B&W Let's see your Black and White photos


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Love that Todders! The general composition and framing of the central horses and light source between the trees is fantastic. A lovely image. Well done.
Me too Chris. Maybe a wee contrast boost to bring out the detail in the wall?
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Great strong portraits Iain.
The woman in the first has great teeth, her dentist would be proud. :)
That last one's a corker Iain,

Been a while since I've been out with a camera, and most of the photos have been IR...

St Wilfrids, Davenham
by Ian, on Flickr
Really like that Ian, love the way IR gives a "not of this world" or dreamlike effect.
I really like the shrooms, Frank. No doubt it's your intention, but the shadow on the background immediately suggests a studio shot to me, which raises odd questions in my mind. I also wondered about the negative space (or whatever) to the right, given the shadows are cropped at the left.
Thank you. I can see where you are coming from but it wasn't a studio shot, at least not in the way you mean. This was outside. There was a tree branch at approx. chest height. I picked the ink caps and placed them on the branch and covered the soil pack over with moss. I had a big 4' white reflector suspended behind the branch. That was a real PIA to fix and hold given that I was in a thicket of scrubby dead and alive trees and shrubs. Lighting was OCF with a cable to the hot shoe. I just played around with angles and flash power settings. Then some work in LR and CS6; levels, cropping, vignette and not forgetting Silver Effex.

I suppose by some definitions I created a mini studio outdoors. Hope I haven't broken any rules!!!

The caps were in a damned near impossible place to find, and I must thank a dog walking compatriot of mine who went rooting about in the undergrowth to find them for me.
I suppose by some definitions I created a mini studio outdoors. Hope I haven't broken any rules!!!

Not at all, that wasn't what I meant, and I don't think there are rules at all here (in that respect at least).
Not at all, that wasn't what I meant, and I don't think there are rules at all here (in that respect at least).
Thanks, that was more a dig at camera club competition nerds who make up all sorts of rules about what is or is not allowed in a photograph.