Olympus OM-D E-M5, E-M1, E-M10 - Mk1, Mk2 & Mk3 Owners Thread

Saw my first (excluding my own!) OM-D 'in the wild' today...
Took this one on Monday with the 35-100 (without doubt my fav lens to date)

Took this one on Monday with the 35-100 (without doubt my fav lens to date)
The 35-100mm is a very nice lens ive also picked up the 75-300mm II but having them both the 35-100mm i feel has slightly put me off my 75-300mm with it being slower glass etc yet is too be expected with its far cheaper price and focal length i suppose :thinking:

One from the 35-100mm

Rainbow Lorikeet by ThrottleUK, on Flickr

and one from 75-300mm the usual tester Duck capture :D

Mallard duck by ThrottleUK, on Flickr
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If you don't mind grey import, HDEW have silver and black body only for £629 until the 4th June, great price!
I like the Retro looking Ice cream van using the kit lens (y) mine is still in the blue tape :LOL: The 1st bridge is good has that been cross processed with the look ?
I like the Retro looking Ice cream van using the kit lens (y) mine is still in the blue tape :LOL: The 1st bridge is good has that been cross processed with the look ?

Thanks, I wasn't intending to use the 12-50 as it looks daft on the front of the OM-D - like a kitchen roll tube IMHO, but it is useful at 12mm and *reasonably* sharp.

Not as sharp as the primes obviously.

Yes, the rail bridge shot is cross processed using the preset filter in Picasa.
The first three in particular are fanatastic photos - the PPing is nicely done too.

Please don't take this the wrong way, but you shouldn't worry about your kit so much - it's clear that you're a very skilful photographer and it wouldn't matter what you use!
Thanks, I wasn't intending to use the 12-50 as it looks daft on the front of the OM-D - like a kitchen roll tube IMHO, but it is useful at 12mm and *reasonably* sharp.
Lol i fully agree with your opinion of the 12-50mm it is a good all round lens the macro feature works well too.
Yet it's actual design too look at is odd i don't like myself, it's as you say has a miniature kitchen roll thing about it.. thin yet long which is a odd look for a lens with its focal length.
I'm disappointed that the nickname I came up with for the 12-50 (the chipolata) hasn't caught on.
It's a pretty decent kit lens, but it looks ridiculous. I think it's too long given the focal range it covers - the 14-150 is comparable in size!
A great set Alan. The Ice Cream van is my favourite!! (y)

Thanks Marcia

The first three in particular are fanatastic photos - the PPing is nicely done too.

Please don't take this the wrong way, but you shouldn't worry about your kit so much - it's clear that you're a very skilful photographer and it wouldn't matter what you use!

Wow thanks for the positive comments, I am sticking with M43 now (y)

Lol i fully agree with your opinion of the 12-50mm it is a good all round lens the macro feature works well too.
Yet it's actual design too look at is odd i don't like myself, it's as you say has a miniature kitchen roll thing about it.. thin yet long which is a odd look for a lens with its focal length.


I'm disappointed that the nickname I came up with for the 12-50 (the chipolata) hasn't caught on.
It's a pretty decent kit lens, but it looks ridiculous. I think it's too long given the focal range it covers - the 14-150 is comparable in size!

Awesome - the CHIPOLATA :clap::clap:

I will refer to it as such from this point onwards :)
I've taken the plunge and my silver OM-D arrives tomorrow. Yay! I've gone for body only as I already have a 14-45 and I don't much like the look of the chipolata :LOL:
Keeping the Scottish theme going, (not that you'd know it) I was at Edinburgh Airport messing about with OM Zuiko legacy lenses and I have to say I am continually astonished by the quality of these comparatively cheap lenses.

OM Zuiko 135mm f2.8


OM Zuiko 300mm f4.5



and with the Olympus 75mm f1.8

I'm loving the versatility of the OMD, and not once have I missed using my 5D MkIII bodies which are now relegated to backup status. Last year I dragged my big DSLR around the South of England Show and it was pretty tiring. But this year I had my little OMD and it was sheer bliss. One thing I am thankful of is the OMD's ability to deal with extreme contrast without blowing highlights - yesterday was horribly glaring, I could hardly see straight it was so bright and normally I would dislike taking pictures under those conditions, but the OMD sensor seems to cope with anything: http://lindsaydobsonphotography.com/blog/south-of-england-show-ardingly-2013/
Lovely selection of images, really does show some nice control in varied conditions. Interesting thoughts too as a pro, not using the 5D3. Easier decision for me as it's a hobby, but I'd never go back to my 5D2 days :)
Lovely selection of images, really does show some nice control in varied conditions. Interesting thoughts too as a pro, not using the 5D3. Easier decision for me as it's a hobby, but I'd never go back to my 5D2 days :)

Thanks Julian - I picked up the MkIII the other day to hand it to somebody and I nearly buckled under the weight of it - I'd forgotten the sheer heft of the thing. No wonder I never really did much personal photography before the OMD, it was too tiring and too much of a chore. When I need to I can hold the OMD in one hand and hold an OCF in the other, I could never do that with a DSLR. These days I don't have to have an assistant most of the time to carry stuff, I can be let loose on my own with everything I need packed into a small camera bag. Plus I think the IQ from the EM5 is gorgeous.
Glenn, Alan, Julian and David, what an inspiring set of images from you all over the last couple of pages, great stuff (y)

Lindsay your South of England Show shots are stunning, beautifully crafted, thanks for the link :)
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I'm really quite interested in the Oly OM-D as something to take travelling with me but I remember reading somewhere that the dial covers come off quite easily. Have any of the users here experienced this at all? This seems like a bad oversight for a camera of this calibre and price.
I'm really quite interested in the Oly OM-D as something to take travelling with me but I remember reading somewhere that the dial covers come off quite easily. Have any of the users here experienced this at all? This seems like a bad oversight for a camera of this calibre and price.

Not had any problems with any dials on mine (which was purchased just after the product release).
Glenn, Alan, Julian and David, what an inspiring set of images from you all over the last couple of pages, great stuff (y)

Lindsay your South of England Show shots are stunning, beautifully crafted, thanks for the link :)

Thanks Huw, need to get out and take some more this weekend :)
I'm really quite interested in the Oly OM-D as something to take travelling with me but I remember reading somewhere that the dial covers come off quite easily. Have any of the users here experienced this at all? This seems like a bad oversight for a camera of this calibre and price.

No issue with my OMD either
Glenn, Alan, Julian and David, what an inspiring set of images from you all over the last couple of pages, great stuff (y)

Lindsay your South of England Show shots are stunning, beautifully crafted, thanks for the link :)

Ta very much huw

I'm really quite interested in the Oly OM-D as something to take travelling with me but I remember reading somewhere that the dial covers come off quite easily. Have any of the users here experienced this at all? This seems like a bad oversight for a camera of this calibre and price.

Not had any issue with either of my 2 OM-Ds knobs :LOL:
Ive heard of the dial coming off but had a early OMD and more recently got one again neither had the problem thankfully with me :)
Glenn, Alan, Julian and David, what an inspiring set of images from you all over the last couple of pages, great stuff (y)

Lindsay your South of England Show shots are stunning, beautifully crafted, thanks for the link :)

Thanks Huw - the OMD is great for moving targets and animals and the little 40-150R - wow, optically up there with some of my L lenses!