weekly Sparrow's 52, 2016 -Week 38 and 39 metal reshoot and big added

Game is a great idea, nice shiny clunkers, do kids still play I wonder? The lake view is very serene, and as a catch up I like your Fauna and static too.

Thanks Clive. Not sure if kids still play conkers, but I remembers reading that some schools were banning them in the playground on the grounds that playing conkers is dangerous!!!!!!
Good catch up Liz ... and a couple of good ideas .... the slug for Fauna, and the conkers for Game. (y)
That looks good Liz - like the frame-filling quality of the image as well as the b&w range.
Good catch up Liz ... and a couple of good ideas .... the slug for Fauna, and the conkers for Game. (y)
Thanks David:)

That looks good Liz - like the frame-filling quality of the image as well as the b&w range.
Thanks Carl:)

Hi Liz ...well done with all those catch ups, love the detail in the snail, and a great idea with the conkers, you're almost up to date :)
Thanks Susie:)
Lovely old church Liz - is that a circular stained glass window out front or a mosaic? Good choice for the theme.
Thats an interesting looking old building Liz :)
Thanks Carl. The window is stained glass. I haven't been inside for a very long time but I always thought it a lovely old church.
Thats an interesting looking old building Liz :)

Yes.. it's located in a lovely rural location next to the village school. I believe it was completed somewhere around the end of the 17th century and although rather plain as churches go I have always liked it.
Definitely an Urban location with all those shops and foot and car traffic. Nice sweep of the road to lead the eye toward the centre of activity.
Sorry I've missed so much of your thread Liz - I've fallen so far behind on comments :(

I love the detail on your snail and the texture you've captured on the conkers.

The watch is a lovely subject, but seems a little dark/flat to me?

That's a beautiful scene for serene and I really like the composition for urban - very nice!
Ancient - nicely done with good colours in the stone and some detail in the sky.

Urban - I like the view running down the hill and under the bridge, it has lost of good urban features
Hi Liz,
Fauna - Little buggers aren't they, but you've captured him well.
Static - Interesting choice of colour for the background, it does take your attention away a bit. Lovely sharp capture of teh watch face, @Shirleyr will be after you ;)
Game - Blimey, not seen any of those around yet (and I do pass a few chestnut trees on my way to the station), so you must have saved those from last year ! Plenty of detail and a far less distracting background than Static.
Serene - That does appear to be an idyllic vista (y)
Black & White - Good conversion there, works well. I might have gone with a tighter shot to concentrate on a few bunches, but that's just personal choice.
Ancient - Well framed image of the church, this is one where perhaps the use of HDR might have allowed the sky to have more impact.
Urban - The inclusion of Costa speaks to the commercialisation of our high streets by faceless corporations, a good piece of social commentary.

Good catch up there Liz :)
Definitely an Urban location with all those shops and foot and car traffic. Nice sweep of the road to lead the eye toward the centre of activity.
Thanks Carl

Sorry I've missed so much of your thread Liz - I've fallen so far behind on comments :(
I love the detail on your snail and the texture you've captured on the conkers.
The watch is a lovely subject, but seems a little dark/flat to me?
That's a beautiful scene for serene and I really like the composition for urban - very nice!
Thanks Emma. No worries about missing my thread I have had to do a serious catch up so not been around for a while:)

Ancient - nicely done with good colours in the stone and some detail in the sky.
Urban - I like the view running down the hill and under the bridge, it has lost of good urban features
Thanks Chris.

Agreed that stonework is a lovely colour, very unusual compared to the yellow/grey we get around here, I like the use of the grass as a leading line into the shot too :)
Thanks Dean. The stone is sandstone lots of it around here.
Hi Liz,
Fauna - Little buggers aren't they, but you've captured him well.
Static - Interesting choice of colour for the background, it does take your attention away a bit. Lovely sharp capture of teh watch face, @Shirleyr will be after you ;)
Game - Blimey, not seen any of those around yet (and I do pass a few chestnut trees on my way to the station), so you must have saved those from last year ! Plenty of detail and a far less distracting background than Static.
Serene - That does appear to be an idyllic vista (y)
Black & White - Good conversion there, works well. I might have gone with a tighter shot to concentrate on a few bunches, but that's just personal choice.
Ancient - Well framed image of the church, this is one where perhaps the use of HDR might have allowed the sky to have more impact.
Urban - The inclusion of Costa speaks to the commercialisation of our high streets by faceless corporations, a good piece of social commentary.
Good catch up there Liz :)
Thanks Tim for taking a look at all my catch up photographs, a lot to plough through:). I shall certainly look at doing something with the sky in the church shot and at a closer crop on the black and white.
Regarding the conkers, they are this years. I was surprised so see them but not as surprised as I was yesterday at seeing chestnuts in Delamere Forest, I didn't open them so they may not have been very big, but very unusual all the same.
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Nice urban image Liz, different from the normal straight down the high street type shot :)
Emily managed to get in on the act so thought it perhaps made it a little more interesting than just two pairs of jeans!:)
pair(s) by BlueLizzy, on Flickr
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Shouldn't that be "Purrrrrr's" in that case Liz? :D


I think Emily does add to the domesticity of the photo, have to say I'm in two minds about the sepia tone to the photo
:agree: with @sirch. I like the thinking Liz and Emily certainly does add that added interest to the shot.
I'm not sure about the sepia either, but I like the idea and the cat adds to the shot.

I think Emily does add to the domesticity of the photo, have to say I'm in two minds about the sepia tone to the photo
:agree: with @sirch. I like the thinking Liz and Emily certainly does add that added interest to the shot.
I'm not sure about the sepia either, but I like the idea and the cat adds to the shot.
I was a bit unsure about the sepia Liz, but looking at if for the second time I do rather like it, it's good to try something a bit different.

Thanks everyone for replies, really appreciated.. With regards to the sepia my idea was to give it a bit of character. I did try b&w and thought about leaving it in colour but they both looked just like washing on a line to me, In hindsight perhaps I should have tried to make it look more like an old photograph - something to try again:)
I think you've hit the nail on the head with why the sepia might not be quite right for this shot, but love the idea and what a gorgeous cat...you couldn't leave her out! I've just tried a creamtone for the first time with one of my shots...I think it works as it's an old pier, but hopefully someone here will put me right if I've messed up! It's good to try new things :)
I think you've hit the nail on the head with why the sepia might not be quite right for this shot, but love the idea and what a gorgeous cat...you couldn't leave her out! I've just tried a creamtone for the first time with one of my shots...I think it works as it's an old pier, but hopefully someone here will put me right if I've messed up! It's good to try new things :)

Just took a look at your pier shot and think both the cream and sepia work very well. I particularly like the sepia and it has helped me see where I went wrong .... thanks Emma
Certainly plenty of metal in your metal reshoot looks like an interesting location, I like the varitation in patina on the steel blocks.

The Anderton lift certainly looks big, the buildings underneath give is a good sense of scale.
Hi Liz. Like the Anderton Lift shot for Big - marvellous structure and nicely composed to give that scale as Chris points out.
Nice contrasty shot for big. Great choice of framing with the minuscule buildings underneath.