Idea - Film Photo Showcase Thread

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I think that sometimes there will just be 'slow weeks'... It's just the nature of things
Just been looking at the pick of the week thread, and it really is a great advert for film. High quality work and a great variety of styles and themes too.

As there are not as many of us using film as digital, we can see already that several members have had their work featured more than once. I know it's not meant to be a competition, but was wondering if there was some way to recognise the person who has the most photos featured in the pick of the week over the year, as they really will have shared a lot of work of a consistently high standard to do so? Maybe a title like 'Film pick of the week winner 2013' or something?

Any thoughts?
I might keep score for next year, but bear in mind the first few posts in there weren't nominated by the membership - just me picking people out of a couple of threads....
I might keep score for next year, but bear in mind the first few posts in there weren't nominated by the membership - just me picking people out of a couple of threads....

well you evidently have good taste as they are great choices.
Update - this weeks additions now added

congratulations to @zoomspot and @osh

(thanks to everyone who took the time to nominate, and to those that didn't... well - what are you waiting for ? - nominations for this weeks entries (images posted between 00:00:01 18/11/2013 and 23:59:59 24/11/2013 are eligeable...)

Sorry for the late reply but thank you very much for the nomination.

I wasn't aware of it until today.

Thank you all again for the nice comments.

Lets just hope that @zoomspot isn't doing the typical wedding photography business SEO job of posting a photograph with lots of links pimping their business and then buggering off and never returning to thank the visitors, reply to critique or otherwise participate in the community aspect of the forum. :naughty:

Still - at least our resident greenie can always have a reshuffle, and there's a perfectly wonderful alternative already posted in there from @osh :)

Quite the opposite; I've just haven't been on the forum for a while.

Thanks again for the nomination.

This weeks shots are up folks, thanks to everyone who took the time to nominate something this week :)

ETA : link to this weeks Shots here
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sorry I was a little late this week - having a few computer problems chez Yin at the moment.
Top work there chaps, 3 stunning shots and worthy winners all.
Congrats guys.

Mark could I make a lazy bugger request? Could you put a link to the showcase thread in your op? :)
Top work by all three, always a pleasure to see good shots acknowledged (y)

Mark could I make a lazy bugger request? Could you put a link to the showcase thread in your op? :)
..and as I'm equally lazy ^^^WHS^^
well seeing as you lazy buggers asked first..... add me to the WHS too:LOL:
Thanks folks, chuffed that one of mine was picked, thanks to those who nominated it
This weeks Shot now added here.

thanks to everyone who took the time to nominate something - it's a busy time of year for all of us, so taking that time out to nominate someone is really appreciated (y)
Congrats Osh one of the champions of T&C to promote film use.
I'm sorry I really meant to nominate this week (and osh's pic, IIRC!). It's a bit tricky, as we're only supposed to make one nomination, so naturally want to leave it late... and then the weekend takes over!

I did wonder, Mark, if there's an easy way to take "likes" into account?
I did wonder, Mark, if there's an easy way to take "likes" into account?

well,it would sort of mean that I'd have to go through every thread where a film shot had been posted and count the ticks... so, no, not really. That's the whole idea of the nominations - because I may not see everything thats posted... as I've said before, I've not a scrap of interest in portraits or street shots for example, so there's no way i'd bother opening the threads in the crit. section...
Superb shot and respect to @osh, I forgot to vote but it would have been for this image, note to self to be more organised!
Yes, when I started to try to spec the bit of automation I was thinking of (count the Likes in these forums or threads in this time frame, preferably discarding those with no images in the post...), I began to realise it was not just a "SMOP". Must try to do better.
as I've said, it's a busy time of year, we all have lives outside of this place, and it's only to be expected that we will get a bit of a slowdown now and then... last week I spent nearly all week either fixing my computer or without a machine at all while waiting for parts, so I didn't get to even look around the place - and I'm on the staff, so I'm SUPPOSED to hang out here :LOL:
This weeks results are in... and as you may guess, it's another staff pick of the week that gets the showcased. Again, congratulations to @Nguss... You were also on the nominations for the shot of St Mary's Lighthouse, so all told you had a pretty good week :)
and the final entry for the 2013 showcase thread has been added - sorry it was late (yet again)

Oh - and I've "tweaked" things a little - the 2014 version nominations now run Wednesday to Tuesdays, so as to not clash with the staff POTW thread, and also so that hopefully I'll be able to get things posted before the weekend :)
Two very nice shots this week, congratulations to both!

Mark, will there be a separate 2014 pictures thread, or simply continue the current one?
I'll start a separate 2014 version I think, but with a link to the prior one in the initial post. That way I can just "sticky" the current year thread, but not lose the 2013 by it dropping off the page
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