My blog, mono log

Edit My Images
Back on the 31st of January this year, I started a blog on how I learnt to create monochrome photos, as someone who previously thought that mono "sucks the life out of the image". I've just uploaded my 29th post, "What a coincidence!" on what I call 'juxtapositions of coincidence' and how you can increase your chances of capturing them. Earlier posts go into some detail about the learning process I went through, including the three principles I got through studying other people's photos on Flickr: encapsulation, orientation, and colour-toning.

I mostly shoot street, so if you're interested in that or in monochrome photography in general, please feel free to follow the blog. Thanks. Just click the image below to go there.

mono log
Great idea Gary, and the blog is very interesting. I shall give it a look frequently.

Great idea and shows the value of a good eye when doing 'street' (y)
It's All in the Detail

My latest post on mono log, in which I talk about the neurology of feature detection and pattern recognition, and how they help us understand our photographs.

I've just uploaded the latest post to my blog, mono log. I hope you enjoy it.

The link to the blog is below the photo.

Bag o
' Nails by Garry Knight, on Flickr

Copyright Garry Knight
#photography #mywork #myphoto #blog #mono-log #allrightsreserved #copyright

Link to the blog post: <>
I don't know if you're finding this or if it's just me but I'm finding WordPress is getting as bad as Instagram. For every 100 followers 98 only follow you in the hope you will follow them back.
I don't even know how to follow someone on Wordpress. I'll follow this thread though if your intent is to keep updating it Garry?

How have you found shooting B&W? The post itself was very interesting to read. How are *you* finding that journey though? I've had students on my courses who "only shoot black & white" because "colour distracts" and have quoted Matin Parr's "we don't see in black & white" as a counterpoint. More recently though, I've found myself shooting colour only in October/November, then reverting to black & white for the rest of the time. I'm not sure if it's because I prefer storytelling, to "decor" images (of which the majority are colour) and I think it's a bit due to the fact that colour is tricky for me to get right in the scan, or whether it's a simple preference, like someone who prefers tea over coffee.

An interesting journey either way Garry. Thanks for sharing!
I think you just click the Follow link. As a WordPress user I just follow people in my WP feed, and have never done it as a non WP user. I didn't i tend to repost every blog post in this thread, though I could if there's enough interest. Another post went up yesterday, and there should be another one in a few days.

How do I find shooting B&W? That's what my blog is about, and I don't think I can add much here. The first few blog posts more or less cover my learning process and I'm still in that phase.

Anyway, thanks for your kind comments.