mmcp42 52 2010 week 35 light

Welcome back Mike, have a good holiday :D... It's your 52, no need to catch up if you don't want to, or can't. If you're happy to, pick it up with the current theme and go from there. Last year we had people joining in as late as October or November, and that's fine.
finally got myself back in the groove

this week's attempt - Endings...


was going for a "crime-scene" look on the chess board
tried some blood but didn't look realistic enough

also tried just a chalk outline - unconvincing

so settled for a simpler approach

not great, but "must try harder"

thanks for looking
I like that Mike. I think the processing and angle work really well. That pool of blood would have really set it off though, ketchup?
thanks Darren,
why didn't I think of ketchup - cliche but it might just have worked - d'oh!
Great idea Mike and like the thoughts behind the different approaches. It certainley spells the end to the king. Have you tried glucose syrup with red food colouring and a drop of green colouring. It makes a really dark rich blood colour. I used it to good effect on my thread this week.
Really good idea and as has been said a small pool of blood would have really made it stand out. The angle works really well.
welcome back mmcp. Nice interpretation of the theme. I am not usually a fan on selective colouring but here it make the 'victim' look more human .. if that doesn't sound totally daft !
Great idea Mike and like the thoughts behind the different approaches. It certainley spells the end to the king. Have you tried glucose syrup with red food colouring and a drop of green colouring. It makes a really dark rich blood colour. I used it to good effect on my thread this week.

thanks for your comments
I will try the witches brew and see if it works
your use was awesome!

Really good idea and as has been said a small pool of blood would have really made it stand out. The angle works really well.
cheers, thanks for looking

welcome back mmcp. Nice interpretation of the theme. I am not usually a fan on selective colouring but here it make the 'victim' look more human .. if that doesn't sound totally daft !
it's been a while, but I really must concentrate and finish the year now
and I appreciate the comments :)
Welcome back Mike !!!

Good to see you getting back into it (y)

Another vote for the splash of ketchup, but I still really like this as it is.
The composition, look and feel all work brilliantly - and the harsh lighting & shadows set it off well.
I think you could have down with just the tiniest bit more space at the top of the frame, but that's a really minor point for me.
Welcome back Mike !!!

Good to see you getting back into it (y)

Another vote for the splash of ketchup, but I still really like this as it is.
The composition, look and feel all work brilliantly - and the harsh lighting & shadows set it off well.
I think you could have down with just the tiniest bit more space at the top of the frame, but that's a really minor point for me.

thanks Sarah,
I did look at a bit more space at the top, but ran out of chess-board
I guess I should have cloned in an infinite chess-board
odd how these ideas only hit you when you get feedback
for which - many thanks!
Mike, I think your thread is one of those that I have missed. there were so many when the 52s started that I had no chance of catching all of them. Apologies.

I like your take on this weeks theme. I think the selective colouring makes it along with the shadows. It's rather threatening, actually.

That works really well Mike, nice and simple, and it does have a crime scene look about it... the splash of red would have worked nicely too.
Hi Mike, and welcome back :wave: I thought I'd been busy but you've had busy in spades! :eek:

Endings: For some reason this made me smile - it's message of 'got you' is so clear and unambiguous. Excellent. (y) It looks a tad light on my screen (which needs calibrating!) but the ultimate compliment I can pay it (and you) is that it didn't immediately strike me as selective colouring. I hate it when people use selective colouring just for the sake of it but this works brilliantly. :clap::clap::clap:

Mike, I think your thread is one of those that I have missed. there were so many when the 52s started that I had no chance of catching all of them. Apologies.

I like your take on this weeks theme. I think the selective colouring makes it along with the shadows. It's rather threatening, actually.

Hello Jenny,
thanks. no apology needed as I have been away for a while, trying to get back in step now. glad you like it.

That works really well Mike, nice and simple, and it does have a crime scene look about it... the splash of red would have worked nicely too.
cheers John, you're right about the red though!

Hi Mike, and welcome back :wave: I thought I'd been busy but you've had busy in spades! :eek:

Endings: For some reason this made me smile - it's message of 'got you' is so clear and unambiguous. Excellent. (y) It looks a tad light on my screen (which needs calibrating!) but the ultimate compliment I can pay it (and you) is that it didn't immediately strike me as selective colouring. I hate it when people use selective colouring just for the sake of it but this works brilliantly. :clap::clap::clap:


thanks for the comments Jean. I'm not a fan of selective colouring either, but it seems to work here.
I guess that would explain the name!
very late entry for Light

had a great idea in my mind, but not sure if it works :shrug:

look forward to severe critique on this one!


Good idea well executed imho(y)

nice idea and i like the concept, not sure if the back drop does it justice as the whole shot looks a bit busy. How did you get the scales to stay down like that?

thanks Clud
a) very heavy feather? - no didn't think you'd like that!
b) small object under pan side (y)

backdrop is a bit weak, fair cop guv!
clever take on the theme. I like the reflection in the work surface of the scales and weights.

thank you!
took ages getting the brass pan clean, it was disgusting!
I personally felt the b/g added to the shot as this is where I would expect to see some scales " In a kitchen on a worktop" :shrug:


:LOL: @ Mike's comment
I personally felt the b/g added to the shot as this is where I would expect to see some scales " In a kitchen on a worktop" :shrug:


:LOL: @ Mike's comment

well sort of agree, it was more luck than judgement they finished up in the kitchen!

(glad to see your Japanese is coming along nicely!!)
well sort of agree, it was more luck than judgement they finished up in the kitchen!

(glad to see your Japanese is coming along nicely!!)

" When you can walk on the rice paper and leave no marks you are there my son"

I thought long and hard about light, but only ever thought about lights and not weight. Great interpretation and picture!
I thought long and hard about light, but only ever thought about lights and not weight. Great interpretation and picture!

thanks Rick
I was lucky - as soon as i saw the subject I knew what I wanted
just had to obtain and assemble the props!
" When you can walk on the rice paper and leave no marks you are there my son"


hee hee
the second quote is from...?
There are lots of 'Lights' in this Mike - the scales and feather, the light bouncing in all directions on the tiles, the Speedlite - weighing next to nothing it seems! :LOL: - the reflections in the pan (good clenaing job, too) and the reflections in the work surface both add even more lights.

Definitely a (y) from me.

thanks Jean
it turned out pretty much how I wanted
shame I couldn't find a bigger feather though
I like this a lot Mike (y)
Very clever take with so many different interpretations of light in it. That's a very impressive set of scales too - haven't seen one like that for years!

I love the multiple shadows on the tiles and the reflections in the brass have come out very well. It was definitely worth all that polishing.
The obvious kitchen setting also works for me. IMO in this instance it's far more effective than a plain backdrop.

Some niggles from me though :

I think you could do with cropping some off the top, so that the frame stops at the end of the last whole tile. By losing the line of grout and partial tiles I think you'll really minimise that bit of distraction from the background.
And the same for the LHS. By cropping at the grout line here, again you'd get a cleaner b/g, but you'd also make a more deliberate crop of the large shadow on the tiles. At the moment it looks like it's just slipping out of frame rather than it being a deliberate decision not to include all of it.

The other advantage with cropping on the grout lines is that you'll be able to straighten the line of the worktop to completely horizontal without it making the tiles look wonky.

I'm not sure that you can do much about the next couple of things, but they might be something to consider for next time.
I would have liked just a touch more foreground. I don't think that you'd get away with including the reflection of the scales in its entirety, but it would have been nice to have enough space to just catch the top of the weights' reflections.

The final thing on my wishlist would have been to have had some more light on the RHS. Something from above and behind the scales on the right to brighten the top of that part of the scale and the feather. Also to minimise the shadow of the weights falling across the front of the scales. (but positioned so that you didn't lose the background shadows across the tiles . . . if that makes sense.)

Sorry if that sounds hyper-critical. This really is my type of shot and I got carried away with some of the things that would perfect it (in my eyes)
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crikey Sarah, many thanks for taking the time

I'll have a look at your comments (and the "studio" setting) to see what I can do
I haven't moved the scales so maybe I can try some of your ideas

Mike, that's a corker. The reflection works well, and having the feather heavier than the flash was a great idea. Took me a while to work out what was in the pan. Nice bit of cleaning too. There was something about it that I wasn't sure on, and I think Sarah hit it with the crop...
Mike, this is a very clever take on the theme - so many "lights". :clap::clap::clap:

I tend to agree with Sarah's suggestion about the crop along the tiles and I would have also liked to see the full reflection of the weights. A bigger feather would also have been nice.

Excellent shot.

Great idea for the theme and very well put together.

As people have said the backdrop isn't quite right but its not that off putting.