mmcp42 52 2010 week 35 light

Bet that would look even more impressive in sepia ;)
Post Office hmm...nice to see one still open.

Really like this Mike the colour on the studio frontage is lovely (can I say lovely), it is very nice image and full of character.
Really lovely colours. I perhaps would have cropped off the bit at the left just by the drain pipe to remove the garage.
like that .. I love looking at old buildings and the lovely colours and patterns in the bricks and the uneven roofs and you have captures those nicely.

Shame you couldn't you get them to move the green bin !

you're right about the bin, wasn't sure if they'd be too happy if I dragged it out of shot
the roof would make an interesting jigsaw puzzle!

Bet that would look even more impressive in sepia ;)

hmm - have to think about that one!

Post Office hmm...nice to see one still open.

Really like this Mike the colour on the studio frontage is lovely (can I say lovely), it is very nice image and full of character.

lovely is ok by me! thanks for the comments

Really lovely colours. I perhaps would have cropped off the bit at the left just by the drain pipe to remove the garage.

I did try that, but then you get half a window in the roof
and to fix that would have been a clone too far!
I love these quaint old streets and to get a shot with the sun shining is quite a feat :LOL:

Love the composition and processing and I agree, in sepia it would have that olde worlde timelessness too (even with the bin and burglar alarm :D) :clap::clap:
beautiful colours! and I like those shadows :)

thanks Maria
I was lucky with the shadows
(no dammit I planned it that way!)

I love these quaint old streets and to get a shot with the sun shining is quite a feat :LOL:

Love the composition and processing and I agree, in sepia it would have that olde worlde timelessness too (even with the bin and burglar alarm :D) :clap::clap:

thanks Jill
I might just have to try sepia by the sound of it!
Certainly worthy of a bit of ageing post processing, although then you'd have to clone out that horrible bin. And maybe add some horses and carts :D
Virtually timeless shot ;), looks great without any cars or chavs in the shot.

Certainly worthy of a bit of ageing post processing, although then you'd have to clone out that horrible bin. And maybe add some horses and carts :D

now that would be some cloning!

Virtually timeless shot ;), looks great without any cars or chavs in the shot.


had to wait a while for the traffic
we don't get chavs in Woburn, they get stopped at the border!
Wonderful colors, nice shadows and a roof that just doesn't look right - I love it :D
Wonderful colors, nice shadows and a roof that just doesn't look right - I love it :D

cheers Rob
the roof is a bit odd
but they all are in Woburn
antique charm they call it
(we used to call it ramshackle!)
Another vote for sepia here . . . pretty please!

A beautiful timeless subject, lovely ramshackle roof and that's a fantastic lamppost. I'd just really like to see what it looked like aged a little bit more.

I just can't take it any more
this is not a change to my entry for the week
just a "wonder what it would look like..."

Very nice Mike... a lovely scene, and certainly fits the theme nicely.
week 5 speed

taken at local railway station (as you might have guessed)
wanted to capture the speed of the train
against the stationary platform
this one passed my "is it good enough to print" test
so I'm quite pleased with it
C&C most welcome though

(click for full size)

That certainly conveys speed. I went and took a few shots like that this week but they didnt come out as good as this one. I was trying to pan but didnt succeed very well.

thanks Sue
it took 93 shots to get the timing just right!

Nice angle, the colours add that little extra as well. (y)

Thanks Scott
I waited for the Virgin train, hoping the colours would be right
Lovely colours in your 'Speed' shot.

Get told off taking photographs in my localtrain station. :crying:
love the colours and it has a real sense of speed. Hope it passed your "print it" test.

thanks for "just looking"
will let you know in the morning - that's when I intend to commit ink to paper

Lovely colours in your 'Speed' shot.

Get told off taking photographs in my local train station. :crying:

that's interesting
I asked at the ticket desk first and the chap said - "why ever not - help yourself!"

Plenty of speed in that!

Vibrant, conveys the theme of speed and I really like the angle (there is an angle isn't there, it's not my eyesight playing tricks?). In short a cracking image.
Second train pic I have seen for the speed theme both excellent what settings and lens did you use, it really sends a message of speed (y)
excellent, i like the way the yellow line on the platform helps lead you into the photo to see the rest of the train and the bridges

thanks for noticing
I spent some time getting the position where I wanted it

Vibrant, conveys the theme of speed and I really like the angle (there is an angle isn't there, it's not my eyesight playing tricks?). In short a cracking image.

no angle, the posts are upright (well they are now after I hit it with the PP stick

Second train pic I have seen for the speed theme both excellent what settings and lens did you use, it really sends a message of speed (y)

I decided to use moderate wide angle (24-70 on 24)
low shutter speed (actually calculated before I went out - dead chuffed when it worked) 1/20 f/9 ISO 200

love all the lead-in lines. very nice image :)

thanks the overhead wires and the yellow safety line all worked with me!

Fantastic shot, i had some like this i had taken at christmas whilst waiting for a steam train to pass through but i have to travel to get to a station that trains come through at high speeds. This image is great, the colours that are blurred and the sharpness of the rest of the picture gives it a great impact.

thanks jack
what I haven't quite worked out is
the headlights on the train and the yellow, red a silver are all continuous blurs
yet you can see the lights from inside the train - they are not continuous
more like a series of sharo images
maybe the lights are actually flickering on and off
aha 50 Hz
hee hee maybe could work out how fast the train was going!!!
I just can't take it any more
this is not a change to my entry for the week
just a "wonder what it would look like..."

And after all of that, I'm embarrassed to say that I actually prefer the original colour one :confused::

I'm glad that you were pleased with your shot for speed - I'd have been very happy with that too!
I really like the PoV that you've chosen - the low angle really works.

Great vibrant colours and very strong lines adding to the composition - the result of that is that my eye keeps being pulled between the yellow on the train disappearing into the lower left and the yellow line on the platform drawing me further to the RHS - it really adds to the feeling of motion.
Mike, that is an excellent shot in its own right and captures the theme absolutely. Nicely composed and lovely clean processing.
I love the Speed shot. The colours are great, and I love the angle too. There's a great sense of speed there! :)
That's a great Speed shot. I think even Mr Branson would be proud to have that hanging on his office wall.

thanks Derek
wonder what he'd do if I sent him a copy :shrug:

I'm glad that you were pleased with your shot for speed - I'd have been very happy with that too!
I really like the PoV that you've chosen - the low angle really works.

Great vibrant colours and very strong lines adding to the composition - the result of that is that my eye keeps being pulled between the yellow on the train disappearing into the lower left and the yellow line on the platform drawing me further to the RHS - it really adds to the feeling of motion.

thanks Sarah
you've described (much better then me) what I was trying to acieve!

Hi Mike. sorry i have missed your thread so far. I like the sepia version of the post office...don't know why but Bagpuss came into my mind.
Loving The train shot, nice and sharp and definitely fits the theme well.

thanks Martin,
(not sure about Bagpuss, after my time...)

Mike, that is an excellent shot in its own right and captures the theme absolutely. Nicely composed and lovely clean processing.

cheers Ian

I love the Speed shot. The colours are great, and I love the angle too. There's a great sense of speed there! :)

thanks Kay!
Brilliant shot - colours and lead-in lines all working really well. :clap::clap:

I did think of trying something like this my my local station only has a slow train every half hour....93 attempts would have taken me several days. :LOL:
Excellent Mike, love the blurred colours. It works really well.
oh dear
where to start
I've been off-air since February

best excuse is the day job rather got in the way

I spent 2 months in Dubai head-down on a project
after a couple of days R&R back in the UK I was off to Nigeria for another project
again < 2 minutes to rub together (aka me-time)

just got back from there - literally 26 hours in the UK then of to the Maldives for a week (ok that was vacation :) )

now back in the UK - busy implementing the Nigeria stuff - and about to go back (beginning of June) for another 6 weeks

after that it's all looking quiet (but that's what i thought in February)

so apologies to one and all for
a) lack of feedback on the excellent pictures that have emerged since my downfall
b) lack of my own pictures

I can't decide whether to
a) try and catch up the lost ground
b) pick up with the current theme
c) jack it all in and try again next year

oh - and hello everyone! :wave:
looks like you have been a bit busy !

Is there anything that says a 52 starts in January? Could you could start again when things quieten down?