Sparrowhawk through window at ISO 3200

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This handsome male turned up on my feeder while I was working on the PC the other evening - managed to grab the Camera and rattle off some shots through a DG window at ISO 3200. Nothing to write home about I know but all things considering they did not turn out too bad.
7D + 400/5.6 hand held. Thanks for looking

#1 ISO 3200

#2 ISO 3200

#3 ISO 1250
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Thats rather impressive Roy, especially through DG with those settings, roll on the 7D (y)
A beautiful bird but perhaps not always welcome on our garden feeders, but still a thrill to see them. Great images (y)
I would say they turned out rather well, must have been fun having that at your feeders, I still havnt had anything but robins, sparrows and blue tits
Ok who's your window cleaner ;):LOL:

Thats impressive especially through a DG filter (y)
Good captures but you 1st at ISO 1250
Yes, I know Jim. the interesting thing is that the ISO 3200 shots were not that much more noisy than the ISO 1250 shot.

I find the available light and the colour of the subject has a lot to do with it.

Still not getting away from the fact they are good shots though!
Ok who's your window cleaner ;):LOL:

Thats impressive especially through a DG filter (y)
Actually Bob the window is not that clean but it does not seem to matter. Biggest thing I find with shooting through a DG window is the lack of contrast and the levels are often all over the place - but nothing that cannot be put right in photoshop, just needs a bit more processing.
Actually Bob the window is not that clean but it does not seem to matter. Biggest thing I find with shooting through a DG window is the lack of contrast and the levels are often all over the place - but nothing that cannot be put right in photoshop, just needs a bit more processing.

I found the same thing with my sparrowhawk shots I took last year. Our back windows in the old house were not so clean, and I just boosted stuff in PS...the Depth of Field takes care of most of the blotches where the kids have hand-printed the windows, etc.
I found the same thing with my sparrowhawk shots I took last year. Our back windows in the old house were not so clean, and I just boosted stuff in PS...the Depth of Field takes care of most of the blotches where the kids have hand-printed the windows, etc.
Yep, I remember taking some shots of a Hoopoe in Majorca through a mega dirty plastic window in a hide and was amazed how well the shots turned out.
Not too bad! You're having a laugh, Roy.:bonk: Even with the noise the images are outstanding.(y)
Handsome little chap indeed!
well spotted and captured (y)
Great set of shots Roy, even better taken through glass!

I have the odd one that visits, but not lucky enough yet to take any images.
Really nice shots! Would love to this sort of quality normally, let alone through DG at that ISO :) And would love to see one of those period in my garden!
Thats rather impressive Roy, especially through DG with those settings, roll on the 7D (y)
A beautiful bird but perhaps not always welcome on our garden feeders, but still a thrill to see them. Great images (y)

ISO 3200 through a window, I want a 7D :)

Get shots mate, and yes they turned out very well

I would say they turned out rather well, must have been fun having that at your feeders, I still havnt had anything but robins, sparrows and blue tits

Nice clean windows Roy:D,Cracking images @3200 cant be bad,thank you

Ok who's your window cleaner ;):LOL:

Thats impressive especially through a DG filter (y)

Considering everything they are great shots


They are fantastic... If I had took them I would certainly be writing home (y)

Excellent shots and beautiful bird! Nice one!

You wont find better being shot through double glazing..Stunning bird and fantastic results.

Good kit and great performance.

Very nice despite the high ISO.

Not too bad! You're having a laugh, Roy.:bonk: Even with the noise the images are outstanding.(y)

Lovely detail, especially those eyes (y)

Handsome little chap indeed!
well spotted and captured (y)

Great set of shots Roy, even better taken through glass!

I have the odd one that visits, but not lucky enough yet to take any images.

As said great shots!
Colours are impressive!

Excellent results Roy, considering the ISO's & conditions.

Really nice shots! Would love to this sort of quality normally, let alone through DG at that ISO :) And would love to see one of those period in my garden!
thanks for the feedback guys
jesus at 3200 iso, i have the same lens hope i can get the same results! really impressive
If you come around my place, you can clean my windows, lend me your 7D, and I will make a nice big pot of tea, and cook a full English.
There we go.

Generous or what?

But only if you bring the pet Sparrowhawk with you;)

Cracker Roy (y) There have been some very good Double Glazing Photogrophers on TP, and I think I can say you stand up there with the best of them :LOL:
jesus at 3200 iso, i have the same lens hope i can get the same results! really impressive

not bad at all Roy considering they were took through a window you must have cleaner windows than I have lol

Great Shots

If you come around my place, you can clean my windows, lend me your 7D, and I will make a nice big pot of tea, and cook a full English.
There we go.

Generous or what?

But only if you bring the pet Sparrowhawk with you;)


cracking looking fella, nice catch roy.

well whats left to say roy thats not been said already but(y)
regards ian

Cracker Roy (y) There have been some very good Double Glazing Photogrophers on TP, and I think I can say you stand up there with the best of them :LOL:
Thanks guys (y)