NickDs 52 for 2022 - Week 52 - Showcase.

Week 16 - Tree(s)

Just in before the door on this week closes.
I went wandering through the park by work at lunchtime yesterday, looking suspicious lurking in the trees with a camera.
I found a number of examples like this in a small area, there must be something about these young trees that the snails like.

Climber by Nick, on Flickr
Defo a plus for the snail :)
Good shot Nick, I like how the out of focus tree in the back mirrors and adds context to your subject.
Nice one Nick. The snail adds some additional interest.

To be honest, I wouldn't have taken the shot if not for the snail. Without it, it's a shot of nothing.

Defo a plus for the snail :)

There were a few of them on the trees in a very small area of the park. no idea why!

Good shot Nick, I like how the out of focus tree in the back mirrors and adds context to your subject.

Thank you.
I think the snail and the tree alone would be a bit dead end, it needs that context.

You know that next weeks theme will be snails now ;)

Absolutely gueranteed! :ROFLMAO:
Week 17 - Hole.

I found this one down on the banks of the Thames on Greenwich Peninsula. The piles had these drain holes in them, I don't know where they lead, but they're pretty stinky. Most of them are surrounded by graffiti that would render an image NSFW, but this one had escaped, presumably due to being surrounded by slimy weed.

Drain by Nick, on Flickr
Well spotted! I like the contrast between the green slime and the blueish top half, and the rust spots and streaks are great too.
Lovely colour and texture. Thank goodness we can't smell it though!
Well spotted! I like the contrast between the green slime and the blueish top half, and the rust spots and streaks are great too.

It was laid out nicely, just waiting to be taken.

Now that’s a hole with character.
Well spotted.

I'm guessing it doesn't function as if should anymore, but it's certainly got character.

Great find Nick, love the colours.

Thank you!
The colours are pretty much as nature intended, it's great when you don't need to tweak anything!

Good spot Nick. A super image!

I'm getting more and more convinced that if I walk around for long enough, the appropriate subject will just present itself.

Nicely composed Nick and lovely colours and textures.

Composition was forced by the shape of the pile, and some surrounding graffiti.

Lovely colour and texture. Thank goodness we can't smell it though!

It was a bit ripe down there!
Week 18 - Sun Rise or Set.

There's nothing impressive in terms of sunset around here, blocked by our location and the buildings... ditto sunrise. So after scoping out locations where there would be something visible, I waited until the first sky of the week that seemed to have a bit of colour, and set off for a bit of evening exercise.

Out of what I came back with, I reckon this works best.

Buttercup by Nick, on Flickr
Now that IS a lovely image. Well imagined (imaged?) (y)
Works for me and meets the theme challenge.

I knew it was the only evening I was going to get, so I had to come home with something, I thought I was going to struggle for foreground out in the middle of nowhere, but nature provided a solution.

Looks great to me Nick!

I was disappointed with what I thought was available to me while I was out there, but on reflection I'm quite pleased with how it feels.

Now that IS a lovely image. Well imagined (imaged?) (y)

Thank you!
I do look in envy at some of the sunsets people have, but you have to work with what you've got.

Very nicely done Nick.

That one break in the flat white sky just let me get in before the next theme. I'd been cursing the weather gods around here all week.
That's a nice composition with the placement of the sun and lovely colour. Given your restricted environment I think you've done really well to find something.
That's a nice composition with the placement of the sun and lovely colour. Given your restricted environment I think you've done really well to find something.

Composition was forced on me a little, in that there was a tree to the RHS of the frame. The shots I included it in felt unbalanced, so just moving a little to exclude it gave me what I got.

That's really lovely. Certainly on theme and I really like the flower silhouette - really draws your eye in.
I was a bit desperate for a foreground focal point, but you can always rely on nature to sort something out.
Week 19 - Sport.

***Nothing living is now... erm... not living as a result of this image,***

Sport to some, cold blooded murder to others. Not at all my thing, I'm a fan of punching holes in cardboard and knocking over bits of metal.
I did, however, like the idea of the shot. I tried it the proper way, through my actual scope, firstly on a gun, and then removed, but getting the camera to compensate for eye relief proved beyond my skills, so I made a composite (a quite obvious one). I thought I'd look for something else, but the more I look at it as a graphic, the more I think it's still ok. Obviously, if I was to shoot a pigeon (which I don't plan to do), I wouldn't be shooting it there, just in case someone is ready to point that out, but I found that worked best from a composition point of view, and when related to a human it looks kind of logical.

Reticle by Nick, on Flickr
I'm glad you explained it all :) I do hate the shooting of animals for sport, but this is certainly on theme and well captured, and an unusual idea.
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It's a well executed composite shot, and a lovely shot (if you'll forgive the pun) of the pigeon.
Like Bepop, I'm not a fan of killing for sport. I do like pigeon on the plate though!!!

Well executed shots and compositing.
We have far too many pigeons round here, so I had a chuckle to myself. Good processing skills and imagination.

Sunrise/Sunset - a beautiful shot, really like it
Sport(s) - I think that idea and the shot are good technically, the idea of it kind of turns me off but like you said it's a sport to some but not so much to others... :)
I'm glad you explained it all :) I do hate the shooting of animals for sport, but this is certainly on theme and well captured, and an unusual idea.

Weirdly it was the first idea that came to mind.

It's a well executed composite shot, and a lovely shot (if you'll forgive the pun) of the pigeon.

I see what you did there! I much prefer shooting birds with a long lens.

Like Bepop, I'm not a fan of killing for sport. I do like pigeon on the plate though!!!

Well executed shots and compositing.

Thank you!
I have no problem with animals as food, it's just wasteful otherwise, and pan fried pigeon breast is lovely. Pigeons are no longer on the general license though, so unless I was growing crops and could prove that I had exhausted other means of protecting my crop, it would be illegal for me to shoot them.

We have far too many pigeons round here, so I had a chuckle to myself. Good processing skills and imagination.


I hear that. If I park my car on the wrong side of the road, under the trees, it's a hell of a mess by the morning!

Sunrise/Sunset - a beautiful shot, really like it
Sport(s) - I think that idea and the shot are good technically, the idea of it kind of turns me off but like you said it's a sport to some but not so much to others... :)

I knew it wasn't going to be for everyone, as it's not a pleasant thought, but often that makes for a bit of impact.

Very well composed and pp'd. Great idea too.

Thank you!
The composition was dictated by the reticle itself. It wouldn't be the best shot to take, but making it more realistic wouldn't have looked very good.
Week 20 - Parallel.

*Reaches for the shoehorn*

This wasn't the image I intended to submit this week, but it's my favourite of the week, the door jamb and the door are parallel and there are parallel lines around the hinge, so I reckon I can justify it against the theme.

It's my latest bathroom visitor, and it's tiny! I grabbed this with the XF 70-300, which is as close as I can get to macro at the moment. It appears to be some kind of jumping spider. I watched it popping in and out of the gap between the door and the frame for a while this morning. I can't imagine what was going on in it's tiny little head.

From The Cracks by Nick, on Flickr
I'm please you explained this because I didn't get it at first.
Works for me.
That hinge needs some WD40.
The spider might be the main subject of the image but I don't think that parallel lines have to be so I think that if fills the remit and it's a great shot as well!
Interesting and somewhat scary shot, even though it's tiny :LOL:
I'm please you explained this because I didn't get it at first.
Works for me.
That hinge needs some WD40.

I does a bit! :D

The spider might be the main subject of the image but I don't think that parallel lines have to be so I think that if fills the remit and it's a great shot as well!

I figured that too, as long as the theme was included. I did take a number of more obvious shots, but I liked this one the best.

Interesting and somewhat scary shot, even though it's tiny :LOL:

Thank you!
It's only a couple of millimetres across, but it would be terrifying is it was any bigger. It's not possible to see any detail with the naked eye, but I've leaned to identify jumping spiders by the way they walk... it's quite unique.

It works for me.


They're a cool little subject.