Show us yer film shots then!

Went to a local mill this evening. Got a couple shots that I'm pleased with:

All on the Arca Swiss with Fomapan 100

Sturminster Newton Mill

Sucessfully got it all in focus for the first time :D

Life Ring

Shot this wide open at f/5.6 to see how shallow the DoF is. Annoyed that not all of the text is in focus :/

Mill Door

Playing about with the movements, just to see what it could do

Rosemary alley Guildford.

In old Guildford "gate" meant passage or alleyway, and this one used to run .... what is now called Rosemary Alley - once an open drain that ran to the river.

XA2 by brayandrew252, on Flickr

XA2/HP5/Isofol 3 6.30 sec/V500

Love it Bro. I've shot this alley so many times but not got anything like this. Very moody.
It's incredible what sorrowful images one can find out in the country........

1. A bath wondering what it's done to be abandonned so far from a cosy bathroom :(

View attachment 31796

2. A metal table feeling somewhat lost amongst a land of wood :confused:

View attachment 31793

3. A gate hook with no purpose in life :crying:

View attachment 31797

4. Park bench that simply " gave up" :sulk:

View attachment 31794

A letter box for whom life is simply too much to bare :eek:

View attachment 31795

And .............................................
Rosemary alley Guildford.

In old Guildford "gate" meant passage or alleyway, and this one used to run .... what is now called Rosemary Alley - once an open drain that ran to the river.

XA2 by brayandrew252, on Flickr

XA2/HP5/Isofol 3 6.30 sec/V500

Really love this shot, it is utterly timeless and could be from half a century ago or more!

Interestingly, here in East Anglia there are lots of roads with the name Gate in them, particularly in Norwich. This comes from the old Norse word Gata, meaning street.
Oh dear.....:hug:
ish, that's gonna print a bit dark

mebbe you can scan it, substitute the sky and foreground for one that.....exists, then merge in a nekkid lady for focal interest......or something ??

It'd be shame to waste a perfectly good under exposed picture..:)
Well I figured out what I did wrong... Must have confused myself whether the black or silver edge means exposed, as one shot was blank and the other shot from the same DDS was a double exposure between a chess set and a life ring on a pier lol :LOL: I'll put the photo up in a bit so everyone can laugh at me :D

Doh, fomapan I hope!

Thankfully yes, and this is precisely why I bought Fomapan to start with and not FP4 :LOL:
Actually, that really works. (y)
I'm always shocked how much detail can be in a clear negative. Worked out what you did wrong?

I fudged up my dark slides so I accidentally did a double exposure on one sheet and didn't even use the other. The other one is literally totally clear, the poor piece of film didn't even get to see any light lol.

I told myself that silver meant exposed and black was unexposed, but then I must have changed my mind in between the two shots haha. I can see why people write "EXPOSED" in massive letters on the actual slide now!
Heres the other ones from yesterday

Portland Island

Managed to get the foreground and background sharp, but not the middle! I assume it's because the OOF rocks are lower down so they just dip under the plane of focus? Should have stopped down a bit more.

Portland Bill Lighthouse

Amazes me how much range black and white film has. I can bring back the highlights even further than I have, so I can actually see detail near the sun and also in the shadowy foreground, amazing!

It's incredible what sorrowful images one can find out in the country........

1. A bath wondering what it's done to be abandonned so far from a cosy bathroom :(

View attachment 31796

2. A metal table feeling somewhat lost amongst a land of wood :confused:

View attachment 31793

3. A gate hook with no purpose in life :crying:

View attachment 31797

4. Park bench that simply " gave up" :sulk:

View attachment 31794

A letter box for whom life is simply too much to bare :eek:

View attachment 31795

And .............................................

I like these asha, really cohesive set.
Heres the other ones from yesterday

Portland Island

Managed to get the foreground and background sharp, but not the middle! I assume it's because the OOF rocks are lower down so they just dip under the plane of focus? Should have stopped down a bit more.

Yeah done that a few times!

I fudged up my dark slides so I accidentally did a double exposure on one sheet and didn't even use the other. The other one is literally totally clear, the poor piece of film didn't even get to see any light lol.

I told myself that silver meant exposed and black was unexposed, but then I must have changed my mind in between the two shots haha. I can see why people write "EXPOSED" in massive letters on the actual slide now!

Yeah done that too!
Portland Island

Sigh. Just when I think I've convinced myself that I don't need to go large format ... :oops: :$

Cracking shot, Carl, even if you did miss part of the focus the detail captured in that image is fantastic. I like the spray too, gives the scene a sense of movement and life.

Some shots from my trip to Wells Next The Sea. Tri-X 400 devved in TMax. The water marks and dust are annoying, but for now I'll have to live with them. Until I can build a drying cupboard and get some distilled water... More here.

drying cupboard ??......distilled water ??.......yer only a hop skip an a jump away from a

I like straight up the trees shots, they remind me of a time when I was stupid enough to roll about in the muck on the floor for no other reason than being.....10
Now of course there's a reason to do it, rather than being stupid, I just look stupid.
That is a shot I wanna do with my clack, leave it in the woods all night for a star trails through the trees picture :), timing it is the problem :(