Daily Samuelslade007 365/6 Challenge...Day 365 of 366

Day 16

This week is going to be a busy one at work so i've pre-empted it as a pinch point, so i've amassed my shots as you'll see over the coming few days (a distinctive theme) ...
Clever one Kev, very clever (y)
I'm really liking the muted, gothic feel to done of these, Kev.

I suspect it's because you've moved away from the cooking sherry;)

Keep it up!!
thanks Paulie... just reflecting on my last...how the church try to teach us we are all equal (in the eyes of God)..yet there are three different styles of chair here.. denoting surely the importance of the sitter?... so we're not all equal (in the eyes of the Church)?

no debate here...just mere observation...
I'm really liking the muted, gothic feel to done of these, Kev.

I suspect it's because you've moved away from the cooking sherry;)

Keep it up!!

thansk andy... the Mother Superior has found my secret brewery and confiscated my supply... WHICH is a good thing because i didn't need it ...its fruit juice and Still water from now on .....

[potato wine is still maturing nicely in the airing cpuboard though ;)]
you keep delivering with these.... like the crucifix shot... very effective and stunningly different
thanks Paulie... just reflecting on my last...how the church try to teach us we are all equal (in the eyes of God)..yet there are three different styles of chair here.. denoting surely the importance of the sitter?... so we're not all equal (in the eyes of the Church)?

no debate here...just mere observation...

that's what i was thinking too... so i swerved my interpretation over to ... baby bear, mummy bear and daddy bear. Now where's the porridge? :D
leftcurl said:
that's what i was thinking too... so i swerved my interpretation over to ... baby bear, mummy bear and daddy bear. Now where's the porridge? :D

Lol!!!! Leigh ..that was my first.thought but then I swerved to the church... :D
You are a glutton for punishment :wacky:

Love the chairs - the red really stands out.


i am aren't i... but doing it month by month may lead up to a 365??... well 365 + 91 if i manage to do december too... no wait... omg!!! i must be mad thinking i could manage a different colour every month.. :geek:
Nice (y)
It`s a tad dark on my monitor Kev, but then I like things a bit dark ;)
yet another well shot image..... nice colour :)
This is a good one Kev, well thought of matey
davekiddle said:
Great shots Kev. Chairs are great. I love the church, but is it on the squiff or is that just me? Very good idea for the 'Three Lions' shot (y)

Thanks Dave.... I'm really chuffed I accepted this challenge.... As the 52 draws to a close... This challenge has demonstrated that I can be more creative if I set the rules ... And stick to them of course..
I'm viewing on small screen but this could be my favourite so far ....it has a Dracula feel to it .


Yip looks even better on my work's PC. I'm liking the shaft of light. The LH pillar looks a tad dark and a bit more time taking on the SC, at the edges.

Paulie-W said:
This is a good one Kev, well thought of matey

Thanks paulie ... Did take it from various angles trying to get the sky and the background free of the garage and shed... (y)
posiview said:
Yip looks even better on my work's PC. I'm liking the shaft of light. The LH pillar looks a tad dark and a bit more time taking on the SC, at the edges.


Thanks Andy...I did revisit the sc ... But zooming in showed I was as close to the edge as I could go..but out again suggested otherwise....?????
day 17... my favourite so far too. Very eerie gothic feel (y)
Love the shirt, your getting good at this....;-)
mipevo6 said:
Love the shirt, your getting good at this....;-)

Thanks Martin. I'm not counting my chickens yet... Still got days to go...and then November..and mh further colour challenge... (y)
Day 19 ... we're nearly at the trees laddie... (y)

Back to the church. Got on my hands and knees and found these little puppies in the pews. Now looking at the preview, i see i've captured some nice wood there too.. i had to say it before Dave from the Innuendo Squad catches up...:police:

Pressure still on at work. Only hope i can get out and grab some more else i'll be playing my ace card(s), which i'm undecided about but hoping to post for the last day... don't want to enflame the guys too much.. ;)
...and before anyone wonders or suggests.. i have seen the Selective Colour thread up top, but i choose to confine myself to this thread out of respect for the efforts of all at Chateau Rouge ... (y)
Great dof
and it looks like you captured some fine grain there too in your wood ...
Nicely done again.... thank you for sharing your wood with us....
yep (y)

Chairs working well there. So you've moved on from Goldilocks.. now you're on the 7 dwarves? :D (well ok... 4 dwarves.. that doesn't look right.. is it dwarfs?)
yep (y)

Chairs working well there. So you've moved on from Goldilocks.. now you're on the 7 dwarves? :D (well ok... 4 dwarves.. that doesn't look right.. is it dwarfs?)

:LOL: .. yeah i've moved on... i like porridge too much... (y) i do believe its spelt with the 'v' .. like knives... or is that knaves.. so knafe is the singular?? :thinking: ... tomorrows pic is a choice of two... one depics my decent into madness of this week's work...the other..my desperation for food tonight... :naughty: