Spring by the River

I think they are rubbish Phil, I am doing something wrong with BIF`s at the moment,and I don`t know what,they just seem soft and rubbish to me.Perhaps i`m being too harsh,but I have taken better pics in the past, these just ain`t cutting it for me.

I`m up at F8 or 9,overexpose by 1 or 1.5 stops,camera set to only fire with focus lock,but everything is turning out pants,don`t know why?

The first look a little blurred perhaps, although it could be said that it adds to the image! I'd certainly be happy with it anyway!

The other 2 look good, but that might just be my monitor...;):p...in all seriousness, they look sharp and are well exposed!
Yeah Im up for that Ade, would be well worth it, getting my head round Exposure Comp now:D
New visitor, this hide stuff is making me lazy........:cool:

Spotted two of these in a field, so I crept out of the woods and crawled (mutant ninja lardass style) as near as possible,they buggered off just after taking the second shot.


Nice shots Ade, are these full frame?, only ask as i would be tempted to crop some of the woodland from the top of the 1st and place the Rabbit in the top 3rd, dunno if it would look right though:thinking:
Rabbit? Bloody Rabbit....:bat:.......:LOL:

See what you mean about the crop Andy,lemme see............
lol come ere mr rabbit:razz: haha, great creatures but very jumpy. still to get a shot of one
Hi Ade, great thread, i dont know how i only noticed this today.
Its a real shame about what was happening at your other stomping grounds, it really annoys me when people do that.

i will keep an eye on this thread, please keep updating us, its really interesting. (y)

Thanks Chris, I still go on the old stomping ground,I have the landowners permission,so wether or not a certain individual says I can or cannot go on is irrelevant, he hasn`t even got the bottle to face me up either. He phoned the local bobby last time he saw my car on there reporting me for tresspass....:LOL:....Local bobby said "How can it be tresspass if he has the owners permission?".

Alas,there is little too photograph, I have a good feeling that may change soon.....;)
You reckon these two spotted me......:shrug:


been looking through the thread again you have some cracking shots love the jay,magpie and what a fab dog you have.There are some really lovely wildlife shots there are to many to mention love them all and I just remembered the nuthatch is brill
I've only just discovered this thread. It kept me enthralled throughout, excellent photos and narative Ade (y)

Best of luck with your adversary, I'm sure your persistence wil pay off :)
Thanks Anthony, persistance is my middle name, along with obstinate,awkward,stubborn.....you get my drift......:D
Yeah, they are a very special type of rabbit........:cool:
Thanks for the comments guys.Been up there all day today and did not take one photograph,I saw nothing of any worth.......:LOL:

I guess it happens at times.
Lisa, I do enjoy what I do up there and get great satsifaction from there being LEo and SEo`s about now,the songbirds are thriving as are the sparrowhawks,the rodents are making hay with the overspill,hence the owls interest.

I am in communication with the RSPB who are helping me tremendously with advice and education.I don`t know everything,nobody does.

The owner wants as much wildlife on his land as we can cope with,he helps financially and he also has great influence with certain "bodies". All in all,this vast area will be a huge conservation area, and i`m bloody well enjoying making it happen.........(y)

He has put aside three fields that shall never be mowed,grazed yes,but never mowed.We hope that will help the lapwings and curlews.We don`t know for sure,nobody does,but we are trying with help from others.
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Lisa, I do enjoy what I do up there and get great satsifaction from there being LEo and SEo`s about now,the songbirds are thriving as are the sparrowhawks,the rodents are making hay with the overspill,hence the owls interest.

I am in communication with the RSPB who are helping me tremendously with advice and education.I don`t know everything,nobody does.

The owner wants as much wildlife on his land as we can cope with,he helps financially and he also has great influence with certain "bodies". All in all,this vast area will be a huge conservation area, and i`m bloody well enjoying making it happen.........(y)

He has put aside three fields that shall never be mowed,grazed yes,but never mowed.We hope that will help the lapwings and curlews.We don`t know for sure,nobody does,but we are trying with help from others.

Thats great news, wish i was part of something like that!

On the farm my mare is kept there was lapwings about earlier this year about, didnt bother them that there was horses about and the field they mainly was about in was grazed by sheep. Dont know if thats to any interest to you.

Theres some fab wildlife up there that id love to just sit and watch (they have given me permission to go where i like up there (y) ) but i just dont have the time till my 2 monsters are at school full time :)
I think......:thinking:.....this is a wood warbler.

Handheld at 800,so go easy on me please......:LOL:

Thanks Andy,I have got access to some of the farms surrounding the estate as of today,I know that the deer hang around there over winter.I`ll give you a shout when they are about.......(y)
Spotted Flycatcher. I have not seen one for years!
Nice shot too.
Spotted Flycatcher. I have not seen one for years!
Nice shot too.

I have one in my garden! I saw it first in the greengage tree the other day!
According to my posh new book,thanks Cedric..;).......You are correct Charlie, a new one for me,so thanks for the ID....(y)

There were loads of them hanging around the trees near the beck.
According to my posh new book,thanks Cedric..;).......You are correct Charlie, a new one for me,so thanks for the ID....(y)

There were loads of them hanging around the trees near the beck.

They tend to have a favourite perch & flit out from it to catch insects so you may be able to get some more good shots.
We used to see them up in the Glens usually hanging about the edge of Larch plantations. That is Larch in your shot too.
The bridge over the beck and onto the estate is about 80 - 100 feet high there Charlie.I just sat in the car and watched them at eye level flitting in and out of the larches,how lazy is that then?...........:D

They were certainly hammering the insects,that is for sure.
The bridge over the beck and onto the estate is about 80 - 100 feet high there Charlie.I just sat in the car and watched them at eye level flitting in and out of the larches,how lazy is that then?...........:D

They were certainly hammering the insects,that is for sure.

That is typical feeding. Now you can go back & sit & watch some more you lazy b****r.:LOL:
See you are mellowing too. Have to do something about that.:LOL:
My daughter who is eight says to tell you that your photos are beautiful and amazing. We agree. (y)
My daughter who is eight says to tell you that your photos are beautiful and amazing. We agree. (y)

If my photos please one so young, then that is great...:)

Can you say "Thank you" to her for me and that I am glad she likes them..........(y)
Very nice Ade and a "rare one" for me too (y)
Hello Mr Fracster,

was just wonderin if this story has come to an end ? :thinking:

Really enjoyed following it...........

now it seems to have "gone to ground" so to speak :shrug:
I guess it is Autumn.
