Jessops re-opening

Sony prices are way over the odds. £700+ for an A65 which is £549 everywhere else. I think the Nikon D3200 or some entry level thing was the only camera I saw that was cheaper than elsewhere.

It's doomed. If they can't offer competitive prices to amazon which is where *everyone* looks they've had it.

Their only customer is again the one that doesn't look online and wants it now (assuming they have stock in store) They are a diminishing number.
I really hope that they get thier prices more in line with web prices!:thinking:

Personally I like nothing more than entering a bricks and mortar store,talking to people,trying out the actual product and walking away with what I want,especially when it comes to larger value purchases!(y)

And I don't mind paying a small price premium for that privelage but I won't be ripped off!(y)
I really hope that they get thier prices more in line with web prices!:thinking:

Personally I like nothing more than entering a bricks and mortar store,talking to people,trying out the actual product and walking away with what I want,especially when it comes to larger value purchases!(y)

And I don't mind paying a small price premium for that privelage but I won't be ripped off!(y)

Try Calumet there prices are very competitive at the moment against other U.K suppliers.
They are going to have to try harder, maybe in time they will after they've restored confidence with their suppliers. Camera World in Central London and Chelmsford have better prices and good, helpful staff. They have a very good deal on white box Canon 24-105s at the moment.
Just spent 15 minutes outside Jessops in Manchester, (went inside for 2) plenty of punters going in, 99% coming out with nothing but a dissapointed look on their faces. Nowts changed then!
I'm in South Devon & nearest to me is 150 miles away :(. For all their faults I still used to enjoy popping into a Jessops shop as I always found the staff I talked to very good.
well, Sony A77 with 16-50mm Lens @ £1119.99. Cheapest around I believe.
I'm interested to find out , has anybody bought anything ?
I'm interested to find out , has anybody bought anything ?

Well I wanted a cheap camera bag, for a compact, on a collect from store basis, but found the nearest store to me is 161 miles so that was the end of my 'near purchase' :shrug:
most things I've checked against Camera Price Buster are competitive, never the best but usually up there.

There are of course notable exceptions...
most things I've checked against Camera Price Buster are competitive, never the best but usually up there.

There are of course notable exceptions...

Like almost every accessory type item they stock?

Just like Jessops of old :wacky:.
web site is identical to the old one and the prices are not brilliant to be honest

Les :shrug: