Critique required Kell's 52 in 22 - week 52. Showcase

Great set Kell and really good commentary. My first thought upon seeing the fountains was "these would make great subjects for the 'in the round' Pep Ventosa technique...just sayin'...

I really like both your chosen shot and the shot of the fountain with the sun behind, great captures both.
Nice shotr chosen but No3 is better for mw :)
I would really struggle to pick between the last two, both are excellent and you have captured the water really well.
Tough choice between 3 & 4. If the water in #3 was a bit sharper, I'd go for that but since it's sharper in #4, it's that that gets my vote.
Great set Kell and really good commentary. My first thought upon seeing the fountains was "these would make great subjects for the 'in the round' Pep Ventosa technique...just sayin'...

I really like both your chosen shot and the shot of the fountain with the sun behind, great captures both.

I'm not sure what that is, but thanks.
Ooohh, that's a close one. I do like your chosen shot, but no.3 with the sun over the fountain may just be nicking it for me, mainly for the way the light is making the droplets seem coloured.
Post: The mono image would be my choice... no surprise there then ;)
Water: Definitely your chosen shot for me too. Really well exposed, creating a "airy" ambience.
Post: The mono image would be my choice... no surprise there then ;)
Water: Definitely your chosen shot for me too. Really well exposed, creating a "airy" ambience.

Thanks Helen - I forgot to mention that I shot some of them through my polarising sunglasses*. I think that might have been one of them.

*Sometimes it pays to have a smaller lens.

Although I have to say I didn't take as many as I would have liked as I forgot to check how much battery life there was in the camera. Just enough was the answer as I soon found out.
Week 29 Handle(s)

Dropped my daughter off at the gym and had about an hour to kill so had a wander up and down the high street in Marlow to grab some interesting handles.

TP52_2022: Week 29 - Handles 05 by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr

TP52_2022: Week 29 - Handles 04 by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr

TP52_2022: Week 29 - Handles 03 by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr

TP52_2022: Week 29 - Handles 01 by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr

TP52_2022: Week 29 - Handles 06 by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr

Thought they might make an interesting compilation, but was undecided.

Handles copy2 by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr

And as an alternative, this is a detail from a statue of Sir Steve Redgrave. I took the picture but then had to Google to see if the handle of an Oar was actually called a handle - or something unusual and unpronounceable for plebs like me.

L:ucklily it seems to be a handle and not a remus tenaci or something.

TP52_2022: Week 29 - Handles 07 by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr

I almost went with the Steve Redgrave one above as I think that not many other people will do something like it, but in the end I preferred the almost beetle shell colouring of the one below.

TP52_2022: Week 29 - Handles 02 by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr
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What a great set.
personally I like the compilation but they all fit the theme.
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A great set Kell, it's much the same idea that I was going to do (so now I'll have to think of something else).

I like your chosen one. Great contrast between the handle and the background, no reflection of the dedicated photog... :D
Some lovely compositions illustrating how interesting something as simple as a handle can be. I'm with you on your chosen shot.. great colour and texture.
Lovely set of images. I really like the group image too. I also like the colours and detail in your chosen shot. It really stands out against the background well, almost like it's backlit.
Nice image for the theme Kell, and I love how you've got the clarity knob in focus!
Nice image for the theme Kell, and I love how you've got the clarity knob in focus!
Thanks Simon - pleased you're on the same wavelength.

I tried different versions, but thought it was a nice additional touch.
Having an awkward mind, I'd have been tempted to have the Clarity button OOF and focussed on the Contrast! Certainly Dusty though.
I prefer the orientation of the 2nd image but the clarity of the clarity knob makes that one the winner.
Plenty of dust, I won't tell.

Good set Kell, I think that I lean towards #2. The coloured dots in an otherwise monochromatic image grab my eye.
Week 31 - FOOD

This week sees me walk past my neighbour's hedge and realise for the first time in 11 years that she has blackberries growing in it. Free FOOD. Not quite sure they're ripe enough just yet, but managed to catch them just as the sun was going down for some decent light. This is one of those times that going in, grabbing my camera and going straight back out again paid off as I only took a few then the sun went down behind the houses and it all became very flat.


what I hadn't realised was that the other day my little camera was having some focusing issues so I reset ALL the settings and it defaulted back to JPEG mode rather than RAW, so couldn't do much in post to tweak them,

TP522022: WK31 - Food 05 by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr

TP522022: WK31 - Food 04 by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr

TP522022: WK31 - Food 02 by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr

While I liked the other shots, I preferred this one where I got my focus point and recomposed to bring some out-of-focus elements into the foreground. Slightly harder to do in one go with this camera as it has quite a large focusing square, so it tends to try and focus on whatever's nearest the camera.

TP522022: WK31 - Food 03 by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr

Thanks for looking
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I like your chose shot Kell. I've been trying to do something similar with out of focus elements in the foreground but haven't had a ton of intentional success (lots of unintentional success though...). What is the out of focus subject?
Playing comment catch-up.

Snappers Choice - Personally I like the wing movement in 3 but 5 tells more of a story.

One half - I like the detail in the monochrome coin, although the concert stage image is impressive for a phone shot.

Post - My personal choice would be the monochrome one but all the images remain contenders.

Water - Your chosen one is my favourite too capturing just the right amount of water and movement.

Handles - An eclectic mix, each with their own merits, I do like the hexagonal shaped one with its interesting reflections.

Dusty - I'm sure I've got lots of hardware that I has at least that level of dust from lack of use. I like the compositions you have chosen.

Food - I like number 4 the best for the evenness of the lighting with a high level of foreground detail that drops as you move to the top.
OOF foireground distracts for me. My choice would be No2. And a slice of toast with some of the jam from them on :D
I really like the chosen dusty picture as the clarity word being in focus compared to the rest of the picture is a nice touch. The raspberry pictures are great and I like the depth of field you captured, the foreground in the chosen picture puts me off but then that could be me. Nice work though!
Dusty... looks like a lot of my "stuff". Works well in mono and I like the focus point and some great detail in the dust!
Food - you've captured some nice light and colour. They look almost autumnal!
All nice shots, but I prefer the second one. We’ve got BB's growing over our fence too, and have already raised them for BB and apple crumble!
All 3 are interesting and different ideas for the themes.
Your Cuba trip looks to have been one of life's memorable experiences.
Small car is a good spot.
Great images Kell, Cuba is on my bucket list and we are hoping to go there this November (barring any renewed lockdown restrictions).

Did you only stay in Havana? Or did you go to Varadero as well?
Some great shots from Cuba.. its hard to choose. I love the derelict building and the back story.
Your shot for small is really well-spotted.