Lisa's 365 - Now finished!!!


Got myself some flowers today :) Had more snow, 2nd day of school and it gets shut mid-day because of it, meant to get more yet :D

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Lucky :( School 30 mins from me have been closed but in my town there's only a dusting :( Hopefully tomorrow we may have a school closure though!
Nice water droplets, may try some flower water shots my self today :)
221 = Gorgeous composition and super texture, thanks for the link

Thanks :)

I really like the texture, how is it done?
You take one of his texture things and then add it as a layer on your photo or?

Yeah, find the texture you want to use ( theres soooooo many to choose from for free out there just search on flickr for a start! fab people sharing them :clap:, select it and layer via copy, drag it over and free transform to size then choose how you want it (eg normal, screen, overlay ect) sorry dont know what thats called :bonk: then choose the opacity you want it at. You can also do it with a few different ones. My one yesterday then had the bleach bypass from color efex pro on it. Thanks :)

Really loving 221...............texture and subject both great

Thanks :)

Grand Lisa, playing in the snow out the front as we speak.

Awww :)
Hi everyone. I'm new on here and I'm an aspiring teen photographer. I have a question that I hope doesn't sounds too dumb. Earlier you mentioned filters (I think) such as butterscotch vintage... how/where do you get these filters? Or do you create them? I saw someone's photo on flickr with a "butterscotch vintage" filter... so I was curious. THANKS!
I've been wondering where you have gotten too, 223 is beautiful, and great expression in 225 :)

Sorry to hear that Lisa, some lovely pics in that time though.

Hi everyone. I'm new on here and I'm an aspiring teen photographer. I have a question that I hope doesn't sounds too dumb. Earlier you mentioned filters (I think) such as butterscotch vintage... how/where do you get these filters? Or do you create them? I saw someone's photo on flickr with a "butterscotch vintage" filter... so I was curious. THANKS!

love 222 and 223

Thanks all :)

Tayminine123, i call them actions and you can find them all over the net for free, i love these ones which include the butterscotoch vintage you have seen, coffeeshop

Or you can try these nik software

Hope to get another update done in a bit.

Some absolutely lovely shots. I'm lovin' the doggy shots (excuse 'doggy' I'm thinking its a retriever???) :D

Just looked a bit further on and found this! Cracking shot. It really hits the mark. (y)
I'm really enjoying looking through your thread :)
Don't apologise for all the flowers - they look fab!


Some absolutely lovely shots. I'm lovin' the doggy shots (excuse 'doggy' I'm thinking its a retriever???) :D


Just looked a bit further on and found this! Cracking shot. It really hits the mark. (y)

Love 229! Beautiful DOF

Thanks all :) Sorry im not getting the time atm to comment on others threads, ill catch up when i can :)

norvic-boy, your right shes a golden retriever and thank you for your comment on my old pic of her:)
Another good'n! Lovely texture and DoF.

Do you shoot straight into black and white by any chance?