Olympus OM-D E-M5, E-M1, E-M10 - Mk1, Mk2 & Mk3 Owners Thread

What ever you decide on check out Great Western Cameras EBay store. They are also a bricks and mortar shop.
I recently got the 12-45/4 from them for a great price, they have lots of lens for sale.

I have also just bought another 40-150, the cheap one it’s a great lens for the money
Hi Richard, thanks for the heads up, I have already found them on ebay and looked at their website.
I have both (first version of 12-40 f/2.8). If I'm not looking for wildlife, mostly the 12-100 lives on my camera. It is quite a bulky lens though, so if I know I don't need that extra length the 12-40 will get an outing. The 12-40 also focuses up close for things like toadstools (to be fair I haven't tried the 12-100 for this).

I just had a look to see what action shots I'd taken with the 12-100 - not many. I bought it when I couldn't ski with the family so that I could take pics in the snow park and on walks without changing lenses in the snow. It turned out the snow park was inaccessible for me.

Here is a dog running taken on the 12-100 - no doubt slowed down by the snow.

Edit - to add this was taken on an EM1ii.

Thanks Bebop, just the kind of information I was looking for, love your dog, is he / she a Chow? I have three English Springer Spaniels that can be quite quick off the mark when they want to be. Thanks again for the feedback.
I decided the route I wanted to take with lenses was the 12-40 F/2.8 and then the 40-150 F/2.8.

Yes it definitely cost more but I like the compactness of the 12-40 and the extra reach of the 40-150 over just having the 12-100. It did take a lot of thought before I made the decision though as the 12-100 is a cracking option.

Here's a picture from yesterday with the 12-40. Nothing special, I just felt like posting it ;)

Thanks for the feedback Morris, I had not considered that particular route, I was thinking 12-100 then 100-400 but I need to think about stuff before I invest to much in a new system.
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@TVRTim Sadly it wasn't my dog - there were two of them, and you know how the minute you crouch down, they come running at you? I did think I might get flattened :LOL: I think it may have been a samoyed.

I was thinking some more on this. The 12-40 is a bit short for getting shots of dogs really - except for wider, in the environment type shots, or close up still ones. I also have the 40-150 f/2.8 (as @moggi1964 uses) and that would be my preferred choice for a running dog, especially a lively springer. You can also add an extender to give you bit more reach. The 1.4 extender works very well on this lens. There is also an f/4 version, but I have a feeling that won't take the extender.

The trouble is you are then looking at changing lenses, so for me the 12-100 is a great compromise, and I would rarely take the 40-150mm with me on a walk - but that's me. The 12-100 won't take an extender which is a shame.
I went for an experimental walk with my camera last night - still recovering after a hip op 6 months ago. I was thinking it was madness to carry my camera as it was getting dark and it adds weight... and then came across this short eared owl. It's the first time I've seen one local to me.

Not a great photo, but I was very chuffed to get anything. I think it spotted me :)

This is a big crop of the SOOC ISO 6400 image with default processing from Photolab and the XD Prime noise reduction.

I went for an experimental walk with my camera last night - still recovering after a hip op 6 months ago. I was thinking it was madness to carry my camera as it was getting dark and it adds weight... and then came across this short eared owl. It's the first time I've seen one local to me.

Not a great photo, but I was very chuffed to get anything. I think it spotted me :)

This is a big crop of the SOOC ISO 6400 image with default processing from Photolab and the XD Prime noise reduction.

View attachment 377724
Love the turn of the head to look at you. Great capture!
@TVRTim Sadly it wasn't my dog - there were two of them, and you know how the minute you crouch down, they come running at you? I did think I might get flattened :LOL: I think it may have been a samoyed.

I was thinking some more on this. The 12-40 is a bit short for getting shots of dogs really - except for wider, in the environment type shots, or close up still ones. I also have the 40-150 f/2.8 (as @moggi1964 uses) and that would be my preferred choice for a running dog, especially a lively springer. You can also add an extender to give you bit more reach. The 1.4 extender works very well on this lens. There is also an f/4 version, but I have a feeling that won't take the extender.

The trouble is you are then looking at changing lenses, so for me the 12-100 is a great compromise, and I would rarely take the 40-150mm with me on a walk - but that's me. The 12-100 won't take an extender which is a shame.
Very sound points indeed. (y)
Anyone know what the the black round flash terminal cover is actually called when searching for them , the small r
Ounc one on front
Anyone know what the the black round flash terminal cover is actually called when searching for them , the small r
Ounc one on front
flash terminal cover or PC sync terminal cap. ;)
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Anyone else having trouble with the cash back page on the Olympus page ?

I can’t attach a picture or or take a picture for this part

Check your file size there's a restriction on it that almost caught me out
You must have eyes like a hawk Alf to even see them
Just bought a M1X, love the bird eye I.D on it took a couple of test shots this morning ,hopefully out tomorrow to put it through it’s paces
Had a ride out to Buckden this morning. However, despite the forecast, it was overcast and blowing a gale. These were with the E-M1iii and Oly 12-100, using a monopod.

Buckden Falls by Stephen Lee, on Flickr

Buckden Falls by Stephen Lee, on Flickr
Excellent photos, how are you finding the m1x? I was always concerned the body looked too big and bulky but I’ve never handled one.
a bit heavier than the mkii or mkiii bodies but not enough to cause concern . first day out yesterday ... its well balanced and it seems to handle noise a bit better ..early days yet but a easy switch over from the mkiii as I use my 100-400 most of the time it also seems to help with the balance C of G , and the bird eye i.d is a game changer for me . just need to get used to button positions and muscle memory now .
only thing I have changed last night is my PD leash I found to be a tad thin and uncomfortable so swapped it for a op-tech padded one and used some spare P/D strap ends I had around from a project
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a bit heavier than the mkii or mkiii bodies but not enough to cause concern . first day out yesterday ... its well balanced and it seems to handle noise a bit better ..early days yet but a easy switch over from the mkiii as I use my 100-400 most of the time it also seems to help with the balance C of G , and the bird eye i.d is a game changer for me . just need to get used to button positions and muscle memory now .
only thing I have changed last night is my PD leash I found to be a tad thin and uncomfortable so swapped it for a op-tech padded one and used some spare P/D strap ends I had around from a project
That’s great to know. I had read reviews of the bird focusing and it looked ace. Does it track them too?
That’s great to know. I had read reviews of the bird focusing and it looked ace. Does it track them too?
most definetly yes .I didn't think it would be this good or this fast and certainly cheaper than a OM1
Does anyone on here do tethered shooting? If so, which software do you use and do you have any tips?

I have little project coming up and I can see this would make it a lot easier.
at last ,a New Years present ,the return of the short eared owls .. even though the light was drachy a few hundred shots has cheered me up no end and the bird tracking on the M1X added to the enjoyment
the shortiest day by jeff cohen, on Flickr
Great capture Jeff @the black fox. So glad you've scratched your itch and are enjoying your new camera :)

When I shoot products for clients I tend towards tethered shooting, using Lightroom.
Thanks Chris. I don't have Lightroom anymore - I could probably do a trial to get me through. I have Capture One 2022 and Photolab 6, but I don't know that it's possible with them with an Olympus. I do have a Canon but it's for focus stacking and I'm much more familiar with that on the Olympus - not sure yet if in camera will be good enough. I'll need a long cable too if you have any recommendations or perhaps they are all equal?
Great capture Jeff @the black fox. So glad you've scratched your itch and are enjoying your new camera :)

Thanks Chris. I don't have Lightroom anymore - I could probably do a trial to get me through. I have Capture One 2022 and Photolab 6, but I don't know that it's possible with them with an Olympus. I do have a Canon but it's for focus stacking and I'm much more familiar with that on the Olympus - not sure yet if in camera will be good enough. I'll need a long cable too if you have any recommendations or perhaps they are all equal?
Cable wise I have a Tether Tools one. I should say that I don't use my Olympus gear for this, but shoot with Nikon. The make of camera isn't really relevant but thought I'd mention it in the interests of full disclosure...
Great capture Jeff @the black fox. So glad you've scratched your itch and are enjoying your new camera :)

Thanks Chris. I don't have Lightroom anymore - I could probably do a trial to get me through. I have Capture One 2022 and Photolab 6, but I don't know that it's possible with them with an Olympus. I do have a Canon but it's for focus stacking and I'm much more familiar with that on the Olympus - not sure yet if in camera will be good enough. I'll need a long cable too if you have any recommendations or perhaps they are all equal?
I've no real experience with tethering but I am fairly sure C1 doesn't tether with Olympus. Have you looked at Olympus Capture?

edit: I looked it up. https://www.captureone.com/en/explore-features/tech-specs/camera-support-olympus

Tethering isn't supported
I've no real experience with tethering but I am fairly sure C1 doesn't tether with Olympus. Have you looked at Olympus Capture?

edit: I looked it up. https://www.captureone.com/en/explore-features/tech-specs/camera-support-olympus

Tethering isn't supported
Cable wise I have a Tether Tools one. I should say that I don't use my Olympus gear for this, but shoot with Nikon. The make of camera isn't really relevant but thought I'd mention it in the interests of full disclosure...
Thank you both. I've now done a bit more research - I probably should have before asking, but I thought there must be someone here who shoots with a tethered Olympus.

Thanks Graham, I found the same re Capture One, but strangely in a different place. I have just downloaded Olympus Capture and will try that :) Capture One will work with my Canon.

Thanks for info Chris. The Tether Tools one I'd need seems to be out of stock on Amazon. Not sure whether cheaper is much worse, but I still don't have a C connector on my computer so I'm tempted to buy cheap - may have to update my computer in the not too distant future.

I may have a play with my Canon as well. I have a few weeks to get myself sorted.
Thanks again.

Edit: after initial hurdle of not being able to connect my camera to my computer (no USB-C connection), I have now managed to shoot tethered with Olympus Capture and the OM1 - yay! Further practice needed as I'm not sure if it is just making it more complicated and I need to get a longer cable.
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Well my final Sony APC-S stuff sold on EBay this morning, I am finally fully committed to m43.
About 3.5 to 4 kg of posted weight. I feel so much lighter now