NickDs 52 for 2022 - Week 52 - Showcase.

A good shot that fits the theme well.
Lots of elements that will allow you to play with your telephoto lens in future.

A couple of years ago there was a wasteland out there. There's loads of random street furniture out there now.

Good image that hits the challenge button.

It was a bit of a desperate attempt to be fair, but there's plenty of interest in it I guess.

This is very good Nick. A lot that you could do with all of the lines and angles. I think that it fits the theme admirably.

Thank you!
There is a lot of potential in the area for future photography. I'm damned if I could work out what is straight and what isn't though. I used the artificial horizon in camera, but even then it didn't look right, so many lines and angles. I ended up with a compromise that I'm still not sure about.

Lovely image. Angles and lines everywhere.

It's not short of things going on. It reminds me of an Escher painting.
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Nice - whatever it is!
Lots of tech there, even on the crop, which works well.

It is a crop, but not a massive crop. The XF70-300 has really decent close focussing, almost pseudo-macro.

Nice - whatever it is!

It's a bass effects strip. I was looking at what to take apart and chose this particular one purely based on the colour of the casing. I figured it would work alongside the colour of a circuit board.

Headphone (microphone) jack?

Close, this bit is a Thru jack to send a parallel unaffected signal. Identical bit of kit though!
It's a bass effects strip. I was looking at what to take apart and chose this particular one purely based on the colour of the casing. I figured it would work alongside the colour of a circuit board.

Haha - I was close. I said a guitar effects pedal :)
Nice close up - first the bill and lovely detail.

I'd love to invest in a proper macro lens and mess around with focus stacking, but for how rarely I do close-ups I can probably live with this kind of result.

Yep I’d say that fits the bill!

It's probably old technology now, but I guess it still counts.

Man with a screwdriver... I like the colours.

Thank you!
It was the colours that made me chose that device, I thought the casing would complement the green of the board.
Another mini catchup - free of work for the weekend we popped up to Liverpool for the Drum Show, which brought a few opportunities.

Week 12 - Discarded.

Deliberately and purposefully discarded.... but still discarded I think.

Locks by Nick, on Flickr

Week 12 - Flora.

Well it has 'some' flowers in it!

Flowers At His Feet by Nick, on Flickr
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I like the image Nick ... Mrs Chevin loves it ... she was a big fan of Billy Fury
I like the padlocks shot - lovely focus to it with the bokeh'd chain leading lines.
I like that Flora shot.
Well spotted.

I had the two themes in my head as we walked around Liverpool, so I was on the lookout, Ideally for something that hit the theme, but wasn't a straight flower shot.

I like the image Nick ... Mrs Chevin loves it ... she was a big fan of Billy Fury

What to say, he was a legend! He's buried about 3 miles from where I'm sat typing this.

I like the padlocks shot - lovely focus to it with the bokeh'd chain leading lines.

Thank you!
There seems to be miles of them down the dock, I chose this one because of the heart shaped lock.
I think there should be a forfeit for calling it Abandoned when it should be Discarded :naughty::LOL:

I love the padlocks shot, nicely captured with the depth of field singling out the red one, and the cross frame composition.

It's refreshing to see something different for the flora theme. Where is Billy Fury in Liverpool?
I have no idea what you mean! *rushes for edit button* :D

The statue is just by the open end of Albert Dock.
Discarded - the best of the two I think, I really like the composition and the choice for your point of focus
Flora - not sure who Billy Fury is...I'll have to use the Google and do some reading :D

He changed his name from Ronald Wycherley so people would hear of him... Guess it didn't work with everyone! :ROFLMAO:

I think the most likely tune you can't help but have heard is Halfway To Paradise.
Week 14 - Unusual.

A bit of a grab shot, but a stroke of luck. In the park with the kids thinking about finding something you don't see every day... Then this little trooper rolled by. I would have liked a better pic, but I couldn't really leave the kids to their own devices, and I didn't want to be intrusive. A fairly large crop as the X-T3 was wearing the 27mm, but it's probably the most unusual thing I'm going to see this week.

They See Me Rollin' by Nick, on Flickr
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That's a good grab Nick. I feel bad for the little guy but it's good that he/she has caring owners.
Good spot Nick, and fits the theme nicely.

It's not something you see everyday.

Awww, bless. Definitely fits the bill.

I'm always pleasantly surprised at the lengths people go to for their dogs,

That's a good grab Nick. I feel bad for the little guy but it's good that he/she has caring owners.

From what I could see he seemed to be having a great time, kudos to his owners.
Week 15 - Snappers Choice.

They're back! We seem to have a gang of these guys that develops over the warmer months, We'd hardly ever spot them if they weren't so noisy!

Blending In by Nick, on Flickr
A well taken shot Nick.
I too have heard them many times but never managed to see one.
This looks like a small parrot(?) that we had when I was younger. His name was Socrates.
Went to visit my son in Bexley last year and saw about thirty of these birds in a local park. It was odd to see them, made me think I'd strayed to the jungle.
Funny looking sparrow! :LOL:
Very nicely captured Nick.

Oddly enough, the one bird that I never see around home is the Sparrow. Robins, pretty much all the Tits, and a variety of Finches, but never the humble Sparrow for some reason.

A well taken shot Nick.
I too have heard them many times but never managed to see one.

They are hard to spot, and they stay high. That sound is unmistakeable though.

This looks like a small parrot(?) that we had when I was younger. His name was Socrates.

I think they are basically a small parrot. There has been lots of rumours of how they got here. The Hendrix one was my favourite.... sadly now debunked.

We used to have a flock around here, but not seen them for a couple of years now.

Ours seem to disappear in the Winter, but by mid-spring they gang up, I spotted 14 flying together last Summer.

Went to visit my son in Bexley last year and saw about thirty of these birds in a local park. It was odd to see them, made me think I'd strayed to the jungle.

It's strange isn't it.

Weirdly, it's because of TP that I can pinpoint exactly when I became aware of them. In 2013 I was living in Harrow and I went down to the train tracks near my flat to get a photo for the TP52 2013 Challenge, as that weeks theme was 'Speed'. Having never seen one before, I must have spotted half a dozen in the half hour I was down there.

Lovely shot Nick. Seen a few round here some years ago but none lately.

They seem to be spreading fast.
Great capture. I like the framing with lots of space a the bottom. I don't think they've made it as far as Suffolk.. yet!
A nice spot and subsequent image ... they haven't made it this far north ... yet
Technology - The angled hardware suits the photo with the top and bottom triangular sections framing it well.

Discarded - I wonder who decides a particular structure is the place to start with their "love token". I like how the in focus lock is heart shaped.

Flora - I like how the person who left the flowers tied them in place. Personally I would have considered cropping the image to focus the attention on the statue. I don't think it benefits having the sky and rooftop included.

Unusual - Definitely not a scene you see everyday but great that methods exist to let animals keep living their best life. It's almost guaranteed you don't have the optimal lens on the camera when the opportunity arises! More often than not I just carry my 20x zoom compact camera, it's not a large sensor but ok in good light.

Snappers Choice - Great capture showing sufficient detail at the distance you are shooting from, it looks like it would be well camouflaged.
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Well spotted! It would be nice to see some around here!

I suspect they'll end up pretty much everywhere over time.

Great capture. I like the framing with lots of space a the bottom. I don't think they've made it as far as Suffolk.. yet!

I was trying to give a sense of it being high up with the crop.... which it was.

A nice spot and subsequent image ... they haven't made it this far north ... yet

Thank you!
I suspect they're waiting for the weather to improve! :ROFLMAO:

Technology - The angled hardware suits the photo with the top and bottom triangular sections framing it well.

Discarded - I wonder who decides a particular structure is the place to start with their "love token". I like how the in focus lock is heart shaped.

Flora - I like how the person who left the flowers tied them in place. Personally I would have considered cropping the image to focus the attention on the statue. I don't think it benefits having the sky and rooftop included.

Unusual - Definitely not a scene you see everyday but great that methods exist to let animals keep living their best life. It's almost guaranteed you don't have the optimal lens on the camera when the opportunity arises! More often than not I just carry my 20x zoom compact camera, it's not a large sensor but ok in good light.

Snappers Choice - Great capture showing sufficient detail at the distance you are shooting from, it looks like it would be well camouflaged.

I did try a tighter crop with the statue, but I couldn't get it to work for me.

Regarding the locks, as I understand it, it was driven by vendors, who would sell and engrave locks down on the dock. Now there's no space left on the entire stretch of the dock that particular opportunity has passed.