Show us yer film shots then!

.....................a sheep that looks like she feels just like the letter box :D:D:D

View attachment 31798

All shot on Rollei RPX 400 through the FM2N
Devd in HC 100 solution B
Question is, did you have ya wellies on ;)
Did you get on the wrong train?

I occasionally like to share my gruff northern humour with the southern softies, keeps em on their toes.:D
What on earth do you do to your negs?

I understand 100% what you are saying, Nick, but, depending on were you get the negs from decides how clean they are: they could have been dirty negs sent and therefore a quick wipe over would have improved them without a question.

I have had negs back from AG and there were much more dirtier than that,which were dirty to say the least. RECULVER?

MY bad did not read the reply.:arghh:
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I am ashamed to say most of the work I have done lately has been digital (boo, hiss) but I am trying to redeem myself by printing them in a manner scarcely changed since its invention in 1850 ish. This one however was film from the start, from the Rolleiflex. Plenty more can be found on my Flickr but most started life as digital shots.
Untitled by the matt1, on Flickr
Matt, thanks for posting that, in its own right as well as a reminder of your printing ideas!
I realised today I had a roll of Portra 160 in the Mamiya RZ67 with one shot left, having been in the camera since December. As I had room for one more film in the developing tank I finished it off ...

This is the shot I liked best on the roll, taken with the 110mm/f2.8 lens, home developed in the Digibase C41 kit and a Jobo processor.

by Kevin J Allan, on Flickr
That's fantastic, what is it?

I realised today I had a roll of Portra 160 in the Mamiya RZ67 with one shot left, having been in the camera since December. As I had room for one more film in the developing tank I finished it off ...

This is the shot I liked best on the roll, taken with the 110mm/f2.8 lens, home developed in the Digibase C41 kit and a Jobo processor.

by Kevin J Allan, on Flickr
Those are really nice Ron, looks a fantastic spot.

Just messin' about with the Mamiya and a roll of T-Max 400.

Whisky by andysnapper1, on Flickr

Those are really nice Ron, looks a fantastic spot.

Just messin' about with the Mamiya and a roll of T-Max 400.

Whisky by andysnapper1, on Flickr


Thanks for the nice comment Andy.

That is a very nice shot but it would be better if it was RUM. Whisky and I don't get along well at all.
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All of these cracking images lately. I feel embarrassed to submit any of mine from the 50p camera project.


Pile it high, sell it cheap. Butcher on the Wisbech Sunday Market selling cheap meat cuts to locals and immigrant workers alike.

XA2 (50p camera) / HP5+ / ID11 / V500
I've not posted in this thread in ages so how about a bit of colour and a bit of Sun from July last year, a couple of "behind the scenes" for my Anything Goes shot/camping trip. This was shot on a Canon telemax, an odd camera with two fixed focal lengths 38 and 70mm. Not the sharpest lens(es) in the world but quite pocket-able by comparison.

RB where it had been stoically all night, shame the autofocus picked up the background not the subject.

by steveo_mcg on Talk Photography

and my "camp site"

by steveo_mcg on Talk Photography
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I think it gives some context to the image and improves it, the main feature should be the landscape after all. To be honest, I thought it was intentional before I read your explanation. :)

In that case I totally meant it ;)

The reason I'd have preferred the rb in focus is that I have nice high resolution good quality shots of scene from the rb. Down side of a point and shoot really. Not that it matters it was just fun record shot.