Spring by the River

Nice woody Ade (y)
The nest seems to be at ground level ?
At the risk of looking a right twatt I was going to say snipe as the theme is by the river
but they don't look the right shape, I can't get a size either
so I will stick my neck out and say either skylark or lapwing
Way smaller Chris, CT might know,they are one of his favourites..........(y)
Few from today:







Only had one lens, so I used that one,all took whilst watching the kingfishers.
Some more really good pictures (and words) from your travels. I particularly like the blue tits having a wash(y)

Keep 'em coming(y)
I shall try, nothing of note worthy of its own thread at the moment, so I`ll just keep shoving stuff in here.

Though the otter has been seen.....................;)

I think it is crap,too noisy and not enough contrast or detail. I think it is a young one,hence the speckles on the chest,plus it was back lit.I am struggling like mad to get it PP`ed right..............:bang:

PS......Nuthatch at 800..........;):p:LOL:
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I think it is crap,too noisy and not enough contrast or detail. I think it is a young one,hence the speckles on the chest,plus it was back lit.I am struggling like mad to get it PP`ed right..............:bang:

It might not be technically perfect, but it's caught a moment and some character which I like very much :)
Nice set Ade its a toss-up between 5 & 6 for me (y)
I'm not going to try and ID them after
making a tit of myself over the egg ID's :D
Eggs belong to a wren Chris,I went close, she flew,I took two shots and buggered off.Birds have a hard enough time rearing young without me interfering.......(y)

Number 6 is a Nuthatch, a special "Phil 800" one.........:LOL:

Does not look like the Falcons will nest this year either,all in all, a bloody crap year.............:thumbsdown:
Does not look like the Falcons will nest this year either,all in all, a bloody crap year.............:thumbsdown:

There is still time a little time left. (although it is pushing it)
Nice one on the otter as well (y)

Oh and I knew it was a wren (not :D ) just checking that you did :coat: :LOL:

Frac - I think you're actually improving mate - these are pretty good.!!

Who took 'em? :thinking:
Frac - I think you're actually improving mate - these are pretty good.!!

Who took 'em? :thinking:

Some village idiot I know............:D
Not my usual thing, but I kinda liked the texture and colours on this.


Woodies are nesting as well. Difficult day as the sky was pure white mostly and I struggled getting the exposure right.


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what an amazing thread! :D

shame I only just found it

I'm absolutely stunned about the otters, incredible and totally disgusting how someone can think thats a reasonable way to behave. I'd love to know why? What possible harm can those poor things have been doing to anyone?

Please do let us know what happens to these ar5eholes
Thanks. One of the ladies who lives on the estate got photos of the otter on her phone camera,right place, right time and a huge slice of luck.Helen is e-mailing them to me,so I shall post them with her permission and with her copyright.......(y)
Thanks for continuing with this great thread.

Nice woody captures.............and I love the fungus (it actually looks quite like a Yorkshire Pudding):LOL:

Having checked my book on Mushrooms & Toadstools, I think the fungus is Polyporus squamosus - commonly known as Dryad's Saddle. (Unless anyone else knows differently)!

According to the book it is a poisonous variety.:puke:
Very young Jackdaws.

Spotted this as well, it was a helluva a way off.But I managed to see where it went.

Feeding young is relentless.


Dreadful shot, but it was dark and a long way off,female gooseander with loads of chicks.I`ll keep an eye out for them.


This is where they live at the moment.

There are only three creatures killed on this estate mate,Mr Reynard is not one of them.................:D
There are only three creatures killed on this estate mate,Mr Reynard is not one of them.................:D

Fairy nuff (y)
Any points for guessing :shrug: :D

If it were me and foxes are "protected"
I would go for the greys, rats and mink
Possibly magpies and of course poachers
all to protect the nesting birds
Rabbits would be there if crop protection was an issue
Oh well thats 6 :D
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Mink,Greys and rabbits that are burrowing on the parkland Chris.........(y)
Shot of the main house.


Charlie,there are some beautiful trees on here,i`ll try and get some pics,when/if we get some blue skies.
Not much about today,these are growing up quite nicely though.


This wee bird kept me entertained for a while.


Until this lot descended and I hid under a bridge for it pass, but it didn`t pass so I got pee wet through............:puke:


Saw two mink as well, failed miserably to get them on camera though.
The manor house looks impressive Ade (y)
The manor house looks impressive Ade (y)

The fella who owns it is a thoroughly nice man as well Chris,that may sound like aholing,but you know me better,I hope.

His wife and he are besotted with wildlife, we get on great...........(y)
The fella who owns it is a thoroughly nice man as well Chris,that may sound like aholing,but you know me better,I hope.

His wife and he are besotted with wildlife, we get on great...........(y)

Surprisingly enough, not all people that live in mansion type properties are ass holes, a lot, but not all :D
I know you tell it like it is Ade. no worries on that score (y)
Wow,I don't often get the time to read through long post but I'm so glad I did.I've really enjoyed reading about the exploits(good and bad) and looking at your photos from your part of this beautiful island. :clap:
Keep up the good work!

Getting on terms with these guys now........:D

Brave rabbit or just thick?


Spotted summat?


Agility test passed,huge crop i`m afraid.
