weekly Sparrow's 52, 2016 -Week 38 and 39 metal reshoot and big added

:clap:Oh Wow, haven't seen so many together before - aren't they colourful. Not sure I'd fancy reversing any of them out but must be wonderful to ride down the canals. Very well chosen for the theme Liz
Plenty of colour there Liz, that's for sure!
Thanks Cobra:)

Very Colourful Liz one of my ideas was to go down to our local canal basin but never got there
Thanks Mark:)

Very colourful Liz. I think Id have pumped the iso up a bit and gone with a smaller aperture to try to get more of the shot in sharp focus, but that's only a minor quibble (and when you're looking on the back of the camera as opposed to a screen it's going to be hard to appreciate exactly what the DoF was).

Judging from where you must be (assuming that this marina is local to you), then you've got a great shot for 'entrance' just down the canal too. it's a long time since I've been there, but getting the lift silhouetted against a morning or evening sky would be very impressive.
Thanks Tim. I do find it difficult to decide on aperture so advice is always very welcome:) and 'yes' you are absolutely right about the location:clap: I haven't been that way this week or your idea for 'entrance' may well have been put into action:)
:clap:Oh Wow, haven't seen so many together before - aren't they colourful. Not sure I'd fancy reversing any of them out but must be wonderful to ride down the canals. Very well chosen for the theme Liz
Thanks Carl:)

Beautiful shot love the colours.
Thanks Clive

Great colour but, dare I say, almost too much.
Thanks David, you may well be right I did do some pp thinking about colourful but perhaps was a little too enthusiastic LOL
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Colourful does look a little oversaturated...almost like a 70s postcard, but what a great idea for the theme. It makes me want to take off along the waterways for a slower pace of life :)
Thanks Emma, I was thinking 'colourful' when I did the pp but perhaps a little too enthusiastic. LOL.

Super Colourful shot Liz what a smashing idea for the theme ...they look amazing.
Thanks Susie

Liz, we have a marina by me, gonna take a look at that for sure. Like the colours
Thanks Chris
Hi Liz

Colourful - definitely ticks that box. Good horizon placement for me as the sky looks less exciting and you've done well to minimise it. It does look a touch underexposed though and I think it could stand a good stop or two more, with some careful management of the white point to avoid blowing?
Entrance - well spotted. I think this is a well thought out image which could perhaps be made even stronger by getting closer to the main subject and losing a bit more of the context? I sometimes find that when I'm shooting something I'll try to double the subject size in frame as a second option. Look at it on the screen and potentially do the same again... This way I can tell if making something more prominent improves the picture. I find it often does.
HI Liz

Well spotted for Entrance certainly fits the theme the greens are nice a bright I may have been tempted to crop a bit off the top.
Hmmm! A little mystery associated with that shot Liz ... do you know what the occupant is? Like the tangle above the entrance.
Covered - Great choice for the them ;) and a great picture too
Colouful - wow so many together presumably the marina, very colourful, right on theme.
Entrance - good spot I like the mesh of vines around the tree
Hello Liz

Vast - liking this, super light you have captured
Rough - good idea and shot but not overly keen on the processing but I can see why you chose to do it the way you have.
Covered - Nice blossom photo, pretty
Colourful - Nice and vibrant and I like the composition, leads the eye nicely
Entrance - cool image and well spotted, nice greens too.
Like the picture for Entrance. It was well spotted and I'd also like to see a version where it's cropped a little tighter too.
Thanks everyone. Quite a few mentioned a closer image so thought I would post one I was going to put up and then decided against:)

Entrance 2 by BlueLizzy, on Flickr
Hi Liz. Quite an arty structure you've presented for Size. What/where did you come across that? Nicely taken.
Hi Liz. Quite an arty structure you've presented for Size. What/where did you come across that? Nicely taken.
I'd love to hear the story behind this.
I'm intrigued by your image for Size its an impressive structure
Size - an intriguing shot I wonder what it was
More intrigue here. :D
Same here, strange to see this. Are they wood or stone ? Interesting
Hi Liz, it's definitely intriguing but could do with a bit more explanation!

Thanks everyone for your comments. With regards to the huge sandstone blocks - I don't know their history but they are located at Anderton Nature Park, Northwich, Cheshire. The park is next to the Anderton Boat Lift which is quite an impressive Victorian structure, lifting canal boats from the Weaver Navigation to the Trent and Mersey Canal. The park itself is reclaimed land from the industrial waste churned out by ICI so I am assuming that the stones may well originate from something to do with the either the waterways or industry.
Nicely lit there Liz, they fit the theme well.
I wonder if they are a reference to the firm "Anderton" who amongst other things create Lintels and Coping Stones.

Thanks Tim.
You could well be right about the firm 'Anderton'. I will try and find out more next time I go.... I am curious now:)
They are most certainly not happy are they Liz?
Better get watering now you have taken the image.
The things we do for our hobbies eh? :D
Love the colour - nice and sharp Liz with a great use of DoF to create that 3d effect at the top of the image. :clap:
Thanks for the explanation Liz the Anderton lift is a engineering masterpiece (not seen it myself) but mom and dad actually used it a couple of years ago

Love your shot for forgotten agree with car and Tim the top of the image almost looks 3D