Is it the 12 inches in front of, or behind the camera - challenge idea

can you get a disposable camera that shoots XP2 ? - that way you could get B&W done at any colour processing place

Not that I know of, Ilford's B&W cameras contain HP5+ and Rollei's ones contain various types of traditional B&W/
can you get a disposable camera that shoots XP2 ? - that way you could get B&W done at any colour processing place

I don't think so. Ilford used to do one with HP5+ in it, which would have been perfect but they don't seem to do that any more. The only one I have found in stock (at least according to their website!) was the rollei branded one at silverprint.
I'd happily give this ago :) sounds like a fun challange
Love this idea, please count me in.
Whoops! Double post.
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ROFL! And count me in. Hope it's decent weather that week for more reasons than just that challenge. ;)
I could make a very impropper remark - but i think i'll keep it to myself ;)

Carefull, BSM! I mjust happen to know that she will be in East Devon soon, just looking for things to shoot!

What you need is A FRIEND!

Surely that would mean the friend was participating rather than the member? How about a Heath Robinson contraption to control the button? Or a pair of specs to widen the FoV of the camera's lens?
Well, ASDA do disposables with processing & putting on a disc (1hr available)for £7, Kodak color with flash (thats turn-offable) ISO400....gonna have a little try out today as never used one before.....

It does appear to have a hair macro button either:thinking: Not having a preview screen is really weird :eek:

1st can you tell when they are focused :nuts:

OMG...what have I let myself in for .............
blondie606 said:
Well, ASDA do disposables with processing & putting on a disc (1hr available)for £7, Kodak color with flash (thats turn-offable) ISO400....gonna have a little try out today as never used one before.....

It does appear to have a hair macro button either:thinking: Not having a preview screen is really weird :eek:

1st can you tell when they are focused :nuts:

OMG...what have I let myself in for .............

Most will have a one metre focus. Anything further than one metre should be in focus. The flash on them is usually good for up to three metres. it too late to back pedal....:LOL:

very strange not having buttons to twiddle with or a preview screen...& my fringe kept getting in the way :bonk:

Cheers for the info norters...guess that means my close up shots won't have worked then :bang:

Can't wait to get this one developed to see just how bad a mess I made of it...tis quite addicitve though (y) it too late to back pedal....:LOL:

very strange not having buttons to twiddle with or a preview screen...& my fringe kept getting in the way :bonk:

Cheers for the info norters...guess that means my close up shots won't have worked then :bang:

Can't wait to get this one developed to see just how bad a mess I made of it...tis quite addicitve though (y)

show of hands to watch lynne back pedal on this one :naughty:

i was dubious when i said i would do it... the cameras are light, smaller and plastic.... THIS..takes photo?? :bonk:
Carefull, BSM! I mjust happen to know that she will be in East Devon soon, just looking for things to shoot!

I could make an even more impropper suggestion about that - but as I understand she's bringing Geza i'll keep that to myself as well

joking aside if they/you want to do anything arround the Trust sites in east devon (which I manage) feel free to drop me a pm (for example we've got some primo landscape, a working watermill, a 14th century manor house, a 16th century chapel etc)

I promise to be on my best behaviour and not to flirt with Yv - she's too short for me anyway :LOL:
big soft moose said:
I could make an even more impropper suggestion about that - but as I understand she's bringing Geza i'll keep that to myself as well

joking aside if they/you want to do anything arround the Trust sites in east devon (which I manage) feel free to drop me a pm (for example we've got some primo landscape, a working watermill, a 14th century manor house, a 16th century chapel etc)

I promise to be on my best behaviour and not to flirt with Yv - she's too short for me anyway :LOL:

That would be enough to keep anyone away from Devon ;)
yeah I can see how my promising not to flirt might keep ladies away... perhaps i should alter that to say 'promise not to flirt in front of the men folk' :LOL:

also , and I know this will break a lot of hearts, I'm taken, (the ruling from swimbo is a I can look and i can flirt harmlessly but I can't touch if I like having my testicles where they belong )
More like the thought of you flirting would keep us away lol

I don't think your wife has anything to worry about ;)
More like the thought of you flirting would keep us away lol

I don't think your wife has anything to worry about ;)

jealousy is an ugly thing ..
Lol. You don't give up do you
You are wasting your time there, she's "my bird" ;)

does this mean you want to blindfold her and lock her in your van ? :cautious:
:LOL: It's true I am afraid, Chris has first dibs when Yves is not around :naughty:
Told you so Pete (y)

Yvonne, If J's not looking :hug2:
Pete, we are making our plans atm, already got a lot to see/do but we might just fit something in together with a coffee/beer :)

if you fancy popping down to branscombe, we've got a licenced tea room - we've also get a brewery ;) let me know when you're coming down and we'll see if we can work something out
What "We" get up to is none of your business :p

I dunno - first matt and his cow , and now yv - the pink member certainly gets arround :LOL:
Any one know if these contraptions count up to 27 or down from 27? Seen a couple in a charity shop for a pound but they were around 25 on the counter. Does that mean I've got another 24 shots or just 2?

Well purchased the two in the shop, now to think of the shot and have 25 goes at getting it. Then worry how much trouble I'm going to get in for whats on the rest of the camera...
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Vague gesture of intent from over here :wave:

Arthur - who needs to get out more.
can you add me to the bottom of the list please and will be nipping into asda tomorrow for the comera
if you fancy popping down to branscombe, we've got a licenced tea room - we've also get a brewery ;) let me know when you're coming down and we'll see if we can work something out

Hoping that tea room is open tomorrow, as we may well take a trip down to the beach. Looking forward to Yv's visit and meeting you, Pete. After looking at the walking salami at the top of the road!!!:LOL: