STOLEN D3s + D300s & more :(

Ryan - just a thought and assuming you bought the d3s on the credit card, do they not have to insure it for a certain amount of time afterwards?

Yes but I don't think that extends out to theft, unless you have those terms in your CC deal.
You get protection against rogue traders and companies being bankrupt when you need a refund or replacement.
that is really awful...i really hope you've got it all insured adequatly
poor you
Ryan .
Just found this mate.It stinks hope they catch the barstards .
Sorry i can't do anything to help, just keep my eyes open down this way.

It's ok - all parties know the exact truth. I told them I am a muppet and that I left the keys in my coat. No one has decided they won't pay out (yet).

You'll no doubt have an enounter with the insurance company's investigations dept then. From (bitter) personal experience may I suggest you ask for all communications to be in writing, they have a habit of wanting everything to be done over the phone, but unless you record the call you'll have no way of proving what information you've given them and what they've said to you...
I'm not sure you could class it as a public area either. To get to the interview desks in my local job centre you have to be invited upstairs and need an appointment. There are G4S security guards downstairs controlling where people go.

Don't know if this is of any use or not, really wish there was something more helpful I could say, but at the end of the day some ******* has done the usual and taken a load of stuff he has no right to even touch.
Getting angry now, I'll have to go calm down.
Sorry to hear about this Ryan, another point to note is burglars often come back a few weeks after burgling a house because they know all the items will have been replaced so i'd consider getting a good alarm fitted, especially if you're leaving gear as expensive as that in the house.

craigslist and gumtree are full of stolen gear so it may be worth having a look
Really sorry Ryan, not at all good to have this stress coming up to Christmas especially since you are actually there to help the thieving scum in the first place!

Another one to look out for is preloved.

Definately tell Nikon because as soon as someone else tries to register your camera they can be asked a few questions about where they got it :)

Take care and watch out for any uninvited visitors over the holiday period.
Feel for you Ryan, that's a sore one.

Here's hoping it all works out with your insurance.

wack61 makes a good point, this was at the forefront of my mind reading your thread, a good time to think about home security, I know you have enough on your plate all ready but this kind of thing can happen.

I'd say it wasn't a public place, just because they could get to your coat doesn't mean it was public - it was a place for staff to hang coats. I'm sure your employers will back you up on this, if there were to be an issue.
Sorry to read about this, good wishes to you. I hope you are soon back sorted and the villains bought to justice.... Not nice reading at all :(
Awful Ryan, I dont have much gear but if I can lend you anything please ask.

Hope the insurers give you great service

That's such a lovely offer. Thank you very much. Will be in touch if I get desperate. :)
I'm not sure you could class it as a public area either. To get to the interview desks in my local job centre you have to be invited upstairs and need an appointment. There are G4S security guards downstairs controlling where people go.

Don't know if this is of any use or not, really wish there was something more helpful I could say, but at the end of the day some ******* has done the usual and taken a load of stuff he has no right to even touch.
Getting angry now, I'll have to go calm down.

It's ok - I'm with you on the anger front :D

But the very pleasant and helpful police woman told me not to get bitter over it. Which I won't - I've seen enough **** in this lifetime already to let this little incident beat me.

But I look forward to the day I meet the culprit - as unlikely as that is......
You'll no doubt have an enounter with the insurance company's investigations dept then. From (bitter) personal experience may I suggest you ask for all communications to be in writing, they have a habit of wanting everything to be done over the phone, but unless you record the call you'll have no way of proving what information you've given them and what they've said to you...

Thats because they use a form of lie detector software when giving evidence over the phone.

Hope all goes well for you Ryan.
Folks - some many kind words of support and some excellent advice on avoiding this type of thing in future. I can't reply to you all individually but thank you sooo much for taking the time.

I promise to keep you all up to date on events.

Some good news - I can get a newer ipod than the one I had (they are sending me a voucher for Currys) AND I could pick any PS3 games I wanted - I didn't have to have the old ones again. So although I haven't touched the PS3 since February I can at least play with it now to while away the winter hours - now that I have no car to drive to take photos!

Cheers all
Ryan, just had a read through all the messages, very heartwarming response.

I would be amazed if this sort of thing has not happened before if the coats are in an open area, they must take a bit of the blame I would have thought

You know the number if I can be of any help


But the very pleasant and helpful police woman told me not to get bitter over it. Which I won't - I've seen enough **** in this lifetime already to let this little incident beat me.

Just think how much better your life is than the weasel who stole your stuff :LOL:
BLimey. Really really sorry to here this..................

I am sure you have done this and not sure if police could use it though, but the "Gentleman" you helped yesterday who was "staying with friends" - I assume in your work you have his personal details - could you give them to plod as a suspect.

Quite scary now how seemingly innocent stuff can be used to find home address etc.........

Hope all goes well with insurers......

Had a road angel nicked from my car a couple of years back (Did £2K of damage to nick £200 of stuff) - turned up a couple of weeeks later in "Secondhand land" - a notorious place in Norwich for hoiking off nicked gear......... reserved it and called plod........... not overly interested.......
Yesterday in my "day job" someone stole my keys from my coat pocket. By the time I left at 5pm my car had gone. By the time I got home (nearly 25 miles away) our friends had paid a visit here too and helped themselves to some of my kit. Here's what they took:-

1) Nikon D3s (only the body - not the box which was still on the armchair along with charger etc).
2) D300s which was living in a little Kata shoulder bag.
3) The D3s was in a tamrac shoulder bag with Nikon lenses 24-70, 85 1.4 and 50mm 1.4.
4) Several Sandisk CF cards that were also in the Tamrac bag
5) My very rarely used PS3
6) PS3 games (although I couldn't even tell the police woman what games I had!!)
7) My beloved Ipod which I used most evenings

That's it (as far as I can tell).

I know it was a rush job because they left a lowepro backpack with a D700 in, and a 70-200. They also left a big Lowepro bag with the 105mm and the 14-24 in (and my lensbaby!!). And they left my SB-900s.

As I type this I'm in a bit of a state and don't know if any of this will help. But as I told the copper - if a D3s comes up on the second hand market in the UK in the next few weeks it's 99% likely to be mine. I can't see many D3s owners selling their new body in the near future...

If anyone sees a D3s for sale for about £200 think of me.



Do the checks in your local cash converter type shops. Its the preferred method rather than the pub sales that used to be the way. Internet is too easily monitored or so the scum think.

Unfortunately all new cars are stolen 'on the key' They will no doubt be local to where you work rather than where you live. Hopefuly the car will be full of forensic opportunities. Then you may find out who they are and they may then be unlucky enough to have a bad day. Just like the thieving scum on the quad bike who had an accident with a train on railway lines whilst fleeing from a burglary:puke: in the early hours.
I'm afraid I argree with the others who say it's a set up by the sound of it, probably somebody who knows you have cameras there and targeted you.
Hope they catch the scum.
Very sorry to hear of your misfortune and hope you get sorted out

Whereabouts in Cambs was this? will keep my eyes and ears open in case anything pops up for sale

Hi Ryan,

Just a quick note to say i was trying to reply to your PM but your mailbox is full.


If you need a car, speak to your insurance company and see if they can arrange a hire car through on of there nominated suppliers (enterprise, national etc). If they can, ask if they can transfer you insurance policy to hire car. Enterprise used to charge an insurance co £8.50+vat +insurance (if needed) for a tiny car. Make sure you ask the ins co what the rate is, don;t trust the hire car co, cos they will inflate it. Insurance used to be £7.50 +vat p/day extra, so almost as much as the car.

Alternatively, Enterprise used to do a £9.99 p/day weeekend special, and will certainly do one over the holiday period, and that includes insurance. Usually starts from next monday when the corporate rental s drop off.
I rarely post on here anymore, more a reader than a contributer - but thought I would pass on my condolences... I find it sickening that someone has the gaul to do this, I'll keep my eyes peeled and if I see anything, will let you know!

I hope you manage to catch the scumbag that did this!
And they should let you do it a day at a time!

Will need a deposit though.
I currently have a Nikon 17-55 2.8 as well as a Tamron 28-75 2.8 so if you need to borrow one let me know, live in Longstanton so not a million miles from you.
Thats because they use a form of lie detector software when giving evidence over the phone.

Hope all goes well for you Ryan.

I'm aware of that, but in my case the investigating officer denied making certain requests ("we need to see your driving licence just in case you've ever had a parking ticket" :thinking:) over the phone that had no relation whatsoever to a theft claim. The job of these people isn't to approve your claim, it's to reduce or wherever possibe find a reason, however flimsy, to reject the it.

Hopefully the scroats will be thick enough to continue using Ryan's car and the police can trace them that way...

Really sorry mate, just remember material things can be replaced no matter how precious they are replaceable.

More important is your safety and well looks like the good folks on TP are doing their best to help you through this. I am probably not the first but just checked ebay and nothing on there yet. Truth is though based on your description of these characters the kit will probably be sold by now for a couple of hundred quid all in to fund a couple of days getting high!

Do make sure you have all the locks changed.

Just a thought, if you were dealing with one of the scumbags while his mate fleeced your coat do you not have a record of the one you dealt with for the police to check it out? I am sure there is a reason why this may not be valid...

Good luck and I hope you get sorted.


PS The only help I can offer you is to design a "Saw" type mechanism that will twist the arms and feet off these little ******* when the are eventually caught.
No words to console but I can offer you a lift to the Whipsnade meet up..

You are taking it in good spirit and that is important mate.
Chances are they have dumped the car somewhere local-ish by now, it's too dodgy to drive around in for long it links them to the burgalary, it might be worth checking the rougher areas near you it may be just sitting outside somebodies house.
What car was it Ryan, what age/colour? I'll keep an eye open for it since I'm only down the road from you. PM m if you don't want it posting publically

Aw crap I really feel for you Ryan.

I had a similar thing happen last March - the buggers broke into the house while we were asleep upstairs and nicked all my camera kit. D3 plus pro lenses, studio lighting - and my car. £18k worth plus the car. The car was insured but the household insurance weasled out of the claim on the small print. It's taken me 7 months to get back to pro kit again.
oh no thats awful hope that they get the scum that did it
It's ok - all parties know the exact truth. I told them I am a muppet and that I left the keys in my coat. No one has decided they won't pay out (yet).

Very wise. I'd expect the insurers to check your claim against police records and if there was a significant wilfull disparity then you'd be in trouble (and no insurer would want to know you again).
If you need a car, speak to your insurance company and see if they can arrange a hire car through on of there nominated suppliers (enterprise, national etc). If they can, ask if they can transfer you insurance policy to hire car. Enterprise used to charge an insurance co £8.50+vat +insurance (if needed) for a tiny car. Make sure you ask the ins co what the rate is, don;t trust the hire car co, cos they will inflate it. Insurance used to be £7.50 +vat p/day extra, so almost as much as the car.

Alternatively, Enterprise used to do a £9.99 p/day weeekend special, and will certainly do one over the holiday period, and that includes insurance. Usually starts from next monday when the corporate rental s drop off.

Thanks for the tip. My car insurers (MMA) have been the most unhelpful people on earth and have so far given me no hope of a car. Fortunately a member of ther family has offered me his. If work won't do the decent thing and let me have a pool car then I'll use the family's car.

****** insurance!!