SimonTALM's 52 for 2010 pt 1 - Week 13 Quad added

Mechanical: Well, you live and learn on the 52 - I had no idea what a precision bearing is, but they do make good photos. I love the composition and dof on this, Simon. The pp suits it, too.

Play: Do you by any chance have a new camera to play with? There are hours and hours of playtime in that shot, and I'm not in the least, tiniest bit jealous - honest. Enjoy.


I will most certainly enjoy :LOL:

Bring on the posts of jealousy, All that gold is making me drool

Tee Hee Hee

Ummmm new toy, what I'd give to have a "play" with that

Paws off that's mine :bat:


It certainly is a thing to worship ;)

Play has thrown up all sorts of nice shots and this shot just shows that photos don't have to be complicated, just plain and simple (not the camera though ) Love it.

I think the trouble I am having with the 52 week challenge is that I am just trying to think of the un-thinkable and not the obvious

Thank you, my advice is if you struggle to find a new angle is to just shoot the obvious, just try out a new technique while you do it and enjoy the difference.

That's not so much 'play' as 'play-ground boasting!'

You sussed me out :coat:

New camera eh? I'm expecting great things from week 10!

Congratulations on your new toy!


Cheers, I will certainly be using it but can't I have a couple of bad weeks whilst "I get used to it" ;)

Mechanical - nicely lit and composed and yes, it does sometimes feel like there is less and less mechanical stuff around.

Play >> :razz:

Enjoy it you swine

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sorry why does the gold mean so much :exit:

I can understand why you'd want to play with your new toy there Simon... I hope you enjoy it thoroughly (I'm sure you will)
Nice very nice, I would give my right arm for a D3s (well not actually because then I would not be able to hold it)


How about a liver :LOL:

OOOooooooo......glad it's not a canon or I'd be jealous..

Nice!!!! .......and SO on theme!

It's lovely :D

sorry why does the gold mean so much :exit:

I can understand why you'd want to play with your new toy there Simon... I hope you enjoy it thoroughly (I'm sure you will)

I am loving it :)
I think I would have preferred to have a couple looking deeply in to each other's eyes but finding a suitable couple in a week is difficult. So I ended up with this...

Things I learned this week:

1) I miss Woolworths - finding a chemistry set now means having to find a Toys-r-us :puke:
2) Bicarb and Vinegar is always a fun reaction
3) The D3s's lack of Wireless Flash Commander means digging out the SB-600, but at least the SB-900 does make the commander bit easy.
like the colours and reactions in the test tubes. Horrid colour for a test tube holder .. what ever happened to wooden ones !:LOL:
Have to agree, the colours and reactions in the test tubes is spot on. But please do something about the pink frame :eek:
Great colours (sorry not the stand though :shake:) and I really like the reaction in the test tubes - certainly looks the part for 'chemistry'(y)
Very colourful chemistry set, the reactions are just the right amount.
Bring back Woolworths because that stand is just a hideous colour :puke: ;)

You know, I didn't think I'd ever deliberately ask for selective colouring, but I really think it could work in this one. The test tubes, the colours and the bubbly, frothy reactions are all brilliant, but I keep getting distracted by that bright pink stand - maybe converting that part to mono would help :shrug:

Ugly stand aside, it really is a very good shot. The lighting and sharpness on those test tubes is just superb!
I quite like the "wrongly coloured" stand! Does that make me strange?? Great colours, sharp in the right place and nice composition. Nice one Simon.

Cheers, Rob
Gotta agree... what a horrible stand... still... superbly done image, well lit, and (apart from the pink) the colours and the reactions in the tubes are excellent).
Absolutely 100% on the theme! Nice bit of reaction going on there, and the angle helps too.
Simon, I like the bearing image also the lighting. Also the DOF and sharpness.
Play IhateitIhateiIhateit... I really want one of them there D3ses, However the finacial situation will not allow it at the moment.
Chemistry, I would have liked a straight on shot because with this shot the far support is oof while the front support is in focus. Due to the angle it seems focus was a problem.
Had you put the frame a different way then you could have controlled DOF better.
Colors are fine and I like the bubbles. Perhaps a closer shot might be stronger.

Nice one simon, i was luck had a big chemistry lab at work, nice colours and a good reaction going on there m8

Some people have all the kit ;)

like the colours and reactions in the test tubes. Horrid colour for a test tube holder .. what ever happened to wooden ones !

I know dreadful, I've even lessened the impact as it was about 2 levels more vile than you see here!

Have to agree, the colours and reactions in the test tubes is spot on. But please do something about the pink frame

I can only use the tools I have ;)

Ha ha, im goint to be another one who laughs at the pink rack, i'm with you too i miss woolworths for stuff like that.

laugh away

Great colour and clarity, lighting is spot on.


Great colours (sorry not the stand though :shake:) and I really like the reaction in the test tubes - certainly looks the part for 'chemistry'

Thank you

Very colourful chemistry set, the reactions are just the right amount.


Bring back Woolworths because that stand is just a hideous colour

You know, I didn't think I'd ever deliberately ask for selective colouring, but I really think it could work in this one. The test tubes, the colours and the bubbly, frothy reactions are all brilliant, but I keep getting distracted by that bright pink stand - maybe converting that part to mono would help

Ugly stand aside, it really is a very good shot. The lighting and sharpness on those test tubes is just superb!

Unfortunately because of the drips the PP to grey it out would be impractical - I did think about it ;)

I quite like the "wrongly coloured" stand! Does that make me strange?? Great colours, sharp in the right place and nice composition. Nice one Simon.

Cheers, Rob

Strange, no; just colour blind :D

Lol yes somehow the pink stand actually goes with this however hideous it is!....excellent execution much fun


Gotta agree... what a horrible stand... still... superbly done image, well lit, and (apart from the pink) the colours and the reactions in the tubes are excellent).


I'm with Sarah on this one, Simon - if ever there was a case for selective colouring ....

Otherwise - so bang-on theme it hurts.


Paracetamol required then? (both for the pain and the headache from the pink :LOL:)

Absolutely 100% on the theme! Nice bit of reaction going on there, and the angle helps too.


Colouring is certainly dramatic - I need sunglasses! Fun and bang on theme

Thank you

Simon, I like the bearing image also the lighting. Also the DOF and sharpness.
Play IhateitIhateiIhateit... I really want one of them there D3ses, However the finacial situation will not allow it at the moment.
Chemistry, I would have liked a straight on shot because with this shot the far support is oof while the front support is in focus. Due to the angle it seems focus was a problem.
Had you put the frame a different way then you could have controlled DOF better.
Colors are fine and I like the bubbles. Perhaps a closer shot might be stronger.


Good comments on the DOF, thank you. I thought that the straight on shot would be boring so I chose the angle. I do have some closer shots

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Well I thought a play on worms would be a fun one today

Things I learned this week

1) Getting a diffused white background to rest on is quite difficult. I ended up placing a flash under a 2 clear plastic tupaware containers resting on wine glasses with a sheet of white paper between them and then a sheet of diffusing material on top.
2) Even when you have about 3kg of alphabet letters in the cupboard (don't ask) finding certain letters isn't easy
Good tsake on the theme, like the lighting very much.

Now can we have something NICE as this weeks theme please. :LOL::LOL:
Good tsake on the theme, like the lighting very much.

Now can we have something NICE as this weeks theme please. :LOL::LOL:

Sorry Briony, "Nice" hasn't been selected this week - it wasn't in the bag. Good news is I've added it, so you might get your request next week (y)
Well I thought a play on worms would be a fun one today

Things I learned this week

1) Getting a diffused white background to rest on is quite difficult. I ended up placing a flash under a 2 clear plastic tupaware containers resting on wine glasses with a sheet of white paper between them and then a sheet of diffusing material on top.
2) Even when you have about 3kg of alphabet letters in the cupboard (don't ask) finding certain letters isn't easy

I can't see any worms :wacky:

Apart from the complete lack of worms I quite like this. I know how difficult the backlit shot is do to (I gave up trying with chopped peppers as I couldn't get it right) (y)

Despite the obvious lack of worms, a very good take on the theme. Nicely lit too.
:muted: Will you two shut up about worms? Before we know it that'll be going in the bag as a theme!

Love the interpretation of the theme - I don't think I've seen any others remotely like it this week and it's worked really well.
Very clever use of lighting and an inventive use of Tupperware.
Knowing how tiny those alphabet sweets are and with the fact that they're backlit I think there's an incredible amount of detail in them (y)

Definitely works for me (y)
Excellent shot and great execution - especially as this was one of the first thoughts that ran through my mind when I read last week's theme - candi-ed sweets. Were these edible?!
Well I thought a play on words would be a fun one today

Will you be thumbing through the dictionary to 'p' this week and opting for a wide aperture?

Sorry, but this shots a bit of a soft option and not really doing it for me. I do like the colours and reactions going on in your test-tubes though. :)
I won't mention worms - but we've had worse themes, so perhaps I will mention them. :LOL:

The shot works really well and I love your description of the setup - very well thought out, and, most importantly, it works. And I like the subtle 'sweet' very much. (y) Did you use your macro lens? I'd thought of candied peel for this week. I didn't know there was such a thing as candied letters.

Can I just ask - why have you got about 3 kg of ....... :exit: :razz: :)

thats great, like the colours in the middle.. different interpretation of the theme for sure.. thanks for info on lighting setup.. worked a treat!
Good tsake on the theme, like the lighting very much.

Now can we have something NICE as this weeks theme please. :LOL::LOL:

Gee thanks Nicki :LOL:... Everyone please take note.. ask and ye shall receive... just not in the way you wanted it :LOL:...

An excellent take on the worms theme Simon, very well lit, love the trickier used to get the flash under there... (y)
Love Chemistry. Wish I had the imagination to come up with some of the themes people did for these topics. I blame whoever pulled the subject myself.

As for Candid. Apart from no worms, it looks really good. If you struggled with the backlight, it doesn't show as it all looks good to me :)

Candid sweet .. very good !

Thank you :)

I can't see any worms

Apart from the complete lack of worms I quite like this. I know how difficult the backlit shot is do to (I gave up trying with chopped peppers as I couldn't get it right)



Despite the obvious lack of worms, a very good take on the theme. Nicely lit too.


Will you two shut up about worms? Before we know it that'll be going in the bag as a theme!

Love the interpretation of the theme - I don't think I've seen any others remotely like it this week and it's worked really well.
Very clever use of lighting and an inventive use of Tupperware.
Knowing how tiny those alphabet sweets are and with the fact that they're backlit I think there's an incredible amount of detail in them

Definitely works for me

Cheers, (I think worms wouldn't make a good theme so you are quite safe :LOL:)

Excellent shot and great execution - especially as this was one of the first thoughts that ran through my mind when I read last week's theme - candi-ed sweets. Were these edible?!

Thanks, they were edible :D

Will you be thumbing through the dictionary to 'p' this week and opting for a wide aperture?

Sorry, but this shots a bit of a soft option and not really doing it for me. I do like the colours and reactions going on in your test-tubes though.

Oh well can't please everyone :)

I won't mention worms - but we've had worse themes, so perhaps I will mention them.

The shot works really well and I love your description of the setup - very well thought out, and, most importantly, it works. And I like the subtle 'sweet' very much. Did you use your macro lens? I'd thought of candied peel for this week. I didn't know there was such a thing as candied letters.

Can I just ask - why have you got about 3 kg of ....


You can ask but I don't have to say :naughty:

Well spotted on the subtle sweet, I did wonder if anyone would mention it.

thats great, like the colours in the middle.. different interpretation of the theme for sure.. thanks for info on lighting setup.. worked a treat!


Gee thanks Nicki :LOL:... Everyone please take note.. ask and ye shall receive... just not in the way you wanted it :LOL:...

An excellent take on the worms theme Simon, very well lit, love the trickier used to get the flash under there... (y)

You learned the hard way on that one didn't you :LOL:. Thanks for the comments :D

Love Chemistry. Wish I had the imagination to come up with some of the themes people did for these topics. I blame whoever pulled the subject myself.

As for Candid. Apart from no worms, it looks really good. If you struggled with the backlight, it doesn't show as it all looks good to me.


Well this was the week my Christmas present finally arrived, it was an Ice Cream maker so this week I mostly produced Ice Cream so here is my latest batch Twilight Mint Choc Chip

Things I learned this week.

1) How to make real Custard
2) I must get back to the Gym
3) The weekend the clocks go forward is not fun. :bang: :bang:
I won't ask why your Christmas present in either 3 months late, or 9 months early. :LOL: But that ice cream looks yummy - very yummy indeed.

OK, now to try and concentrate on the photo. That ice cream look yum ... sorry ... the composition is excellent, with the detail at the side of the mixer arm leading the eye into that yummy ice cream. There's a nice highlight on the rim of the yummy ice cream container and the colours are muted but work well together and.... oh bugger it! All I can think bout is that yummy ice cream. :bang: :)
