Show us yer film shots then!

I have been using an OLYMPUS OM-2n 'taken over' from my Son who was given it but now uses only his Phone Gadget ! i have been 'Tutoring' a New Member of Brentwood & District Photographic Club who has the OM-2 and gave him some 10/2005 dated Fuji Superia 100 I got from a Widow of a Deceased Club Member about 10 cassettes. So I went out with other Club members and we were 'invited' in to take photos inside St Thomas of Canterbury Church, BRENTWOOD Essex ( England) --- I took a few with the E-Zuiko Auto-T 135mm f3.5 lens on the outdated Fuji same as I gave to New member -- I also tried the small T20 Flash on 'Fully Auto' and snaps seemed good.
Fuji Superia 08.jpgFuji Superia 10.jpgFuji Superia 11.jpgFuji Superia 12.jpgFuji Superia 13.jpg
Olympus OM-2n
Zuiko Auto-S 50mm f/1.8 (with orange filter)
Ilford HP5+
Ilfotec DD-X 1+4 9mins @ 20°

Grasses by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr
I actually saw a similar scene today that interested me whilst out with a large format outfit but alas , a 1/8 second shutter speed wasn’t going to cut it .

I did consider ICM , LF style :exit::LOL:

Lol @ChrisR It was an extremely brief consideration that rapidly passed without medical intervention :ROFLMAO:
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And that 10x8 snapshot fixed focus cameras are made?
Rolleicord Va, Fomapan 100, Adox Adonal 1:50, 2 tank inversions per minute.

Those first three are fab. Would make a great series with a few more.
Those first three are fab. Would make a great series with a few more.

I actually am working on a series revolving around street portraits, these were more recce/test shots but I'm going to be working more intensely over the next month or so. There's a street exhibition and zine planned as well, will be posting updates/musings once its off the ground.
Flamborough, North Landing
Bronica ETRSi
Zenzanon 75mm f/2.8 PE
Lomography Color Negative 100

North Landing by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr

Instantly recognisable!

Photos taken by my dad using his Voigtlander Vito, abut 1955, no idea about the film. Metered with a Weston Master 2 probably. A favourite place of his.


My brother, Johnny, and I.


Landscape photographer relaxing, watching children playing.


My sister Liz and Johnny


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Flamborough, North Landing

Instantly recognisable!

Photos taken by my dad using his Voigtlander Vito, abut 1955, no idea about the film. Metered with a Weston Master 2 probably. A favourite place of his.

View attachment 349226

My brother, Johnny, and I.

I wonder if one of those boats at the upper right are the same one in my picture?
An iPhone image of a 12x16 wet print , produced from a 35mm negative.

I’m pleasantly surprised by the result tbh although the film was exposed through Leica glass back in 2016.

It’ll look even better when framed with black mat board ;)3B239414-9353-4278-8DE1-7B8E34B701FB.jpeg
I find myself wondering how on earth they got all that picnic kit there on a pair of bicycles!
Two ladies, out for a gentle cycle ride find a perfect location to hold their picnic.
A telephone call to clarify location sees delivery made by motorised vehicle.

That’s what husbands are for no??!!!:LOL::LOL:
Hello Film People, I haven't set foot in here for aaaaages, it's nice to be back! Back before Covid started, I managed to play about with a home darkroom but the inevitable lockdowns meant I barely used any cameras. I dragged my TLR out of the drawer this week and thought I would get the light meter looked at, as it has never worked for me.

The guy in Aperture London took one look at it, cleaned the battery contacts and it was good to go lol. I got told off by an angry shop keeper for standing by her front door and taking a photo of the street, but hey ho!

Test TLR Shot by S8, on Flickr
Hello Film People, I haven't set foot in here for aaaaages, it's nice to be back! Back before Covid started, I managed to play about with a home darkroom but the inevitable lockdowns meant I barely used any cameras. I dragged my TLR out of the drawer this week and thought I would get the light meter looked at, as it has never worked for me.

The guy in Aperture London took one look at it, cleaned the battery contacts and it was good to go lol. I got told off by an angry shop keeper for standing by her front door and taking a photo of the street, but hey ho!

Test TLR Shot by S8, on Flickr
You haven’t been missed:exit::exit::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Good to have you back, there’s too many of the old crowd have disappeared .
We need more to follow your example ;)

Nice range of tones in that shot.
I shouldn’t worry about being told off by the shopkeeper, it’s nothing compared to the telling off we’ll give you if you leave again!:bat::LOL:
You haven’t been missed:exit::exit::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Good to have you back, there’s too many of the old crowd have disappeared .
We need more to follow your example ;)

Nice range of tones in that shot.
I shouldn’t worry about being told off by the shopkeeper, it’s nothing compared to the telling off we’ll give you if you leave again!:bat::LOL:

LOOOOOL. Thanks Mate, good to see you still here. Who disappeared?

Thanks - I am very pleased that the light meter works, and works spot on!