LADY SUE'S 52- Part 2- Together ( a funny one) page 10


This girl, at Kings College Cambridge had a very distant look. In fact she seemed totally oblivious to everyone around her as she stared into the distance.
I know the picture isnt perfect( I didnt want to hang around and just fired off a couple of shots) but I thought she was a very interesting subject to post on here.

Comments and criticism appreciated
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She certainly looks lost in thought so fits the theme. Shame you had hurry your shot but I guess if you had lingered and distracted your subject she would probably lost the distant look.
a penny for them i think, nice idea and fits the theme well, I just took a look at you flickr to see what exif data the picture had and saw the image "home sick", this one is a belter Sue and i think it fits well as she is distant looking, the sharpness is better too.
She's definitely looking forlorn and distant. Shame you didn't get a chance to capture something a little sharper.
She certainly looks lost in thought so fits the theme. Shame you had hurry your shot but I guess if you had lingered and distracted your subject she would probably lost the distant look.

Thanks. As you say I didnt want to distract her. She was so interesting.

a penny for them i think, nice idea and fits the theme well, I just took a look at you flickr to see what exif data the picture had and saw the image "home sick", this one is a belter Sue and i think it fits well as she is distant looking, the sharpness is better too.

Thanks Chris. I took a lot of candids that day at Cambridge.

She's definitely looking forlorn and distant. Shame you didn't get a chance to capture something a little sharper.

Thanks Darren. I got lots of others I could have used but not of her

Hi Sue, that's a really distant look. It is just a pity about the sharpness.


Thanks Jenny.

As everyone is commenting on the sharpness I will post the one Chris saw on my Flickr ( lots of street photos there).
The first one works Sue, but as it's a grab, I'm afraid the blown highlights and the not quite in focus spoil it a bit... The second on the other hand is spot on (y) Wouldn't go amiss for last weeks theme either...
Two really strong compositions. Obviously the first has some technical issues as John points out, but interesting nonetheless. I wonder if the second would also work as a monochrome.

The first one works Sue, but as it's a grab, I'm afraid the blown highlights and the not quite in focus spoil it a bit... The second on the other hand is spot on (y) Wouldn't go amiss for last weeks theme either...

Thanks John. I shouldnt have posted it as I knew it had technical problems . She was just such an amazing subject.

Two really strong compositions. Obviously the first has some technical issues as John points out, but interesting nonetheless. I wonder if the second would also work as a monochrome.


Thanks Phil. I did try the second as a monochrome but she has such pretty delicately coloured skin and hair that I preferred the colour version.
Your second image gets my vote Sue, the young women looks deep in thought and certainly is distant. She looks quite worried too, I wonder what she is thinking? You definately have the bug for street photography do you not? Iain
I like the idea of the first one but the technical issues spoil it for me.

The second one is a cracker though. Bang on theme, nicely composed. Love it (y)

I think you are allowed to get away with some technical deficiencies in candid street shots. The first one is an amazing pose and expression. If you gave it a mono sepia treatment it would look like someone from a hundred years ago....except for the designer glasses!

The second one is a beauty in every respect - well done!
Your second image gets my vote Sue, the young women looks deep in thought and certainly is distant. She looks quite worried too, I wonder what she is thinking? You definately have the bug for street photography do you not? Iain

Thanks Iain. Yes I have caught the street photography bug bad.I really enjoy it.

I like the idea of the first one but the technical issues spoil it for me.

The second one is a cracker though. Bang on theme, nicely composed. Love it (y)


Thanks Andy. She looks sad to me. As it is the beginning of term at Uni and she looks quite young I imagined she may be homesick. On the other hand she may have been listening to a sad song on her iPod.

I think you are allowed to get away with some technical deficiencies in candid street shots. The first one is an amazing pose and expression. If you gave it a mono sepia treatment it would look like someone from a hundred years ago....except for the designer glasses!

The second one is a beauty in every respect - well done!

Thanks. I could mess around with the first one and try sepia. If people thought it was an old photo they wouldnt expect it to be sharp.:)

I have been out to Cambridge again getting street photos. I think this young lady looks like she is speaking or whispering in the young man's ear, telling him a secret. Comments and critique welcome.

You've caught the moment and pose nicely Sue. It's a small shame that you've cropped the feet and the bag out. It's nice to see you have a wealth of victims subjects to shoot :)
You've caught the moment and pose nicely Sue. It's a small shame that you've cropped the feet and the bag out. It's nice to see you have a wealth of victims subjects to shoot :)

Thanks Darren. I didnt get the feet in the shot and there was another lady close to the couple. To get the whole of the bag in I would have got a bit of her and she would have been difficult to clone out. I got several photos of this couple but this one looked most like telling a secret.There are loads of people to shoot in Cambridge
It works for me nicely Sue, she does look like she's whispering a secret. I agree with Darren's comments, but I understand on the bag...
You are getting to be quite the street photographer aren't you Sue ;)
Another good capture on secret, I admire your confidence in getting out there in the busy streets. Well done, and I fancy you will be on the streets again with this weeks theme too? Iain
It works for me nicely Sue, she does look like she's whispering a secret. I agree with Darren's comments, but I understand on the bag...

Thanks John. I had other pictures of that couple but they didnt say secret like this one0 they did have feet though:)

You are getting to be quite the street photographer aren't you Sue ;)
Another good capture on secret, I admire your confidence in getting out there in the busy streets. Well done, and I fancy you will be on the streets again with this weeks theme too? Iain

Thanks Iain. Yes I have been out street togging again. I am not sure where I'll go for urban this week. As you know its all rural around here.Maybe a quick trip to Colchester.

Nice one, Sue (y) Just a pity about the feet. It is a good take on the theme. You are certainly getting a lot of practise at people shots. I would not dare.


Thanks Jenny. I am getting more confident with people. I am even sometimes asking them to pose.
A great pose that fits the theme beautifully :clap:. With street photography it is not always possible to get the ideal framing so I'm not too bothered by their cropped feet.

However I would prefer to see a wider aperture used to blur the bg a bit. I see you have used f.9 - was this to allow for focusing errors?
You're going to get a reputation on the streets Sue, you are definitely building up confidence and this weeks theme should suit you too.

it does fit the theme in a way but the back drop on the left is a little distracting. not too much you can do now but at the time a step to the left may have resolved this. Difficult to think of all these things while out and especially street togging but its something to think about.
Nice candid. I'd crop above the ankles given you've not caught the whole feet. I agree that f/9 gives too much dof for this one - it would have been better to use a shallower dof to isolate the subjects.

A great pose that fits the theme beautifully :clap:. With street photography it is not always possible to get the ideal framing so I'm not too bothered by their cropped feet.

However I would prefer to see a wider aperture used to blur the bg a bit. I see you have used f.9 - was this to allow for focusing errors?

Thanks for the comments. I use the smaller aperture to give me more flexibility. There isnt usually any time to arrange a shot and make sure the subject is nicely focused. I suppose you have about 2 or 3 seconds at the best especially in crowds like Cambridge as people walk into your shot very quickly. I have tried using a wider aperture but I got too many really soft pictures that I couldnt use.

You're going to get a reputation on the streets Sue, you are definitely building up confidence and this weeks theme should suit you too.

it does fit the theme in a way but the back drop on the left is a little distracting. not too much you can do now but at the time a step to the left may have resolved this. Difficult to think of all these things while out and especially street togging but its something to think about.

Thank you Chris. I dont actually mind the bikes and railings with posters on them as they are part of the Cambridge scene. I could desaturate and blur the background as I have on some of my other street shots.

Nice candid. I'd crop above the ankles given you've not caught the whole feet. I agree that f/9 gives too much dof for this one - it would have been better to use a shallower dof to isolate the subjects.


Thanks Phil. I didnt want to crop the feet right out as they both had interesting trainers on. It would be good to get a shallower depth of field ( it would save me having to pp the backgrounds) but I prefer to give myself some leeway with focusing as I have to get candids very quickly especially in busy places.I can only do this when it is reasonably sunny as I also need to keep my shutter speed up to catch people on bikes.

Its all a bit of trial and error for me and I am just learning street photography so I am grateful for the comments on my pics.
I think you are really finding your comfort zone Sue. It's not one where many others feel comfortable but it works well for you.

The background doesn't really bother me because as you say it is part of Cambridge. Well taken and bang on theme.

I admire your bravery Sue - I couldn't do this. I think ,as has been said, that the DOF is just a little too deep and that the background is a little intrusive.
Hi Sue - I've been looking through your thread - some really nice images. I had a go at getting my camera out in public too - but I still need more practice! Your urban image of York has a real pre-christmassy feel to it - tempting light from the shop windows yet wet and grey! and people in a hurry.

I like the shot - it is an interesting looking street and the faces look good lit by the shop windows' illuminations. It probably wants running through noise ninja to clean it up a bit & the sky in the middle would benefit from some detail - could photoshop a cloud in?

I think you are really finding your comfort zone Sue. It's not one where many others feel comfortable but it works well for you.

The background doesn't really bother me because as you say it is part of Cambridge. Well taken and bang on theme.


Thanks Andy. I do enjoy photographing people. I have been asking more for permission, rather than taking candids and most say yes.

I admire your bravery Sue - I couldn't do this. I think ,as has been said, that the DOF is just a little too deep and that the background is a little intrusive.

Thanks for the comments. People are generally nice, especially if you ask permission to take their pictures.
Hi Sue - I've been looking through your thread - some really nice images. I had a go at getting my camera out in public too - but I still need more practice! Your urban image of York has a real pre-christmassy feel to it - tempting light from the shop windows yet wet and grey! and people in a hurry.


Thank you Gai. There was a definite Christmassy feel about the shops and I even bought some decorations.

I like the shot - it is an interesting looking street and the faces look good lit by the shop windows' illuminations. It probably wants running through noise ninja to clean it up a bit & the sky in the middle would benefit from some detail - could photoshop a cloud in?


Thanks Phil. I dont know about the noise Ninja. Sounds a good thing. I might find a cloud for the picture later. I have got a load of images to process from this weeks holiday.
Noise ninja is quite an effective noise reduction tool. I don't use it often, but I've found it useful on high ISO bird shots.

I love your urban shot Sue.
You always seem to do these so well. The evening light, glow from the shop windows and wet, shiny streets give it bags of atmosphere.
I agree with Phil on needing a touch of noise reduction and some work on the sky though. Could you maybe crop a bit from the top to minimise the amount of sky in the shot?

The contrast between the 2 trains works well in this week's. Nice to see a bit of blue sky poking through and some nice details like the driver leaning out of the train.
I feel like this one could do with a bit of a sharpen, particularly in the foreground, and maybe a touch more contrast.
Noise ninja is quite an effective noise reduction tool. I don't use it often, but I've found it useful on high ISO bird shots.


Thanks Phil. I'll have a look for it.

I love your urban shot Sue.
You always seem to do these so well. The evening light, glow from the shop windows and wet, shiny streets give it bags of atmosphere.
I agree with Phil on needing a touch of noise reduction and some work on the sky though. Could you maybe crop a bit from the top to minimise the amount of sky in the shot?

Thanks Sarah. I dont really want to crop the top as I like the windows and buildings in that top bit. I may be able to use some sky from another pic. I'll have a go later

The contrast between the 2 trains works well in this week's. Nice to see a bit of blue sky poking through and some nice details like the driver leaning out of the train.
I feel like this one could do with a bit of a sharpen, particularly in the foreground, and maybe a touch more contrast.

Thanks.I do appreciate your comments. I did run a high pass filter over the shot but maybe I could do a bit more, just in the foreground. I upped the contrast on everything except the people, where I lowered the contrast to stop them distracting from the trains.