Patrick's 52 for 2011 - Week 31 "Wind"

Hi Patrick,

Really like your submission for 'Finish'....I like the faded colours as it gives a feeling that the life of the flowers is coming to an end/is finished.

I also agree that the shadow adds depth (y), and I think the lighting is spot on.

Will :D.
Hiya Patrick!

Another great photo! I love it and how moody it looks. I like the lighting, the vignette and the shadow on the left. As Andy said there is something like a dirt or other powder on the table, I am not keen on that.

Hiya Patrick,

I like your idea for this week's theme and it fits well.

I'm in two minds about the shadow, and it is difficult to say whether it works or not without seeing an image minus the shadow. Otherwise the composition is great.

The vignette in itself adds depth to the image. Did you apply the vignette before or after crop? Only reason I ask is because the lower corners look less than the top.

Overall a lovely photo.
Well done.
Dawn :)
Hi Dawn, thanks for your kind words. The vignette was the last thing I did to the pic, but I can see what you mean. BTW love your recent pics - will comment soon I promise - all a bit hectic here:bonk:

Silly question, but is this your 'finished' or another take on delicate ?

On my rubbish work's PC it looks very flat, and if that's what you intended - big thumbs up as it really adds to it.

I'm not keen on the vignette, it also take some impact from the dirt (bottom right).

Is the vase on a slant or is that how it's made (I noticed slant at the top of vase).

Overal, like it a lot.

Hi Andy, it's my "finished" pic - I've added a title now to make it clear. I know what you mean about the flatness. I did a lot of PP playing around and never got what was in my head. I think the slant is the angle I've taken the shot from. can't get my head round whether it's level or not.:thinking:
Thanks for your detailed crit. Patrick

Really like your "finished" image
Thanks Ceri. :) Patrick
Looks quite good, if anything as Dawn mentioned, maybe without the shadow might be better. Well done (y)
Thanks for commenting Michael. The shadow seem to divide opinions. Patrick

awesome composition on the tulips pic, like that muchly!
Thanks so much Fleur. Your thread is looking good too. Patrick

Hi Patrick,

Really like your submission for 'Finish'....I like the faded colours as it gives a feeling that the life of the flowers is coming to an end/is finished.

I also agree that the shadow adds depth (y), and I think the lighting is spot on.

Will :D.
Hi Will, that's what I was aiming for. Personally I'm not 100% happy with the lighting, but I'm a fussy bugger:LOL:. Patrick
Hiya Patrick!

Another great photo! I love it and how moody it looks. I like the lighting, the vignette and the shadow on the left. As Andy said there is something like a dirt or other powder on the table, I am not keen on that.


Hi Rayna, thanks for your comments. The "dirt" is actually pollen falling from the flowers, but I think you are right and pic would be better without.
Cheers, patrick
Sorry to all the other great 52er's for falling behind with this. Here's week 10 on the theme trio. Will try to catch up over the next week.

Credit to my beloved for getting soaked helping me with this one.:love:

That's a nice Trio and Finish Patrick.
However, and perhaps it's me showing signs of having OCD, but if you're going to use traffic light colours, my mind is used to seeing them in traffic light order.

I'll be playing with some dead flowers my self when I get time.
My wife has had a bunch of flowers that died weeks ago, but I wont let her throw them as I want to take some snaps!
Hiya Patrick

Wow! Wow! Wow! For me that is the BEST trio shot (y) And well done to your wife for helping you with the setup.

The colours are gorgeous and the detail of the splash brilliant (although it is a fab shot I can't help but think what it would have looked like with a bit more of the splash detail being visible on the right as it seems to blend with the background ..... but that is just me being picky).

I love the way you have the light reflection on the green pepper, and the bit of water splash that makes it look like a 'happy face' :D

With these three colours I would probably have suggested a 'traffic light' arrangement, but in this case I think the colour arrangement is spot on with the green being the centre colour.

You have definitely upped the gears with this one and I am impressed. I don't think I could even begin to attempt such an action shot without failing miserably .... so I will just have to appreciate your photo.

A huge WELL DONE to you :clap::clap::clap:


Dawn :)
Thats a nice shot buddy well done...

That's a nice Trio and Finish Patrick.
However, and perhaps it's me showing signs of having OCD, but if you're going to use traffic light colours, my mind is used to seeing them in traffic light order.

I'll be playing with some dead flowers my self when I get time.
My wife has had a bunch of flowers that died weeks ago, but I wont let her throw them as I want to take some snaps!

Hi Neil, must admit that traffic light never came into my mind:)
Dead flowers can make a great image so don't let the missus chuck them. Dawn did a good one with roses.
Hiya Patrick

Wow! Wow! Wow! For me that is the BEST trio shot (y) And well done to your wife for helping you with the setup.

The colours are gorgeous and the detail of the splash brilliant (although it is a fab shot I can't help but think what it would have looked like with a bit more of the splash detail being visible on the right as it seems to blend with the background ..... but that is just me being picky).

I love the way you have the light reflection on the green pepper, and the bit of water splash that makes it look like a 'happy face' :D

With these three colours I would probably have suggested a 'traffic light' arrangement, but in this case I think the colour arrangement is spot on with the green being the centre colour.

You have definitely upped the gears with this one and I am impressed. I don't think I could even begin to attempt such an action shot without failing miserably .... so I will just have to appreciate your photo.

A huge WELL DONE to you :clap::clap::clap:


Dawn :)

Hi Dawn, thanks for your enthusiasm and detailed comments. I'm sure you could do this, just a speedlight on top of the camera and take lots and lots of shots until one looks right. You do need someone patient to do the dropping. In fact this might not be my shot 'cos we were taking turns at dropping the peppers and pressing the shutter.

I've done one with different processing for you which shows the water splashes more. What do you think?

Hi Dawn, thanks for your enthusiasm and detailed comments. I'm sure you could do this, just a speedlight on top of the camera and take lots and lots of shots until one looks right. You do need someone patient to do the dropping. In fact this might not be my shot 'cos we were taking turns at dropping the peppers and pressing the shutter.

I've done one with different processing for you which shows the water splashes more. What do you think?


Hiya Patrick,

(y) now this is just the icing on the cake :clap: Absolutely love it!!!

Wow you are getting really clever with your shots :D

Thanks for the explanation of what you used for this too, unfortunately I don't have a speedlight (might be time for me to look into buying one).

Once again well done!


Dawn :)
Hi Patrick,

I prefer the high key surreal look of your original trio. A nice twist on the more classic strawberries in cream shot of the drop-shot genre.
Great stuff!

This photo lured me out of lurking to say: YES!

I really like the picture, and although I think I prefer the second version to look at, I think your original editing is probably more appropriate. It's so exciting and well executed!

Patrick, your trio is a stunner. You're really setting the standards.

It's a great photograph all round, I prefer the edit.

Big (y)(y) from me!

Wow, Patrick, what a shot for trio! As others have said the sharpness and crispness (is that a word?) is brilliant, so is the angle and I also prefer the edit as it is much clearer.

Also a massive (y) (y) from me! :)

Very much enjoying your 52.

Will :D.
Today I had a shoot with Terri. I have had a couple of studio sessions with instructors, but this was my first go in a studio on my own - scary!!!


Not sure I've got the colours right, but that does look like her :)
Hi Patrick,

Just been flicking through you set, I'm terrible at getting time to offer C&C on people's 52s.

You have some great shots with some real imagination, I love the tulip shot and the peppers is also a great take on the theme.

I’d love to have a go at studio stuff, especially a tutored session but am so busy with work I never seem to have time at the minute.

I’ll certainly be following your project from now on.

Great 'style' shot - the colours and the composition are spot on - something different to the usual posed studio shots :clap:
Hiya Patrick, that is a superb image! Both versions are great, but I think I just like your 2nd version that little bit more. Keep up the good work!(y)

Some lovely shouts, I love the dead tulips

Wow!!! great 'finished' and 'trio' shots :clap:

Hi Patrick,

I prefer the high key surreal look of your original trio. A nice twist on the more classic strawberries in cream shot of the drop-shot genre.

I like the edit of the peppers. Kind of shot I'd expect to see on a wall print. Well done :)

Great stuff!

This photo lured me out of lurking to say: YES!

I really like the picture, and although I think I prefer the second version to look at, I think your original editing is probably more appropriate. It's so exciting and well executed!


Patrick, your trio is a stunner. You're really setting the standards.

It's a great photograph all round, I prefer the edit.

Big (y)(y) from me!


Wow, Patrick, what a shot for trio! As others have said the sharpness and crispness (is that a word?) is brilliant, so is the angle and I also prefer the edit as it is much clearer.

Also a massive (y) (y) from me! :)

Very much enjoying your 52.

Will :D.

The revised trio is better

Well being a contrary soul I love the original Trio :D I can see that the revised process might print better but viewing on screen the first is fantastic. Timing, focus, splash excellent (y)

Hi Patrick,

Just been flicking through you set, I'm terrible at getting time to offer C&C on people's 52s.
You have some great shots with some real imagination, I love the tulip shot and the peppers is also a great take on the theme.
I’d love to have a go at studio stuff, especially a tutored session but am so busy with work I never seem to have time at the minute.
I’ll certainly be following your project from now on.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment folks. It makes a huge difference in keeping me motivated:)
Hi Patrick. I viewed your Trio on my phone earlier but didn't want to comment until I had seen it up close. What a very imaginative idea and really well executed. Obviously down to the determination of you and Mrs O. The splashes work really well. Despite the hot connotations connected with peppers, I always like the refreshing moisture in their flesh and you have really captured the refreshing element of them. Very vibrant colours and setting. Bloody marvelous mate.:clap:

Style re-shoot looks really fun natural and carefree whilst being stylish. A credit to you and your model. I really like it :):clap:
week 2 edited ver is simply fantastic on a frame at top of the stairs and week 10 great shot well taken
Hiya Patrick,

I have been waiting for your posts and wow .... it has been well worth the wait.

This is fantastic!!! Not to mention brilliant!! I love how you have got the right things in focus, and the the DOF is brill giving it a 3D effect. I almost felt like I had those crappy 3D/4D glasses on that they give you at the movies.

And then to top it off you actually get the background right too. OMG I envy you!

So go on, spill the beans ..... how did you do this?


Dawn :)
Hiya Patrick,

I have been waiting for your posts and wow .... it has been well worth the wait.

This is fantastic!!! Not to mention brilliant!! I love how you have got the right things in focus, and the the DOF is brill giving it a 3D effect. I almost felt like I had those crappy 3D/4D glasses on that they give you at the movies.

And then to top it off you actually get the background right too. OMG I envy you!

So go on, spill the beans ..... how did you do this?


Dawn :)

Hi Dawn thanks for very kind words. The biscuit is balancing precariously on top of a cardboard tube and a long plastic bit off a kitchen mixer. All taped together a bit Heath-Robinson (

In PP I have hugely oversharpened the biscuit to make it jump out.
...and here's week 13.


...will I ever catch up?

Hiya Patrick

Once again, I'm here catching up too :D

I like your take on week 13, however I feel there is something missing, especially as you have the three images which work together ..... but somehow think there needs to be some spatial differentiation between them. Perhaps a dark border / separation between the images to make them stand out :shrug: As it stands it just looks a little flat, and I think separating them or framing them with a darker border would give them the 'punch' to stand out and form a sequence.

Also a pity you didn't get the backgrounds the same colour .... which leads me to think that this could perhaps work as a b&w conversion where you may have more control over the background to subject ratios :thinking:

I'd be keen to have a play with this one (for my own learning experience regards post processing ..... so if it is not too much to ask, could you please send me the 3 images, preferably in RAW if you have, if not JPEG will be fine, so I can have a go at seeing what I can produce from same and I will return my result to you). I think you have a brilliant idea here.

BTW have missed see you around and glad to see you are back on track :)


Dawn :)
Hi Dawn, I must admit that the week 13 pic was a bit rushed. I know what I wanted in my mind's eye, but it would need a lot more time/care to get it right. I'm happy to send the RAWs, but not sure the best way to do that.

Hi Dawn, I must admit that the week 13 pic was a bit rushed. I know what I wanted in my mind's eye, but it would need a lot more time/care to get it right. I'm happy to send the RAWs, but not sure the best way to do that.



If you can send them as attachments to that would be great.

Let's see if what you had in mind is what I have in mind for a fantastic image too :D


Dawn :)