My most viewed photo on Flickr yesterday......... Part 2

Interesting idea George, have you got a thread up and running on here for those projects?

884 Views for this snap.

Just a simple candid street style Snapograph taken at London UK of a Busy Street deliberately taken out of focus to try and create an illusion.
I'm also working on two personal projects called Illusions, and Faceless and this will be one of the shots included in each of them.

X-T2, 55-200mm Lens, 1/350th @ F5.6, ISO-200, Handheld.
Busy Street Illusion (1) (C)-03231C by G.K.Jnr., on Flickr

:ty:for looking., (y)

Interesting idea George, have you got a thread up and running on here for those projects?

Thank you kindly Sir, I sure do appreciate you takin’ the time to reply.(y)

“No threads as yet, I have been building the Faceless idea for a while now with most of the snaps in an album on Flickr. The Illusion idea I have only just started and once again the few snaps I have done so far are in an album on Flickr”
