Nikon mirrorless definitely on the way

Well i'm going to have to agree to disagree as having used the D750 with 70-200 2.8 and A7iii with 70-200 2.8 side by side, the sony was 100% more awkward and did not handle as well.
Yep let's agree to disagree. I've got a 70-200 now. With such a huge lens it's annoying to handhold regardless of the body. A heavier body simply makes it more annoying to carry around the neck.
All the more reason to do it now. The a9 will be the bigger loss. The lenses perhaps not so much.
Panamoz price for a9 is something around £2,700.

If Nikon’s high mp offering is tip top Sony may panic into an earlier than planned release of the a9r and we would then see a further drop on a9 prices.

So it may be a loss but some money in the bank rather than unused gear in the cabinet.

But why would he sell his A9? Cameras aren't an investment unless you bought into Leica when the exchange was better. If his Sony isn't being used then neither will his Nikon, it won't change his circumstances, both will just devalue and gather dust.

The devaluation on his A9 will still not be more than total devaluation on a whole system change and buying Nikon at launch prices.... and Nikon doesn't have the lenses anyway.
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All the more reason to do it now. The a9 will be the bigger loss. The lenses perhaps not so much.
Panamoz price for a9 is something around £2,700.

If Nikon’s high mp offering is tip top Sony may panic into an earlier than planned release of the a9r and we would then see a further drop on a9 prices.

So it may be a loss but some money in the bank rather than unused gear in the cabinet.
Unless it's a magnitude better than the A7RIII I am not sure Sony will release anything new apart from A7SIII (which I am beginning to think is a dead series). I think Sony already has some idea of what to expect and hence they quickly got out A7RIII and A7III to capture as many people as possible.
If Nikon is banking on adapter support to see them through the initial take up that'll only cannabalise thier own DSLR users rather than win new ones. Sony still has better adapter support for canon.
But why would he sell his A9? Cameras aren't an investment unless you bought into Leica when the exchange was better. If his Sony isn't being used then neither will his Nikon, it won't change his circumstances, both will just devalue.

As I said, but just a couple of lenses rather than a whole suite of gm, primes and zooms and teleconverters etc.
Great to see that Sony has some competition coming. Benefits everyone! Love the look of this Nikon but my gear changing days are over for at least 2 years lol
I'm reasonably happy and mostly I don't chase the latest thing :D

I'm not sure I completely agree with that :D as in a couple of respects mirrorless focusing has been superior to that of a DSLR pretty much since day 1... In consistency and cutting out the need for MA. For some those advantages would easily outweigh the advantages DSLR's have or had.
TBH my D750 and D850 have no focussing issues in terms of front focus/back focus or accuracy :p

It does look good, and the 24-70mm f4 looks a great travel lens. The only question is is whether either or both are weather sealed. I do hope they both are, not good if they're not. I can't see any gaskets on any of those lenses pictured though :( Also, where's the metering button? For me the D750 had the best layout in terms of buttons around the shutter, ie exp comp, metering and record button (which everyone changes to ISO). I do miss the metering button being there on the D850 (it's on the left instead) and the record button is now useless as it can't be changed to a feature that I use. Hopefully the record button on the Z will be more customisable.

Oh, and it appears that my fear of no rear control dial have been put to bed as the top rear dial does look like a control dial rather than exp comp as first thought :)

I was hoping not too like it but I like the look of that. 35mm 1.8 from the off. It’s like Nikon have been watching the Sony thread too see what people want!

Got the ‘nipple’ that the D500 has. Useful addition.

So far so good.
I never used the nipple on the D500 and don't use it on the D850 either, waste of a button for me :p

There were plenty of massive teleprimes and also large zooms.
And no DSLR is no better or worst than an A7 having owned A99+70-400 which I later used adapted on to A7. They are equally awkward.
When I tried the A7riii with 70-200mm f2.8 is was far more awkward and balanced than the 70-200mm f2.8 on the D750, D500 and D850 for me.

I wonder if they will have IBIS mmmm :)
If it doesn't it's a big faux pas. Surely it must.
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Yep let's agree to disagree. I've got a 70-200 now. With such a huge lens it's annoying to handhold regardless of the body. A heavier body simply makes it more annoying to carry around the neck.

Well for me I couldnt feel the difference of 55g between them!
As I said, but just a couple of lenses rather than a whole suite of gm, primes and zooms and teleconverters etc.

So he should sell all his gear at losses to end up with less gear at higher cost (apart from the fact Nikon has no native lenses to replace what he has).
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So he should sell all his gear at losses to end up with less gear at higher cost (apart from the fact Nikon has no native lenses to replace what he has).
It doesn't cost a huge lot to print GM badges for him to stick on his lenses.
When I tried the A7riii with 70-200mm f2.8 is was far more awkward and balanced than the 70-200mm f2.8 on the D750, D500 and D850 for me.

How long have you tried for?
I have owned A99 and A7 with 70-400mm at the same time :p
With shoddy AF tracking :p
People keep missing the point. The point was I prefer smaller bodies like A7 and that new nikons are large. There is no reason Sony or Nikon can't make one that size with better AF. Yes i don't like thet size of my A7RIII either and no I don't have tiny hands
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People keep missing the point. The point was I prefer smaller bodies like A7 and that new nikons are large. There is no reason Sony or Nikon can't make one that size with better AF. Yes i don't like thet size of my A7RIII either.

But just as many people prefer bigger bodies and the only way around that is for Sony/Nikon/Canon to make interchangable bodies and lenses!
How long have you tried for?
I have owned A99 and A7 with 70-400mm at the same time :p
Does the balance suddenly change the longer you use it? :p I tried it for long enough to know that it didn't balance well, even less so in portrait orientation (which is how I shoot a lot of my marathon pics). To give an example of the difference, I could (if for some bizarre reason I wanted to) use my D850 with 70-200mm f2.8 in one hand, not so with the A7riii as there's too much rotational force on the hand. Obviously I would never use it one handed (as much for the strain on the mount as anything) but it was just an example of the difference in balance (y)
Does the balance suddenly change the longer you use it? :p I tried it for long enough to know that it didn't balance well, even less so in portrait orientation (which is how I shoot a lot of my marathon pics). To give an example of the difference, I could (if for some bizarre reason I wanted to) use my D850 with 70-200mm f2.8 in one hand, not so with the A7riii as there's too much rotational force on the hand. Obviously I would never use it one handed (as much for the strain on the mount as anything) but it was just an example of the difference in balance (y)
You'll be surprised how much things change when you leave behind the preconception and the bias behind. Takes a while to get over all that need for a huge DSLR brain washing ;)
Portrait orientation is once again awkward regardless of the body. You'd have to use a vertical grip in either case.
You'll be surprised how much things change when you leave behind the preconception and the bias behind. Takes a while to get over all that need for a huge DSLR brain washing ;)
Portrait orientation is once again awkward regardless of the body. You'd have to use a vertical grip in either case.

Just not true. I have no Bias. I tried the Sony side by side and could have walked away with it, but Bias did not stop me!!

As for Bias... that all belongs in the Sony thread!

I still might go back to Sony... does that make me anti-bias?!
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Portrait orientation is once again awkward regardless of the body. You'd have to use a vertical grip in either case.

I had about 20 years of not having a grip before getting a camera & grip - Portrait orientation was never a problem then - and as I no longer use grips (only ever had one) I can't call it a problem now either :)

Just not true. I have no Bias. I tried the Sony side by side and could have waled away with it, but Bias did not stop me!!

As for Bias... that all belongs in the Sony thread!

I still might go back to Sony... does that make me anti-bias?!
Had nothing to do with sony in specific just using it as an example could be any brand. All this started when I disagreed that the new nikons were the right size.
Does the balance suddenly change the longer you use it? :p I tried it for long enough to know that it didn't balance well, even less so in portrait orientation (which is how I shoot a lot of my marathon pics). To give an example of the difference, I could (if for some bizarre reason I wanted to) use my D850 with 70-200mm f2.8 in one hand, not so with the A7riii as there's too much rotational force on the hand. Obviously I would never use it one handed (as much for the strain on the mount as anything) but it was just an example of the difference in balance (y)

I'll never understand the balance criticism against smaller cameras. Do people fit a 400mm f2.8 and hold it only by the body? With every camera and lens I've ever owned I hold the camera with my right hand and my left is under the lens to use the zoom and focus rings, balance is then somehow achieved :D
I had about 20 years of not having a grip before getting a camera & grip - Portrait orientation was never a problem then - and as I no longer use grips (only ever had one) I can't call it a problem now either :)


I use mine without a grip too. But it's still kinda awkward compared to having a grip which feels more natural :)
Looks great! 3 user scenes on the dial is great but sadly, like the sonys, it doesn't have a drive selector dial. Like that they kept two front buttons - I miss that most from my d750. Will be interesting to see how the shutter jog feels as it doesn't look great.

I've no intention of buying it (or any camera in the next two years) but I really hope they get it right.
So he should sell all his gear at losses to end up with less gear at higher cost (apart from the fact Nikon has no native lenses to replace what he has).


no im not suggesting he replace it. no point to replace it IF that gear isn't being used is there. im saying perhaps a couple of lenses would be more practical. rather than having a load of gear that may not be getting used. in most cases you are always going to make a loss on buying new and selling.
I'll never understand the balance criticism against smaller cameras. Do people fit a 400mm f2.8 and hold it only by the body? With every camera and lens I've ever owned I hold the camera with my right hand and my left is under the lens to use the zoom and focus rings, balance is then somehow achieved :D

Support lens with left hand but with D750 I can fit all my right hand right the grip so when lifting and raising the camera it gives more support.

On the Sony my bottom 2 fingers always felt in no mans land adding more pressure to my wrist.

I don’t always use my left hand to help raise the camera up and down. Plus if needed I can shoot with the Nikon one handed. Something I found very difficult with the Sony.
How many recalls has Sony had ;)

not as many overheating issues.
Had nothing to do with sony in specific just using it as an example could be any brand. All this started when I disagreed that the new nikons were the right size.

subjective to an extent but i think you'll be in the minority thinking the a7 is the perfect size.
my a7 and 35mm f2.8 are perfect for a walk around. but larger glass the grip feels all wrong for me.
not as many overheating issues.

subjective to an extent but i think you'll be in the minority thinking the a7 is the perfect size.
my a7 and 35mm f2.8 are perfect for a walk around. but larger glass the grip feels all wrong for me.

Lets see, how many Nikons have offered a smaller body with 4k? hmmm........ none, and they fixed the problem with FW update, can you fix a shutter with FW?
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Haha! In all seriousness, is the iii better than the older models? I’m so OCD with marks lol!
Nah they all suck. You'd think an 'innovator' like Sony would have figured out how to Paint things. Don't kids learn that in D&T at GCSEs these days? :p