Scot's Quine's 52 week challenge - 2022 - WK 52 added

Good take on the theme Joan. If I got one of those I'd use it two or three times then consign it to that drawer in the kitchen lol.
D'ya fancy a challenge Joan, using the ball for every shot this year to silence the doubters :) :) :)
Anyway, I do like how you've edited the shot with all the grain etc for everything outside of the ball. It really makes the ball pop from the rest of the shot.
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D'ya fancy a challenge Joan, using the ball for every shot this year to silence the doubters :) :) :)
Anyway, I do like how you've edited the shot with all the grain etc for everything outside of the ball. It really makes the ball pop from the rest of the shot.
Not sure I'm up for that challenge but I do hope to use it more than once this year! Have always wanted to try one of these but not totally sure how much I would use it. Time will tell!
Not sure I'm up for that challenge but I do hope to use it more than once this year
I think I've used mine, er twice...
That said, it's invaluable if you are doing a cosplay shoot where the cosplay is of David Bowie's Jareth from Labyrinth.

One tip I do have is that a small shot glass can work well as a stand for the ball.
Good image Joan, I like how the new crystal ball gives us a new image of an "old" scene.
Very nicely processed. The grainy mono has a slightly haunting feel which creates a rather eerie shot for me.
That's fabulous. Very creative and well shot and processed.
That works nicely, and the heavy vignette, rough frame and noise really add to how it feels.
Interesting image and nicely processed, the colour pop works well, as does the grainy feel to the background.
New - I really like that you've made the image in the lens ball in colour and included the hand. Really different and what a nice friend you have :)
Hehe, love the re-use of the crystal ball. so the challenge has been accepted eh? ;)
I know it's not the tech this month, but I can't help thinking that the first shot is crying out for a spot of focus stacking (but maybe that's just me always wanting to make things more difficult).
A very nice image Joan, and I see Mr. Laurier peeking out from his $5 Canadian home, so more kudos for you!
Great idea. The orchid sets it off too. Is this a special background that you bought? I seem to struggle to find backgrounds.

Edit: I missed your Old before - that really is different and a wonderful collection of 'old' life things.
Hi Helen. A home made background. First shot on black card, then a layer of an old stone wall ( from outside my door) added in PE, then another layer added which I made using crackle brushes in the darkest colour of the background. Playing about with the blending modes on each to give me the effect I wanted.
With the orchid and the pearls I was aiming for a South Pacific vibe!
Nicely done Joan :)
All carefully placed on the wall with copious amounts of blutack!
I like the image Joan, especially the "falling" bottle.
Nicely engineered, the contrast between wall and green glass is very good also!