weekly Nick's 52/12 Week Challenge - Week 52 - ''Busy (in York)" Finished !!! :-) " added

Hi, there, like it. The window is nicely framed between the door and the corner of the building, I saw 'Hell' as soon as I looked, nice touch.

ISO 25600...very impressive indeed.

I was tempted to drive into a red light part of Leeds and almost did...the I thought, "What the hell are you thinking of doing!!"

Hi Nick, I'm visiting my parents in chesterfield if you want to meet up for a coffee & huddle over a laptop to pixel peek? Thanks Mandy (ps my PM function doesn't work, but you can flickr or Facebook mail me).
Hi Nick, I'm visiting my parents in chesterfield if you want to meet up for a coffee & huddle over a laptop to pixel peek? Thanks Mandy (ps my PM function doesn't work, but you can flickr or Facebook mail me).

Thanks Mandy, that would be good. There are some nice coffee shops in Chesterfield. I'll drop you a message on Flicr.
Magical - Stonehenge for me, but like the other one too. Very mystical places and this goes hand in hand with magical. B&W works well for both shots giving it some mood.

Vice - Spotted this one on Flickr, really like it. Gritty subject and gritty shot. (y)
I don't think we have a red light area lol - good shot, liking the pp :clap:
Very nice shot! I like the composition and the splash of colour in the window.
Hi Nick :wave:

where's your image gone :thinking:

From memory ......on theme , like how you managed to capture Hell in the window , nice n grainy to add to the atmosphere....:clap:

I'm also well impressed with the D7000 high ISO handling (y)
Bit late catching up this week so I’d better make a start
Liking this one a lot Nick I think you have caught the grubby seediness of it very well, the only criticism I have is that I would like to have seen more at the bottom.
Must say I do like your explanation that you include with your shots. :clap:
Trying to catch up a bit..... but Cant see the image, will try again in a bit :(

I have had a 'mare' this week and lost 95% of my images on Flicr, hence the reason why some of the images vanished. I don't fully understand how this happened but it occurred when I transferred all my images from my computer onto a stand-alone encrypted hard drive. Due to the Flicr pulg-in on Aperture 3.0 and Elements 10 it didn't take the links across.

Anyway, I have just finished re-instating all the images at last :bang:
Hi Nick

Magical - I think that the Tor shot is more on theme with that brooding atmosphere but i think that the stonehenge in mono is technically a better picture - lovely sky. How's that for indecison?

Vice - that took some grit to take. On theme and i like the muted colours. The noise adds to the seediness. I would probably lose the right hand edge
Week 14 - Entrance

Terrible week - I have spent most of it recovering and backing up original images which I thought I had lost......

Anyway, a little easier subject matter this week which has presented a couple of opportunities.:)

I'm really not sure which image to submit as I like them both, so this week is a double A side from me:-

1) Foot / cycle tunnel entrance


Handheld. ISO 100, 1/60 Sec, F/3.5, 10mm, fill-in flash.

2) Foreboding tower entrance


Handheld. ISO 200, 1/60 Sec, F/4, 10mm, external fill-in flash.

As ever, always grateful for your comments and suggestions.(y)

Many thanks,

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Like the tunnel shot the best. very gloomy! I can even smell the wee! lol
Another one for the tunnel. Nice composition and real gritty feel to it.

The icing on the cake is the people in the distance...they add a menacing feel to it.

My vote gets cast for the tunnel photograph Nick, quite a gritty looking image, the composition of which draws the viewers eye in and through. Great leading lines, like this a lot.
#2 I find the doorway too dark, nice texture on the surrounding walls but my eye stops in the doorway looking into to the blackness. Iain
Hi Nick,

Both are great shots. I think the first one catches my eye the most. Hope you have managed to sort out your computer problems. Troubled times!!!

Great work again!!!:clap:
Hi Nick, sorry you've been having computer problems but hope they're all sorted now!

I prefer #1 - it leads your eye down the tunnel and the green marks on the wall add to it! I also have many memories of walking into York through that tunnel from the carpark and then dragging 2 kids back through at the end of a shopping day!!:LOL::LOL: It must have been a nightmare to get the exosure right (which you have)!!:)
Hard to say, as they're both good, but the tunnel grabs my attention more. Lovely shot!
No 1 for me a typical tunnel you wouldn’t walk through at night really good exposure and detail in the wall love the grime and graffiti and as said people in the background gives depth to the shot
Tunnel for me, like the 'lead-in' on the left and the people in the distance.
Hi matey

oooh ,decisions decisons :thinking:

Like the 1st image for all the reasons others have stated...splash of color int he grafitti , people at the end of the tunnel in the light ...:clap:

Like the 2nd image for the gloomy feel & the mono....would have liked maybe a touch more light at the top of the stairs so you could see what's there....maybe..possibly :thinking:

Great pair of images though , both right on theme...great work Nick (y)
Hi, just catching up with all the posts! Nice to meet with you this week, send me your fav portrait and I'll return it with a quick tutorial on how I would edit it in elements! Mandy
love no. 2 very spooky
Hi, just catching up with all the posts! Nice to meet with you this week, send me your fav portrait and I'll return it with a quick tutorial on how I would edit it in elements! Mandy

Hi Mandy,

Great to meet you too and many thanks for your PP tuition, finding it very useful but forget a few key points by the time I got some images up :bang:
I have fired off a few images to you this evening via email, still have a few more in the can that we shot.
Hi, just catching up with all the posts! Nice to meet with you this week, send me your fav portrait and I'll return it with a quick tutorial on how I would edit it in elements! Mandy

Hi Mandy,

Great to meet you too and many thanks for your PP tuition, finding it very useful but forget a few key points by the time I got some images up :bang:
I have fired off a few images to you this evening via email, still have a few more in the can that we shot. Many thanks once again. Nick (y)
A big thank you to all contributors this week which include:-

Clawz, Peter, Mandy, Andy, DK, Michael, Iain, Victoria, Darren, Sarah,, Mark, Trevor, Gramps, Lynne and Summer.

At the suggestion of Darren and Lynne, I have reworked my foreboding tower and cloned-out the modden looking hand rail (good call Daren - never looked right) and lightened up the top of the steps for Lynne. I did initially consider this but thought that walking up the steps to a world of darkness was quite intimidating.


Anyway thanks all (y) another week out of the way and still loads of '52s' to get around and comment on. Where does the time go.......
Hi Nick apologies for not commenting before, i prefer the tunnel shot, the only thing that i find a bit distracting is the Graffitti on the left hand side, i know its supposed to add to the photo but my eye keeps getting drawn back to it