List of Inspiration (updated 22/09)

Good book ehh? I have only read chapter one but having been shooting manual ever since!!! Must get another few chapters done.

Nice work FP.

hi fp, been following your 365 for a couple of days now, sorry for not posting, buiding up nicely. interesting to see how you get on(y)

will keep looking, but not comment often as these threads can get a bit laborious to read further on
It's a cracking book so far. I've always shot in manual for everything except sports, because trying to expose correctly in manual when shooting something as fast as extreme sports is just a nightmare. AV for that.

Thanks for the kind comments Gary, nice to see someone spending as much time on other people's 365's as other people spend on yours :)

Again, thanks for the kind comments Fletch :) Hope to see more from you in the future :)
Really liking this 365 mate, it's different, and you get to see how you would portray your picture accorss compared with another photographer... example would be the Green. You used trainers, I think a lot of people would of headed into the garden. Sort of makes you think outside the box as you don't want to get repetitative pictures? (Sorry if that doesn't make sense!) Really good idea!

I have been checking every day but haven't posted untill now. I'll make more of an effort to post mate :)

Keep up the good work!
Thanks for the kind comments Whittie :)
It is exactly what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to think outside the box.
Usually I see something that I have INSTANT inspiration for. A good example for this would be the raindrops on my window. Woke up, saw the drops, and said, "I hope there is a rain drop on my a-z list!"

but then, if there wasn't one, I'd have added it ;)
gotta bulk the list out some how!
I'm not sure if you saw it, but have you seen Gary's "STOP" picture? I think it's reflecting what you're doing perfectly, which is thinking outside the box. What would your natural thoughts be to take a picture to reflect Stop? Stop sign on a road? His picture was a Stop button on a bus. It's just not the kind of thing you think of straight away, but if you put your mind to it, you would of come up with it.

I know this might sound strange, but it's like you've got to train your mind / eyes to be on a constant lookout for things to relect what you want. In your case the list!

You put that you want to bulk up on the list....

I think at some point you'll run out of ideas for a picture (not just saying you, everybody does at some point). When I come to that boundary, i'm going to get a piece of paper and do a spider diagram. I don't know where you're from, but put your home town in the middle of it, and then start writing things off it, example... the town hall's bell, the parks swings... whatever you can think is in your town. Do it for your, rooms in your house, car, places you go etc. You'll soon gain your inspiration back.

Sorry if i'm going on, Again, hope that makes sense, just ignore me if it doesn't. :LOL:
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It's a cracking book so far. I've always shot in manual for everything except sports, because trying to expose correctly in manual when shooting something as fast as extreme sports is just a nightmare. AV for that.

Thanks for the kind comments Gary, nice to see someone spending as much time on other people's 365's as other people spend on yours :)

Again, thanks for the kind comments Fletch :) Hope to see more from you in the future :)

No problem at all, I love these images as they are always so different to the norm, and can't have any rules applied.

Keep it up mate,

I'm finding it difficult to get inspired today! Going out with a friend to take some pictures near a motorway tonight, so hopefully I'll get something I'm happy with. (y)

How you feeling? Tune in!!! Just try and find an image that suits your mood, easier than you think!!! Good luck :D
#10: Inspiration


Not a particularly great photo today, nor my most intelligent.
This is inspired by Edvard Munch's 'The Scream'.


I had to do a contemporary tableau shoot for photography inspired by other art forms, and I chose The Scream since it is just such a well known image. I chose to have my contemporary theme based on global warming - my friend is screaming at how much damage global warming is causing. Absurd, I know.

For those that do not know what tableau is, it is completely staged, often in layers and various other things.
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Mate, made me laugh :D love it and great how you got mega long exposure on the car trails, yet stayed still!!! Awesome :) Days with no inspiration suck, but you found some :D
Its funny how on a day with no inspiration, the theme used was inspiration :p

Its actually a composite of two shots.

On the first shot, my mate was stood still with his face fairly sharp (the face in the image) but the light was off and there were next to no light trails.
On the second shot, my mate's face was blurry, and he made a half-arsed attempt at looking scared, and so I used the smart-lasso tool on photoshop to select the face off #1, and pasted it/stretched it/smudged it to fit into the face on #2.
Very pleased with the result.

EXIF details:

About 15 second exposure
ISO 640

(I think those are the ones)

I also had the flash in my hand and fired it off once nearing the end of the exposure to expose my friend correctly (y)

While the actual photo might not be intelligent, I can honestly say, hand on heart, it is the photo I've taken that has had the most thought put into it. A serious amount of preparation and trial/error went into it. Most effort I've ever put into it!
Paid off Food Poison, looking forward to the rest of your year, love your creative streak :)
I actually said in my head has he stayed still for a 10+ second exposure or has he merged a couple of pictures :LOL: Cleared it up for me before i asked :)
#11: Patriotism


Looked to the ground, and saw a trusty bottle of Coke Zero and a Canadian flag from Trafalgar Square's Canada day.
When I saw the Canadian flag on the floor, I immediately thought of South Parks 'Blame Canada' song. I find it strange how everyone seems to belittle Canada, despite the fact they're genuinely nice people! This photo is kind of homage to that - I've put a Canadian flag in an empty drinks bottle, yet the flag is strong and bold. Respect to Canadians.

Yes, I did just pull that out of my arse.
Thank you, and good night ;)
^^^ ha :D You had a day like me mate, clearly :)

Quote of the day:
"Yes, I did just pull that out of my arse.
Thank you, and good night ;)"

loving it :D
#12: Wet


It's the way England goes, isn't it.
One minute, beautiful sunshine, bright blue skies with puffy white clouds, birds are singing, horses are running, everything looks like it should be from "The Sound of Music".
Next thing you know, it's raining. Everything has become like Gotham City, except less exciting, with less bat men.
Its dreary, dull, and puts everyone in a foul mood.

(the idea I wanted to do for today's theme wasn't really suitable for this forum ;):LOL:)
Already got the inspiration for tomorrow's theme :)

I love being inspired. It's wonderful and makes you feel so good about yourself, even if the actual photo doesn't really help you in any way other than self-confidence :)
just found your 365 mate. The skate park shot is stunning (y) I've recently purchased that "understanding exposure" book. Brilliant and that has quite a bit of inspiration in it itself ;)
just found your 365 mate. The skate park shot is stunning (y) I've recently purchased that "understanding exposure" book. Brilliant and that has quite a bit of inspiration in it itself ;)

Thanks mate!

It's my favourite ever photo that I've taken. I love it to pieces (y)

Yeah it's a good book indeed :)

I was expecting it to include lots of things I didn't know, but it turns out I know all about the stuff he talks about, which is quite disappointing!
Interesting read, nonetheless :)
It is indeed. I had grasped the basics before i bought the book but i found the way he puts his explanations across are really easy to follow. I havent finished reading it yet though :LOL:
#13: Munchies


Another early one today.
Munchies have been a favourite of mine ever since I was little. I loved the fact that they were all just as yummy as the previous one, and that the one you're about to eat can be guaranteed to be as yummy as the one you just ate, and I loved how they used to go on forever.

For the first time in ages, I bought a packet today. It was kind of like going to a place you haven't been since you were little, and you remember it just how it was when you last went there, topping up your memory on the wonders and beauty of it all.

It's wonderful how, on the whole, it's life's simplicities that put the biggest smile on your face.

(I'm going to be trying something new from now on - using the frame that Preacher supplied for EXIF details, in case anyone is interested. I just think it's a nice touch)
nice image, the only problem, they dont last forever, and in fact, I need 4 packets to be satisfied!!! :)
I used to love them as a kid, back in the dark ages.

Are the mint ones still about (or have you eaten them all :))