NEW PHOTOS Week 21 Twisted & Week 22 Hidden - Jonathan's photo 52 - 2011

Well, I did have something else in mind but it's been snowing all week and I haven't been able to get out to the location.

So, a bit of a week one cop-out.... This is a picture of my dog Simon in his accommodation, his crate. I had the intention of this looking like his home but instead it rather looks like an RSPCA poster. Honestly, he's only in here to sleep - it's the safest place for him!

Hopefully I'll be able to get out for next week otherwise my model may be employed again....


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This is a picture of my dog Simon in his accommodation, his crate. I had the intention of this looking like his home but instead it rather looks like an RSPCA poster. Honestly, he's only in here to sleep - it's the safest place for him!

This had me and my partner laughing :)
What a very handsome little chap, natural colours and great DOF !
I struggled with this one a bit. I toyed with taking a picture of my new Tokina lens but there were quite a few with similar ideas already.

The shot I have chosen is the new statue of Oscar Peterson, the Canadian Jazz musician, here in Ottawa (

I'm not over the moon with it but it wasn't an particularly easy shot to take; it was snowing, it's in the middle of downtown and there were a few other people trying to take pictures at the same time.

c&c most welcome!

Lovely idea and shot.
One suggestion maybe..... to have had the BG more OOF may bring more attention to the main subject.
Thanks for your feedback. This is a slightly wider shot of it though I'm not convinced. I know the cropped foot isn't ideal either but I wonder whether this takes something away from the piano keys and overall composition.

Is there any way of changing the focus, to add more blur, in Lightroom/Photoshop? I'm still a novice really!

I like the angle you've chose to shoot this however it's a shame the building behind is so in focus, I'd probably try a horizontal crop of this from just above his head to emphasize the the keyboard leading into him. (I'd show what I mean but you've got no edits selected)
A lovely start to your 52; really like your accommodation image - his expression makes me feel a little sad - but glad he is loved. He also has a fantastic name!!!
I love the idea behind the shot:)
and it is so nearly there:)

Could you have had a smaller DoF, just on his face, have the background oof, and also the keys, leading up to him?
(does that make sense?)
:wave:Jonathan and welcome back to the 52 !!!

Really pleased to see Simon getting in here as your first shot of the year.
As I said to you last year I'd be happy to see Simon every week and I wouldn't care whether it was off theme or a really rubbish photo . . . he's just so cute that you could get away with anything with him :love:

As it happens though, this is perfectly on theme and a really good photo too (y)
Good focus on the eye, brilliant control of DoF and a lovely profile shot. It does have that RSPCA poster feel, but he looks far too well looked after and relaxed to be in a kennel.
The only thing that I'd watch out for in future is the position of the out of focus foreground bars. One of the horizontal ones seems to be crossing just across the top of his eye and it's spoiling that pin sharp focus you'd managed to get.

Week 2 : I'd never heard of Oscar Peterson, but it looks like a fascinating statue and some brilliant curves to be able to photograph.
Personally, I think you were right with your first instinct and the shot you chose the first time. The curve of the piano has much more impact at this angle - it really draws you in and gives a more intimate feel to the photograph.
Yes the cropped foot is slightly irritating, but the curve is so effective at drawing my eye towards his arms that I hardly notice it.
I like the pp of the second shot, i think it is a bit ott, but it is good:)

I also didn't know who he is, but youtube is my friend! (shame he didn't play more with a saxophonist, but that's just me!!)
Excellent pair of pics Jonathan. Like them both. Can't think of anything to add to SarahLee's crit above. For me, the background blur of the second shot is a bit too much. Somewhere between the two would work well.
Hiya Jonathan,

Apologies that I missed commenting on your first two weeks. There are so many of us taking part and I am now working through the list to visit the threads I have missed.

I think you have done well with both images and agree with SarahLee's comments.

For week one I love the angle at which you have taken the photo and the blurred effect of the bars.

On week 2 I prefer the image where the foot is not cropped, and also agree with Patrick about the amount of blurring of the building in the edit.

Looking forward to your week 4 pic.


Dawn :)
Again, I struggled a bit. In the end I went for a picture of my wife, keeping warm in style! It was minus 35 degrees centigrade today with the wind-chill!

Would like to receive C&C. I'm not sure about all the shadows and I don't like the way I appear in the reflection from her sunglasses!

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Hi mate... I love your shots...for different reasons...

The first one... I just LOVE the dog... just a perfect looking animal and taken so well...

The second... I love the angle... the B and W conversion and then take on the theme.

The third is prob the weekest if im being honest... I'm not sure it shouts style... more cold! But its a technically great shot with great DOF
Bit of a cop out this week as this is an old photo of mine. However, I want to keep going and I imagine some weeks will be like this....

The photo is from the Ottawa Tulip Festival 2009 and this tulip is beginning to open. I've done a bit of extra PP with it so hopefully that counts as a bit of effort this week!

Hiya Jonathan,

Well done on posting an image for OPEN week, even though a photo you have taken previously.

The area must have looked so pituresque. I can remember what it looked like in Holland, years ago when I was backpacking; all the tulip fields looked like a bright colourful carpet, absolutely stunning.

I like the DOF in you image and the colours are so rich.

Well done and I look forward to seeing your image for week 5 (which I hope will not be too HARD to do :p)


Dawn :)
Hi Jonathan,

For me your diamond photo is a bit over exposed and the light reflection on the ring and stone is distracting. Maybe if you try to light the ring from the back so we see not reflection of light, but light passing through.


At last, I submit a photo on time!

Amongst all this clutter, my wife managed to find the perfect earrings for tonight.

C&C most welcome.

Hi Jonathon

Just found your Clutter shot . I like the warm colors & your thinking behind the shot as jewellery boxes do tend to end up cluttered (mine do anyway!) Not sure if thats a crack in the mirror but whatever it is it adds to the cluttered feeling(y)
Feel it may have worked slightly better with more of the clutter in shot & in focus & possibly either a wider shot to include the whole of the box & lid or cropped to lose the edges of the box - hope that makes sense ?
Keep going & good luck for the rest of your 52 (y)
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Hiya Jonathan,

Lynne has pretty much said what I was thinking about your photo, especially regards the jewellery being more in focus with a shallower DOF.

Lovely colours though and I like the angle at which you have taken this shot.


Dawn :)
I'm pleased I've managed to catch up with these two! Last year once I got behind I gave up but I won't let that happen again! I think Chaos is a bit of a cheap shot but on theme.

Week seven - Delicate


Week Eight - Chaos


Feedback welcome as always.
Hiya Jonathan,

Awww bless your week 7 is so cute and indeed delicate ;)

Really like your photo for week 8 and a great idea for the theme too.

Well done


Dawn :)