Helen. Excellent!
Really like this. A place I've never seen photos of before, or anything similar. Can I ask where it is?
Very well composed and processed image Helen.
Shadows and reflections add interest to an already interesting image.
That is a wall hanger for sure Helen. Love it.
Couldn't agree more.

That's a stunner.
Excellent, really nice.
This is fabulous Helen. I love it!
Very, very, nice
Love this Helen. Definitely right up my street, well done (y)
Very nicely done Helen. Love the viewpoint and processing.

Awww shucks! Thanks everyone for such lovely comments.
Edit... Handles Theme and Tech Dappled Light. A great excuse to share the legend of Black Shuck who seems to feature regularly in East Anglia. The door handle of Blythburgh church where, in 1577 two members of the congregation sheltering from a great storm were killed by the demonic beast of a dog with red eyes. As the dog departed he left the scorch marks on the door as a sign of his visit....

PW6A0654 by Helen Cannon, on Flickr
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The water shot is lovely, the reflections to the left and the shadows to the right!

Ah... I only know of that legend because of the song by The Darkness! Interesting to see its origin. I love the way the light picks out the marks.
Gosh with the demonic beasts and the quick sand it's a wonder anyone every went out! I love these stories.

Nicely captured. Dappled light too!

Ah... I only know of that legend because of the song by The Darkness! Interesting to see its origin. I love the way the light picks out the marks.
Which Darkness song was it? I only have one album and I can't remember much of it now... must revisit it.
Edit: Found it... Black Shuck!! :) I will listen to it more carefully now, thanks :)
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Just looked at it on your FLikr account as the picture is too large for the ipad. The windmill is a great shot !
Great image and great back story Helen.
The water shot is lovely, the reflections to the left and the shadows to the right!

Ah... I only know of that legend because of the song by The Darkness! Interesting to see its origin. I love the way the light picks out the marks.
Gosh with the demonic beasts and the quick sand it's a wonder anyone every went out! I love these stories.

Nicely captured. Dappled light too!

Which Darkness song was it? I only have one album and I can't remember much of it now... must revisit it.
Edit: Found it... Black Shuck!! :) I will listen to it more carefully now, thanks :)
Great story to go with the shot Helen.

Thanks for dropping by folks.
@NickD - thanks for the heads up on the song... never heard of that!
I've had an entertaining(?) couple of days chasing combine harvesters... every time I got the heads up I wasn't here and the last time he was parked at the end of a cut field and was just cooling down. This isn't the shot I envisaged but I give up the chase!
Sods law says that I will drive by the perfect shot sometime today....

PW6A0720 by Helen Cannon, on Flickr
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Same here except it's already been combined and is waiting to be baled.
Weather here is hot and ideal for baling but the baler man hasn't shown yet.
I may have to resort to my other idea if it's not baled soon.

Anyway, plenty of dust there Helen.
This was what I had in mind when the theme was announced, but it always seems to happen when I’m at work! Really like your shot.
Nice rural image, and an idea I had as well (although work got in the way of that). Works for the theme
Yep that does the job nicely!
I was thinking along the same lines initially, as I saw a big tractor turn into a farm yard kicking up a load of dust, but unfortunately I was in the car. It's rained for a couple of days now and all the dust has gone for the moment.
Good shot that ticks the box perfectly!