My most viewed photo on Flickr yesterday......... Part 2

I don't understand this, perhaps someone will clarify for me.
I posted this image on my Flickr feed yesterday afternoon and for no apparent reason it has has approaching 4000 views and 100 "favs'.
The Bittern is obviously a rare bird, and i was chuffed to beans with the set of images I was able to get, but why instead of my 70/80 views have I got near 4000 in under 24 hours?

500_1998 - 2018-12-20 at 13-30-35.jpg
I don't understand this, perhaps someone will clarify for me.
I posted this image on my Flickr feed yesterday afternoon and for no apparent reason it has has approaching 4000 views and 100 "favs'.
The Bittern is obviously a rare bird, and i was chuffed to beans with the set of images I was able to get, but why instead of my 70/80 views have I got near 4000 in under 24 hours?

Has it gone on 'explore'?