weekly JohnN's 52 project for 2013 - Week 39 - Sweet

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Well I tried the 366 last year and work commitments killed it for me as I missed a day :(

Lets see how the 52 project pans out - I have to say though looking at the 52's they're not just snapshots like so many of my 366's were so although more time theres a much higher standard!

Week 1 : Sin
Week 2 : Season
Week 3 : Gravity
Week 4 : Wild
Week 5 : Space
Week 6 : Work
Week 7 : Gluttony
Week 8 : Time
Week 9 : Juxtaposition
Week 10 : Letter
Week 11 : Electric
Week 12 : Direction
Week 13 : Tacky
Week 14 : Value
Week 15 : Greed
Week 16 : Angle
Week 17 : Rustic
Week 18 : Kind
Week 19 : Vertical (or reshoot)
Week 20 : Pattern
Week 21 : Movement
Week 22 : Below
Week 23 : Size
Week 24 : Process
Week 25 : Rock
Week 26 : Pair
Week 27 : Reshoot and Shape
Week 28 : Plenty
Week 29 : Speed
Week 30 : Step(s)
Week 31 : Mono
Week 32 : Connection
Week 33 : Beginning
Week 34 : Still
Week 35 : Whimsical
Week 36 : Curve
Week 37 : Power
Week 38 : Solitude
Week 39 : Sweet
Week 40 : Reshoot and Cut
Week 41 : Live
Week 42 : Reflection
Week 43 : Melt
Week 44 :
Week 45 :
Week 46 :
Week 47 :
Week 48 :
Week 49 :
Week 50 :
Week 51 :
Week 52 :
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Week 1 - Sin.

Rather than going for a sin directly I opted to take the word and try my hand at a Frank Miller style shot - not easy for me as its been a while since I've done any post processing outside of lightroom.

I have to say I'm not 100% happy with it but having toiled for a couple of hours its sort of where I want it, I had considered another style - the more movie poster look rather than the comic book but I lacked the third light to do the "hair" (I know I have none!!) rim light.

Anyway enough waffle heres the result.

Edit: I took pstewy's suggestion and redid the rain round the nose - the previous version had a dirty great streak down it :)

Sin City - 52 Week 1 (v2) by magsnorton, on Flickr
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Maybe you're not 100% happy, but it looks great to me. The rain looks like daggers which works well in the context of the image.

That said - I think the rain is a little dominant/overpowering in the shot and distracts from the fine detail you've got going on in the face & parts of the jacket.

It's minor stuff though because there's no way I could achieve anything like this. Loads of impact and straight out of a movie poster. Very well done!

I like it, better post than I can do, only nit pick is the white streak downing down the side of his/yours nose, draws me straight to it, looking forward to seeing what else you produce.
Thanks guys, I see what you mean - I just had a crack at redoing the rain but it lost some impact, I may try again later though, in the meantime I've removed that bit from near the nose - no idea how I didn't see that and I totally agree.
The bars just the exif data and I must confess to mocking the idea... Shame on me :)

These threads can be hard to find, I got yours from the spreadsheet
Love this, showed it to a movie buff friend of mine and he loved it too. Was there any rain in the orginal or was it added pp?

Smashing start!
excellent wouldn't know where to start with doing anything like that
Thank you :D

The rain was added using fiber from photoshop.

This was the original image:

Original for the Sin City shot by magsnorton, on Flickr

I was actually pretty easy - I found a guide to help out and just had to modify to my image a bit, once I had the idea of sin city and a knife it was just a case of finding something to fit, luckily something was out there waiting.
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I wondered about doing something along these lines and I have lots of Las Vegas photos from last year too....anyhow, very good job in my opinion. I have no idea how you would even start to try and get that effect. Interesting to see the original photo too.
It's both worrying and good that you're not happy :D

It's a cracker. Sin City...top film and you've really captured the film. I would have that on my wall. I don't say that often....

Great start :clap:
excellent take on the theme.. looks like a movie poster.. love the flash of red on the knife
Wonderful feedback guys, hey if I keep this up I may actually finish it :D
Haven't seen anything like that before. Very well done. I don't know how you went about it but great impact John, i'd like to know more on how it was done.
No probs at all, I actually followed a guide as my PhotoShop skills are rusty to say the least.

If you take a look under one the photos above I added a link, have a go its pretty easy
Hi John & a belated welcome from me :wave:

No crit from me...I would have a clue where to being to create that sort of image...LOVE it...very Sin City posterish :clap:

look foward to seeing more from you mister (y)
Oh, you are all so going to be disappointed :D

Thanks though - this year if I do it right could be when I get back into post processing, usually I do so very little, no more than 10 mins or so.
Heres week 2 - Season.

As with most the first things that came to mind were winter, snow, food seasoning, then to my mind came TV seasons - and the most iconic season image I'd seen in a while, which was one from Dexter, this is my take on it featuring my "angelic" son Ethan :)

Ethan - The Sixth Season by magsnorton, on Flickr

As you can imaging this is a pretty damn heavy photoshop composite, the wings are hand drawn using blood splash brushes layered and transformed over and over until a wing was formed.

The banner again hand drawn using the pen tool then I applied a FX bevel, overlayed the text, cut bits off it to set the writing correctly, added a few more blood splashes and there it was.

Again I'm not 100% happy and I'm not sure I got the blood colour right, but given that I took the image on the 13th and am up way too late (considering I have work in the morning) theres only so much I can do and still spend a bit of time with the family!

Anyway thats me off to bed once I've done the paper work on this.

Night all :D
First one is very cool, love it.

The second, while the concept is good, doesn't come together for me. I think the photo of your son needs some changes: the lighting needs to be less harsh; deeper dof so that he is completely in focus; eye contact. Just my opinion.

Dexter is a quality Tv show too(y)
Lol, you try keeping him still ;)

I do agree though, it was an early shot while he was relatively co-operative and I blew the focus, to say I was gutted was and understatement, I also wish he'd let me brush his hair too as it was a nightmare to work with.

The lack of eye contact was a conscious decision to match the original, not quite right but as close as I could get him
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Great job John - appreciate the amount of work that goes into something like this. Sure if you still have the layers intact - you can swap out a new image of your son a a later stage and it would be a 10 minute job to add him in. The hard work is done, and done well - had to google images for the shot that inspired you - and it's a great errrrm not copy, errm parody(?), tribute(?), can;t think of the word but you know what I mean! :LOL:
Cheers guys and you're right substituting the image shouldn't be too much of a hardship - although as I'm not that great at lighting yet the dark shadow over his trousers and chest were painted on so I'd have to redo that layer too, but yeah certainly possible.

I'm not sure what to call it either, I certainly hope its a parody, nice as Dexter seems on the surface I might think my parenting skills a little lacking if he turns out a sociopath :D
'Ello, like the idea and its well composed. Few blown highlights and shadows are a tad harsh; I'd like to see the blood much blood redier :D

'Ello, like the idea and its well composed. Few blown highlights and shadows are a tad harsh; I'd like to see the blood much blood redier :D


So would I - I learnt alot during the making of this one, mostly that I need to figure out photoshop again! :bonk:
Hi John,
A belated look at your 52 for me, apologies.
Great start to the year, your pp skills are to be aspired to (y)

Sin, bang on theme, great concept.

Season, the theme doesn't immediately spring to mind but that makes me look a little longer to work it out (which is a good thing ;))
The lighting on your little 'un has been mentioned but apart from that (y) again great pp skills. Iain
Thanks again - hopefully I'll get another post processing play this week too - in fact thats my goal this year, so I may not exactly stick to the obvious and may veer off into the most tenuous of links, but hey thats part of the fun :D
Well, I wasn't sure about this shot at all for a while, in fact the background changed totally when I realised I didn't have a picture of the sink hole at Lady Bower that I thought I did - anyway Mr's N came to the rescue and suggested an alt and here we have it.

The shot was inspired by Jenny Le's The Controller and I follow the guide here - I have learnt so much about photoshop from this guide its unreal!

The work started with a studio shot of myself (I really need willing victims as you guys are going to get sick of my mug soon!) up some small step - the shot lit this time by my Interfit 3 head with lights to the (just) front left and right and the final light pointing down to a reflector.

When I was eventually happy with the photo I dug up an old image I had of the hotel at Thorsbury hall (heres on in the eye for someone I know whos says - "why do you keep all the old shots?!?!") and started on the post production - I won't go into the details as Jenny Le does it much better than I.

Anyway enough waffle and on with the pic.

Week 3 - Gravity by magsnorton, on Flickr