Spring by the River

I wonder what that died of?
( or was it "pushed" :D)
No idea Chris, it must have been a cagey predator to kill a mink.....:shrug:

Some would say that's not a bad thing though... :cautious:

Some would... :shrug:

Ven, Its banter between Frac and I both on here and by PM's :p
We are both fully aware of the destructive nature of mink.
And as such have no sympathy for its passing ;)
at my local river there is a mink, any tips on its removal ? before there is no other wildlife
at my local river there is a mink, any tips on its removal ? before there is no other wildlife

You wouldn't be allowed to do it, but notify your local water authority
of it location
and they will ( Should) set traps)
You wouldn't be allowed to do it, but notify your local water authority
of it location
and they will ( Should) set traps)

Can you not shoot them then Chris? Assuming it's not a public place,obviously.
Obviously in a "private" area you can shoot them, CT.
I just assumed that it was "public domain"

But you are looking at .22 rim fire .410 or 12 bore. An air rifle would be more likely
to wound than dispatch it.

Being rather "sneaky" creatures it better to use either a live catch or fen mk VI ( in a tunnel or slightly dug into the bank)
either way baited with fish heads / guts
or mackerel left out for a couple of days ( the smellier the better but not rotten)
Being rather "sneaky" creatures it better to use a fen mk VI ( in a tunnel or slightly dug into the bank)

Sounds good in theory... :shrug:

BUT... :thinking: ...I'd always be concerned this may be likely to catch the wrong victim Chris... :cautious:

Obviously in a "private" area you can shoot them, CT.
I just assumed that it was "public domain"

But you are looking at .22 rim fire .410 or 12 bore. An air rifle would be more likely
to wound than dispatch it.

Being rather "sneaky" creatures it better to use either a live catch or fen mk VI ( in a tunnel or slightly dug into the bank)
either way baited with fish heads / guts
or mackerel left out for a couple of days ( the smellier the better but not rotten)
Ah... cheers Chris. Curious though, I'm struggling to think what might have seen it off - you reckon it could be a badger?

That's assuming we can dismiss Frac as a suspect - which I'm far from sure about. ;)

Sounds good in theory... :shrug:

BUT... :thinking: ...I'd always be concerned this may be likely to catch the wrong victim Chris... :cautious:
Its all in the way that the traps are placed baited Ven ;)
Pest control believe it or not, is rather scientific, and knowing your target and its habitat.
Its not about wanton destruction, by any means.
It would take too long to explain the whys, wherefore's and howtoos
of any target BUT

If in doubt, a live trap is the "weapon" of choice then non target species are
release un harmed.
(y) ( but maybe a little disgruntled :D )

Ah... cheers Chris. Curious though, I'm struggling to think what might have seen it off - you reckon it could be a badger?

That's assuming we can dismiss Frac as a suspect - which I'm far from sure about. ;)

I guess a badger would be able to take on "out" CT
My monies on the second option though :D
How dare you suspect me?


I cage them, then I can release things I don`t want to kill if they wander into the cage. Mink are fair game IMO.Yes, the cages are checked twice daily.

The only thing I have ever caught in a cage set up for Mink, other than Mink, was a salmon when the river rose high,very odd.....:cautious:
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The only thing I have ever caught in a cage set up for Mink, other than Mink, was a salmon when the river rose high,very odd.....:cautious:

"poached salmon" Eh? how did it taste ? :D
Thats one reason I do NOT like live trapping mink by rivers BTW
I know its only a "minor" risk but a risk non the less

"poached salmon" Eh? how did it taste ? :D
Thats one reason I do NOT like live trapping mink by rivers BTW
I know its only a "minor" risk but a risk non the less

Fair comment Chris, that is also why I only cage mink, you can see the prints, check the enviro,postion the cages accordingly and be as careful as you like.But if you got an otter, other than being in deep poo, one would never forgive oneself.
I need to move the hide around now, the lower afternoon sun is shining directly at me now making things difficult.

And this is where the badgers are living.


There are 5 holes in the sett,the two lower ones seem to be used the most.I think they may hang around seeing as they are getting free food......:)
I need to move the hide around now, the lower afternoon sun is shining directly at me now making things difficult.


Sometimes backlight can work to your advantage Frac... :shrug: ... and this image has really benefited from your position facing the light source imhgo... (y)

That's a beauty... :D

And this is where the badgers are living.


There are 5 holes in the sett,the two lower ones seem to be used the most.I think they may hang around seeing as they are getting free food......:)

Wish yours luck the Welsh assembly are about to try to eradicate ours:wacky:

Sometimes backlight can work to your advantage Frac... :shrug: ... and this image has really benefited from your position facing the light source imhgo... (y)

That's a beauty... :D


Thanks Rog,the lighting is different, not sure if I like it or not........:cautious:

Or I could get my backside up there earlier in the day........:D
Wish yours luck the Welsh assembly are about to try to eradicate ours:wacky:

Why,how and what for????

Or is it the farmers bitching about Tb again, the same idiots who claimed CJD was spread by deer along with foot and mouth?

Sometimes backlight can work to your advantage Frac... :shrug: ... and this image has really benefited from your position facing the light source imhgo... (y)

That's a beauty... :D

I don't do it very often but I have to agree with ole' greenie :pAde (y)
Why,how and what for????

Or is it the farmers bitching about Tb again, the same idiots who claimed CJD was spread by deer along with foot and mouth?

I seem to remember something about a "trial cull" but not sure of the details,
probably the "TB" thing.
TBH we have loads in this part of the country and
most weeks I see at least 1 dead one on the roads around here.
I saw a live mink today, didn`t have a rifle or gun with me,bugger............:bang:
These ladies are appearing now as well, they clean up what the songbirds drop,along with the chaffies. The greys try,but they meet Mr HK 77.


Oh and this fella lives around and about as well.........;)

High speed woody.

Lol at the high speed woody, Ade
Great Barnie shot (y)

Cheers, I nearly binned the woody shot, but reckoned it was good for a giggle.....:D
This morning was very misty, however I did witness a superb piece of wildlife action, I watched a stoat kill a young female hen pheasant,the pheasants are cleaning up the spilt bird seed now and have been for a few days.I spotted the stoat knocking about in hunt mode, I then heard an almighty screech about 10 feet away,turned and the saw the stoat getting the neck of the pheasant and killing it before dragging it into the undergrowth,bloody awesome. You will have to take my word for it cos it was too dark for any kind of image to be taken.

Anyway,coal tit from today.

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Ade the owl shot is cool! (y)
Cheers Pete, nice to catch up again, how is the Scandyman?

Still gay, still cant play bass and still cant drive a rarri! :D

This is a great thread BTW. I didnt realise what a great tog you were. You kept that under your hat. (y)
The colours up here are something special at the moment,unlike my landscape skills.......:LOL:
