weekly Its My 52 - (2012) ---> Week 23, 24 & 25

Sorry Dade, I hadn't realised you were doing a 52 this year again...

These are all good and powerful images, where the simplicity works well. If I was forced to pick one, I'd have to say Shape as my fave.
Week 21 - Snack
Nice one, love it!
Very clever, though I have to say I hate everything about M & M's sinse visiting their ridiculous store in London; everything that's bad about Americanism!

But, that doesn't affect you shot, which is really good. I love the background too :)
After almost quitting this project, I decided to give it one last go to see if I could complete it. I am really struggling this year :/

Week 23 - Clean

Week 24 - Sour

Week 25 - Animal
Hi dade, I'm glad you havent given up you have some great shots there which you have to show off!! They are all well lit and have good exposure!:) Looking back at all your shots you show great creativity as well!!:):)
Thanks for the encouragement Sarah and your kind words - but this year is proving much harder for some reason, perhaps its personal growth, mood of just not inspired. But I am trying to stick at it and I am pleased when the images work :)
Thanks for the encouragement Sarah and your kind words - but this year is proving much harder for some reason, perhaps its personal growth, mood of just not inspired. But I am trying to stick at it and I am pleased when the images work :)

It can be difficult when thigs don't work out as we planned but especially when they can take a long time to set up! I've had some bad weeks with some of the themes and you have bad it doubly hard for yourself only doing food!:)

Keep at it - just think how good it will feel when you complete the year!:)
Hi Dade

not been in here for a while but still very impressed with your images .All are really good but Wk's 16 Glass , 19 Hate , 23 Clean & 24 Sour all stand out. Particularly #23 clean...fantastic lighting ...keep going mister , you produce wonderful quality images :clap: