Nikon mirrorless definitely on the way

Note the position of the new Nikon's off-set viewfinder, should eliminate the nose problem (at last (y)) at least for right-eyed users.
Oh how I envy right eye users :LOL:
Would sir like a fork with that?
Well, I'm glad they've revised the mount: hopefully it will work better than the original. As for ugliness, there are very few attractive cameras, and in any case for most of us it's a tool to use rather than ornament to sit on a shelf.

I hope it works well and helps Nikon financially, but I'm extremely unlikely to buy one because I simply don't have spare cash on that scale for camera gear.
What I like best about this new mirrorless is that the price is crashing on their dslr’s. D750’s and D810’s are dropping nearly a tenner/day atm on e infinity. I suspect it will Co ti he to drop up until around the 23rd August when the new cams are announced then prices of dslr’s will level off before rising when everyone realises how s*** the new cams are*

What I like best about this new mirrorless is that the price is crashing on their dslr’s. D750’s and D810’s are dropping nearly a tenner/day atm on e infinity. I suspect it will Co ti he to drop up until around the 23rd August when the new cams are announced then prices of dslr’s will level off before rising when everyone realises how s*** the new cams are*

D810’s been dropping since the D850, and the D750’s due to be replaced soon so I’m not sure it’s anything to do with the mirrorless tbh. Whilst the Mirrorless is due for announcement this month the last I read was that it won’t be released until spring 2019 at the earliest. Time will tell (y)
D810’s been dropping since the D850, and the D750’s due to be replaced soon so I’m not sure it’s anything to do with the mirrorless tbh. Whilst the Mirrorless is due for announcement this month the last I read was that it won’t be released until spring 2019 at the earliest. Time will tell (y)
By then, Sony will have released the A7 XII :D
If they pull this off it'll keep Nikon going until such point as Samsung or Sony buy them out.
D810’s been dropping since the D850, and the D750’s due to be replaced soon so I’m not sure it’s anything to do with the mirrorless tbh. Whilst the Mirrorless is due for announcement this month the last I read was that it won’t be released until spring 2019 at the earliest. Time will tell (y)
They have but as an avid watcher both have been stuck at respective prices until a few weeks ago when prices have started to tumble. I’d love the D750 to be replaced but It’s too late now, it’s replacemnt is I fear to be announced on the 23rd!
Price will be a major factor. Guess who they are aiming this at. A7, A7R or A9 owners? If it’s another other then A7 it will be out of my reach!

Looks much better already than the 'x-mas' cracker toy of the Sony IMO (The grip on the Sony is like an after thought, almost like a turd has been stuck on the side of it!). Why is everyone guessing the strength of the lens mount? Who is daft enough to carry a camera with a big lens attached by the camera body? I always carry by the heavy lens so the mount is never uner stress and only supports the weight of the body itself. (Ahhhhhhhh........just realised it's the Sony and Canon cheerleaders that are criticising it!)
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Looks much better than the 'x-mas' cracker toy of the Sony IMO. Why is everyone guessing the strength of the lens mount? Who is daft enough to carry a camera with a big lens attached by the camera body? I always carry by the heavy lens so the mount is never uner stress and only supports the weight of the body itself. (Ahhhhhhhh........just realised it's the Sony and Canon cheerleaders that are criticising it!)

Let's hope it doesn't have xmas cracker quality control like the d750/d600/d800 had.
If they pull this off it'll keep Nikon going until such point as Samsung or Sony buy them out.
I don't think nikon will ever be bought by Korean company. Japanese have a great way of keeping thier companies alive and in business
Let's hope it doesn't have xmas cracker quality control like the d750/d600/d800 had.

Have you got your pompoms at the ready and practising; 2.....4.......6......8.......who do we appreciate? :woot:
Looks much better already than the 'x-mas' cracker toy of the Sony IMO (The grip on the Sony is like an after thought, almost like a turd has been stuck on the side of it!). Why is everyone guessing the strength of the lens mount? Who is daft enough to carry a camera with a big lens attached by the camera body? I always carry by the heavy lens so the mount is never uner stress and only supports the weight of the body itself. (Ahhhhhhhh........just realised it's the Sony and Canon cheerleaders that are criticising it!)
Have you got your pompoms at the ready and practising; 2.....4.......6......8.......who do we appreciate? :woot:
Have you thought about posting less here and more on DPR?
Digital Photography Review... where people are often a bit rude and argumentative and where one brand rules and humiliation and death shall befall anyone who disagrees and criticises the chosen one or God forbid praises or buys something else...

I'm just having fun with you but I do tire of insults aimed at Sony (and their owners) or any other brand and their owners for that matter. Is there really any need to liken a camera grip to a t**d and bringing chanting cheerleaders into this? Can't we move past all this? It's all rhetorical.

Good Night :D
Digital Photography Review... where people are often a bit rude and argumentative and where one brand rules and humiliation and death shall befall anyone who disagrees and criticises the chosen one or God forbid praises or buys something else...

I'm just having fun with you but I do tire of insults aimed at Sony (and their owners) or any other brand and their owners for that matter. Is there really any need to liken a camera grip to a t**d and bringing chanting cheerleaders into this? Can't we move past all this? It's all rhetorical.

Good Night :D

Ahhhhhhhh........... sorry Alan; I've nothing against Sony TBH, not for me because of electronic viewfinders but without doubt the camera is good. I'll stay off the vino and keep the 'leg pulling' to a minimum. (y)
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that's funny considering Nikon has released d800 models more frequently in the past 2 gens than Sony.
It was a little bit of humour, not very funny I admit. Your very defensive about your Sony
Digital Photography Review... where people are often a bit rude and argumentative and where one brand rules and humiliation and death shall befall anyone who disagrees and criticises the chosen one or God forbid praises or buys something else...

I'm just having fun with you but I do tire of insults aimed at Sony (and their owners) or any other brand and their owners for that matter. Is there really any need to liken a camera grip to a t**d and bringing chanting cheerleaders into this? Can't we move past all this? It's all rhetorical.

Good Night :D

I shoot Sony and I'm more than happy to aim insults at the bastards. I generally only have a go at systems I use or have used extensively because it's only through doing it that I've learned their irritating faults.
That looks like one hell of a big hole in the front of it!

Looks a lot like a Panasonic G9 to me, bar the larger mount

When's the last time any camera manufacturer had some balls and originality design-wise? we'll keep waiting I guess
So I had a play with the latest pic in Photoshop, initially trying to match the flash mount with a pic of a D500, and resizing to align them. Then measuring from there.

So my guestimate, and I'm aware that I could, and probably will, be very wrong, ;) but I think the body may be -

Nikon Mirrorless 136mm x 103mm
Compared to -
Sony a7III 127mm x 96mm
Nikon D500 147mm x 115mm

Nikon Mirrorless lens mount 56mm
Compared to -
Sony a7III E lens mount 46.1mm
Nikon D500 lens mount 44mm

That is a huge diameter for the lens mount mount 'if' correct. :eek:

I claim a 50% margin of error in any direction. :LOL:

Edit - Just had a look at the D7500 dimensions, and that is 136mm x 104mm, so from what I and others guess, it could be quite close to the same size.
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Have you got your pompoms at the ready and practising; 2.....4.......6......8.......who do we appreciate? :woot:

Seems you have. When did I criticise the mount? I've owned loads of every brand and the d750 was probably in my top 3 but Nikon has QC issues they need to deal with.
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that's funny considering Nikon has released d800 models more frequently in the past 2 gens than Sony.
I think it gets confusing by the nomenclature tbh. I once thought that all A7's were essentially the same model and they just kept releasing body after body (A7, A7s, A7r etc etc) seemingly every two weeks (slight over exaggeration ;)). However if you consider the A7 to be akin to the Nikon D7xx series, the A7R akin to the D8xx series and the A7s akin to the Nikon DF then you suddenly realise that the frequency of release isn't excessive. (I know the S is really a video cam but Nikon doesn't have an equivalent so just paired them due to MP and low light capability ;))
I think it gets confusing by the nomenclature tbh. I once thought that all A7's were essentially the same model and they just kept releasing body after body (A7, A7s, A7r etc etc) seemingly every two weeks (slight over exaggeration ;)). However if you consider the A7 to be akin to the Nikon D7xx series, the A7R akin to the D8xx series and the A7s akin to the Nikon DF then you suddenly realise that the frequency of release isn't excessive. (I know the S is really a video cam but Nikon doesn't have an equivalent so just paired them due to MP and low light capability ;))
TBF, Sonys APSC line releases from NEX3 till about A6000 was ridiculous, I know, I bought most of them :LOL:
They fit easier in the handbag though.........;)

And where are Canon in all this!

They’ll come along eventually with something that does some things better and some things worse but it’ll have an ef mount so you can use all your lenses and won’t be pandering to this obsessive small is better even though we can’t fit all the the buttons in at a decent size anymore. And sell shedloads of them.

Maybe with all this attention on Nikon they'll spring a surprise on all of us.

Hopefully they dont cripple it because they are afraid of cannibalising their other cameras, they tend to have a habit of doing that.
Seems you have. When did I criticise the mount? I've owned loads of every brand and the d750 was probably in my top 3 but Nikon has QC issues they need to deal with.

Oh FFS - this has to be the most pointless thread - why do people bother speculating and guessing what Nikon will do - just wait and see; I doubt you would have any intention of swapping to it anyway so why bother posting unless for fun? What we say will have zero effect on this release.
Oh FFS - this has to be the most pointless thread - why do people bother speculating and guessing what Nikon will do - just wait and see; I doubt you would have any intention of swapping to it anyway so why bother posting unless for fun? What we say will have zero effect on this release.

How very dare they!

If it bothers you so much don't read threads about things that haven't been released yet and then everyone's happy.
Oh FFS - this has to be the most pointless thread - why do people bother speculating and guessing what Nikon will do - just wait and see; I doubt you would have any intention of swapping to it anyway so why bother posting unless for fun? What we say will have zero effect on this release.
Oh the irony of someone questioning people posting in a thread they see as pointless. :rolleyes: :LOL: