mmcp42 52 2010 week 35 light


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gulp :puke:
decided to give this a go
need a bit more discipline and focus
365 just ain't gonna happen (damned day job)
52 will be a struggle some weeks - but that's the idea isn't it?

rules of engagement: :rules:
1. produce a picture within the target theme every week
2. no jokers, wild-cards, reshoots, sleight-of-hand, smoke or mirrors (unless there's a smoke and mirrors theme, of course!)
3. picture to be taken in the week in question
4. comment/feedback on at least 3 other 52's each week (stole that one, but I'm not that proud!)
5. post my picture before commenting on (peeking at) anyone elses! (stole that too!)
6. my target is make pictures each week that are worth printing on my new shiny A3+ printer then hang on the studio wall

oh and a big thanks to Simon for setting this up (y)

week 35 light

missed quite a few so will need to play catch up,
in the mean time here is the current entry

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I agree with most of that.......... not #2 though..... I have no chance otherwise..!!
I'm trying to regard it as a pro assignment
I know you can walk away from a job you don't like, but it isn't very professional IMHO
time will tell if I can stay on this lofty perch!
hee hee!
went out with an idea
came back with frostbite

#1 ready for approval...
(click for full size)

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Looks amazing and what a start Mike (y)

Brilliant atmosphere, it looks like a film still from a horror movie. Bravo (y)
Looks amazing and what a start Mike (y)

Brilliant atmosphere, it looks like a film still from a horror movie. Bravo (y)

thanks Vic!
Great shot Mike, Looking at it makes me feel cold to the core. Look foward to keeping up with the rest of you 52.
Was wondering when we would see some railway tracks, chilly atmosphere! (y)
Nicely curved and a bit spooky. Can feel the cold too !

:) thanks justlooking it was a bit drafty round the trussocks!

Great shot Mike, Looking at it makes me feel cold to the core. Look foward to keeping up with the rest of you 52.

cheers Dave - quite pleased I am

Was wondering when we would see some railway tracks, chilly atmosphere! (y)

thanks foggy - I thought railway tracks as soon as the challenge appeared

Like this, good shot It makes you think Harry Potter going to come round the corner on the Hogwates Express.

crikey - thanks kim!
Hi Mike :wave:

went out with an idea
came back with frostbite

I'm feeling cold just looking at it :LOL:
Really atmospheric shot with those tracks leading into the foggy background . . . and those trees on the left are positively eerie.

Nice DOF, with the focus right up close on the tracks in the foreground and fading out to the distance.
I like the touches of colour on the RHS too. The two blue bins and the repeated red in the benches, post and doors lead your eye along the curve of the track.

Good start to your 52 and I'm looking forward to seeing more (y)
Hi Mike :wave:

I'm feeling cold just looking at it :LOL:
Really atmospheric shot with those tracks leading into the foggy background . . . and those trees on the left are positively eerie.

Nice DOF, with the focus right up close on the tracks in the foreground and fading out to the distance.
I like the touches of colour on the RHS too. The two blue bins and the repeated red in the benches, post and doors lead your eye along the curve of the track.

Good start to your 52 and I'm looking forward to seeing more (y)

thanks Sarah - really appreciate your comments there!
Lovely shot, like how the rail line's, lead you into the misty background. The dashes of colour dotted about, make you keep looking at, and around the photo too. Great start.
I've not much to add that hasn't already been said, but loving the mist in the distance and the frost on the tracks - very atmospheric!

Looking forward to see your next one :)
Good take on the theme, certainly looks cold out there.
Lovely shot, like how the rail line's, lead you into the misty background. The dashes of colour dotted about, make you keep looking at, and around the photo too. Great start.

i think the frostbite was well worth it!
i love the mist at the end of the track!

I've not much to add that hasn't already been said, but loving the mist in the distance and the frost on the tracks - very atmospheric!

Looking forward to see your next one :)

Good take on the theme, certainly looks cold out there.

thanks for your kind comments
got lucky with the mist
I was cursing it when I took the picture
but it looked not too bad (once I warmed up and had a look at it full size)

er I mean - that was the effect i was going for [/coughs]
Very nice especially with the icy fog in the distance and getting some really nice detail on the rails. A dusting of snow will always give it a nice finishing touch. Well done for braving the elements (y)
That really looks cold, train tracks work great for curved theme ;)

Well done Mike. Plenty of curves in there (y)

Very nice especially with the icy fog in the distance and getting some really nice detail on the rails. A dusting of snow will always give it a nice finishing touch. Well done for braving the elements (y)

cheers guys, comments much appreciated!
let's hope next week is an "indoor" theme!
The tracks are amazing and really lead you through the picture here. Nice subdued colours really keep it feeling chilly. There's just something not quite right about the building to the top right for me. I think it just needs to have a tad more space above it for my liking.
love the way you can look 'into' the pic, and the mist leaves you wondering whats just out of view :)
Excellent Mike, love the tracks. I had a very similar idea, but no where and no way to find somewhere suitable. Works very well for me.
The tracks are amazing and really lead you through the picture here. Nice subdued colours really keep it feeling chilly. There's just something not quite right about the building to the top right for me. I think it just needs to have a tad more space above it for my liking.

interesting point there Darran
the original does have more space above the building, but when i sized for display I had the choice of leaving the extra space and having garbage added at the side, or cropping the height to fit the width:rules:

thanks for looking

love the way you can look 'into' the pic, and the mist leaves you wondering whats just out of view :)

cheers Maria - must say I'm quite pleased with the effect

Excellent Mike, love the tracks. I had a very similar idea, but no where and no way to find somewhere suitable. Works very well for me.

thanks John - took a while to find the right location
I tried "proper" railway tracks - none round here had the right shapes
this was the local light railway - so narrower tracks and tighter curves
the weather was more jam than judgement - the day was getting on and I had to get the shot
was relieved once I started processing
[coughs]er - I mean - yes that's the effect I was going for [/coughs]
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week 2 poetry
crikey this was hard
I'm not your arty farty type so really had to work at this

The idea I was looking for was the theme of poetry itself rather than just choosing a poem and finding a picture to fit (or vice versa)
There is a poem in the picture, but it's almost incidental. I was trying to create the atmosphere of the poet and what might have inspired him to write the poem. That, together with the more romantic "tools" of pen and ink. The ink pot - well it isn't an inkpot - it's in fact a perfume bottle, but it looked like it could (should) have been an ink pot, so it got pressed into service
While composing the shot a petal fell off and seemed to improve the picture, so I "encouraged" a few mates to join it.

With hindsight I would have aged the paper (and now I've seen that someone else has done it - I think so even more - but that would be plagiarism)

Not sure about the black background, but I needed the glass vase to show up so it had to be.

here endeth the lesson!

this week's effort (and boy, do I mean effort!):
click for full size

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Some real thought looks as if it has gone into that shot Mike, well done (y)
Like this one, well thought out. I like the lighting too. It is good to see one that is not just a photograph with a poem that fits the picture.

I'm with you in hoping next week is easier, I struggled this week.
I like it!

Coincidentally, I was going to put a caligraphy pen in mine when I did it, but couldnt find the set I had bought my missus

Great minds......

hee hee - as you say - great minds eh!

Like this one, well thought out. I like the lighting too. It is good to see one that is not just a photograph with a poem that fits the picture.

I'm with you in hoping next week is easier, I struggled this week.

thanks for your kind words
and here's to next week!
I really like that. The few flower petals on the paper is a nice wee touch too.