The 52 Weeks of Daysleeping Pt 2 - WEEK 52!!! (Texture)

That's a very clever shot expertly done:clap:

re the f8/10 question on your water droplets i just assumed that you wouldn't need such a large dof to get the droplet in focus, but if the Raynox knocks the dof right down then I guess you would need a larger f stop to maintain the sharpness in the right areas. I'm sure Ajophotog could explain.
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Yet another great idea I would never have thought of, but then I don't do that much PP.

Number 3 is my favourite. Great lighting, very sharp and spot on composition. (y)
bang on theme and a great take:clap:
Thanks for all the comments everyone ;)

Week 42 - Bubbles

I bought some bubbles thinking "This'll be no problem" and then realised that I didn't really have an idea of what to do with them. So what I decided to do was build on week 40 and the water theme which I really enjoyed...

I'm not sure this is an improvement but it was definatly more difficult and there are more bubbles involved this time:


Things I learnt:

1. Used my crappy tripod this time and actually we got on ok.
2. The value of a remote shutter release when doing this kind of stuff - as my "studio" is actually the bedroom floor the remote saved me a lot of back ache and general lying on the floor :D
3. Smaller bubbles are better than bigger bubbles for this kind of thing.
4. It hurts quite a lot when you get bubble mix in your eye.
5. I still need an off camera flash of some kind - must do some research on what.

Thanks for looking ;)

EDIT - I have posted some more here and I'll put all of them on flickr if anyones interested.
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I love your out of context - very nice lighting in all of them and clever processing :)

I actually like #3 the best :)

Bubbles - good god Fi! Thats amazing :) I can't even imagine how you created that bubble monster :)

Very nice and the colours are great :)
I love your out of context - very nice lighting in all of them and clever processing :)

I actually like #3 the best :)

Bubbles - good god Fi! Thats amazing :) I can't even imagine how you created that bubble monster :)

Very nice and the colours are great :)

Thanks John - I think it's unanimous that #3 is the better out of context shot so that is now officially my entry for that theme.

The bubble / water drip thing was great fun - you should give it a try. I got (stole!) the idea from Splog who posted a great example a while back.
I peaked your shots on your flickr, and I LOVE both the out of context[VERY clever work, there!] and the bubble shot - the one you posted is my fave out of all of them, too.

Smashing shots, really impressed :D
I peaked your shots on your flickr, and I LOVE both the out of context[VERY clever work, there!] and the bubble shot - the one you posted is my fave out of all of them, too.

Smashing shots, really impressed :D

Thanks Shorty - they are all up on flickr now. This one actually isn't my favourite - but it had more little bubbles within the big bubble than the others so I thought it suited the theme best.
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That's amazing photography...:clap::clap::clap:

I love this so much...:love:

Oh and I think it's brilliant...(y)
That's amazing photography...:clap::clap::clap:

I love this so much...:love:

Oh and I think it's brilliant...(y)

Thanks Marcus - you should give it a try too, it's great fun (y)
I love this :love:
I thought your water droplets were great, but this has taken it to another level. I have absolutely no idea how you did it, but it's worked brilliantly.

I promise to have a look at the rest of your shots. I meant to do it with your water droplets but got distracted.
How cool is that!? Love the colouring - the pinky-purple accent colour really sets it off.
I love this :love:
I thought your water droplets were great, but this has taken it to another level. I have absolutely no idea how you did it, but it's worked brilliantly.

I promise to have a look at the rest of your shots. I meant to do it with your water droplets but got distracted.

Thanks Sarah - don't worry, you're not obliged to study my other shots ;)
As to how it's done - just like the water drops with the added level of difficulty in getting the damn bubble in the right place and taking a shot before it bursts! Otherwise you just drop the water through the bubble and try to get the timing right.

How cool is that!? Love the colouring - the pinky-purple accent colour really sets it off.

Thankyou - I really need to get a good glass bowl and some funky coloured backgrounds. I'm a bit stuck with the blue bowl at the moment.

Wow, that's fantastic! Excellent photo. (y)

Thankyou! :)
Thanks Sarah - don't worry, you're not obliged to study my other shots ;)
As to how it's done - just like the water drops with the added level of difficulty in getting the damn bubble in the right place and taking a shot before it bursts! Otherwise you just drop the water through the bubble and try to get the timing right.

I know I'm not obliged to look, but I would like to. I really love these shots.
I might try the bubble thing, but it sounds a bit complicated - I might be better off starting with just the regular water drops I think!
I know I'm not obliged to look, but I would like to. I really love these shots.
I might try the bubble thing, but it sounds a bit complicated - I might be better off starting with just the regular water drops I think!

Thankyou :)

I'd definately start with just the drips - that way you can hone your timing.
Fabulous shot! :clap: Lovely shapes and colours. I haven't even got as far as trying a regular water drop shot, let alone something like this!
Superb work DS... and amazing timing to manage it too.. (y) lovely
Cracking shot and bang on theme :clap::clap::clap:
How do you do it?!

No, I don't mean set up the shot, I mean coming up with such great interpretations, and great photos, every week :razz: :notworthy::notworthy:

That is a fantastic shot Fi :clap::clap::clap:
Bubbles: How on earth did you do that, DS. Not just once, either - the ones on the linked thread are great too (although I think you should get both of boobs next time :LOL:) For once, I'm glad I wasn't the first to comment on #4. :LOL:

Anyway, this is a terrific shot. It would make a great canvas. :clap::clap::clap:

Thankyou all for the lovely comments - much appreciated (y)

Now, I have been having a pretty gloomy week since I put my neck and shoulder out on tuesday. Suffice to say it hurt. A lot. Still can't drive and carrying a camera around is not really working out for me at the moment. I have done my best with "Doom & Gloom" by setting up a simple shot in my bedroom but cannot for the lift of me think of something for "Low Down".

What I think I'm going to have to do is postpone Low Down and come back to it when I can move a bit better. I'm going to come back and put it in this post so watch this space:

Ok, so it took a little while and it is still a filler / crowbar shot but here I finally give you Low Down...

Thanks for modelling again Spike :)

Sorry for being pathetic :(
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As per above post I have been feeling pretty gloomy this week - but today I can't help dwelling on something far more doom laden and gloomy:


The shot doesn't really do the subject justice so I'll just post the full poem which I think says it far better:

In Memoriam​

Private D. Sutherland killed in action in the German trench, May 16th, 1916, and the others who died.​

So you were David's father,
And he was your only son,
And the new-cut peats are rotting
And the work is left undone,
Because of an old man weeping,
Just an old man in pain,
For David, his son David,
That will not come again.​

Oh, the letters he wrote you
And I can see them still,
Not a word of the fighting
But just the sheep on the hill
And how you should get the crops in
Ere the year got stormier,
And the Bosches have got his body,
And I was his officer.​

You were only David's father,
But I had fifty sons
When we went up in the evening
Under the arch of the guns,
And we came back at twilight-
O God! I heard them call
To me for help and pity
That could not help at all.​

Oh, never will I forget you,
My men that trusted me,
More my sons than your fathers',
For they could only see
The little helpless babies
And the young men in their pride.
They could not see you dying,
And hold you when you died.​

Happy and young and gallant,
They saw their first-born go,
But not the strong limbs broken
And the beautiful men brought low,
The piteous writhing bodies,
They screamed 'Don't leave me, sir"
For they were only your fathers
But I was your officer.​

E. A. Mackintosh
Killed in action, 1917

A little bit of background on the poem:

Thanks for looking.​
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This is a truly lovely piece of work...:love:

It fits the theme and the day so very well...:clap::clap::clap:

Absolutely brilliant, and sad at the same time...(y)
That is a fabulous shot - and very apt. The poppy sets it off brilliantly...really well done.
I hope the neck gets better soon and it's probably very wise to postpone low down. The last thing you want to be doing with a bad neck is crawling on the floor.

Doom and Gloom : it doesn't matter that this was just a simple shot taken in your bedroom. Every now and then you come across a shot in these 52s that just hits you over the head and makes you stop and think . . . this is one of those.
That is so very powerful - beautifully and sensitively done too.

The only thing I'd like to see changed would be to bring the Poppy forward a bit, so that it's a little more in focus. Maybe just overlapping the edge of the page???
This is a truly lovely piece of work...:love:

It fits the theme and the day so very well...:clap::clap::clap:

Absolutely brilliant, and sad at the same time...(y)

Thankyou - I read this poem every year and it always brings a tear to my eye. E. A. Mackintosh was only 23 and he obviously felt responsible for all his men. I just can't imagine how it must have felt to be him. I find it helps me remember the individuals involved on a more personal level.

That is a fabulous shot - and very apt. The poppy sets it off brilliantly...really well done.

Thankyou - I was a bit worried it would be seen as tacky so I'm glad you like it.

Have to agree with the above. Great work (y)

Thanks Karma (y)

I hope the neck gets better soon and it's probably very wise to postpone low down. The last thing you want to be doing with a bad neck is crawling on the floor.

Doom and Gloom : it doesn't matter that this was just a simple shot taken in your bedroom. Every now and then you come across a shot in these 52s that just hits you over the head and makes you stop and think . . . this is one of those.
That is so very powerful - beautifully and sensitively done too.

The only thing I'd like to see changed would be to bring the Poppy forward a bit, so that it's a little more in focus. Maybe just overlapping the edge of the page???

Thanks Sarah - you're right, low down isn't really a place I can go at the moment!

I did try different set up's with the poppy and in the end decided to completely throw it out of focus. The problem I had is that the paper poppy can look a bit "cheap" and I thought it would be better to have it recognisable but not the main focal point.
I did try different set up's with the poppy and in the end decided to completely throw it out of focus. The problem I had is that the paper poppy can look a bit "cheap" and I thought it would be better to have it recognisable but not the main focal point.

I hadn't thought of that - you're probably right.
It really is a stunning image this week, no matter where the Poppy is.
Doom and Gloom : it doesn't matter that this was just a simple shot taken in your bedroom. Every now and then you come across a shot in these 52s that just hits you over the head and makes you stop and think . . . this is one of those.
That is so very powerful - beautifully and sensitively done too.

I couldn't have put it any better than Sarah has. The poem's new to me, so thank you for sharing it.

I'm sorry to hear about your neck and shoulder - it sounds really painful. I hope it gets better soon - take care. :hug: from me.

:clap: very well done. Simple, yet powerful at the same time. I think the poppy works perfectly as is.

As for the neck and shoulder... that's not being pathetic. As someone who also suffers from time to time with the same thing I know exactly how much this can hurt, to the point where sitting, standing, walking, lying down or any other position or posture hurts... just take it easy and let it recover. I hope you're back to normal soon.
Lovely shot - nuff said :clap:
classy and artistic.

Two things I never thought I'd hear about something I've done - thankyou very much :)

I couldn't have put it any better than Sarah has. The poem's new to me, so thank you for sharing it.

I'm sorry to hear about your neck and shoulder - it sounds really painful. I hope it gets better soon - take care. :hug: from me.


Thanks Jean - The poem belts me over the head everytime I read it. I have a book of war poetry called "Up the Line to Death" - not particularly cheerful but there are some wonderful poems in it. Thankyou for the sympathy - the neck is vastly improved so I'm hoping to get up to date this weekend.

:clap: very well done. Simple, yet powerful at the same time. I think the poppy works perfectly as is.

As for the neck and shoulder... that's not being pathetic. As someone who also suffers from time to time with the same thing I know exactly how much this can hurt, to the point where sitting, standing, walking, lying down or any other position or posture hurts... just take it easy and let it recover. I hope you're back to normal soon.

Thankyou - I wear my poppy with pride but it doesn't lend itself to photography particularly well. Like I said - you're in danger of having a "cheap" look and that's obviously not what I was aiming for. I'm glad you like it ;)

... and thankyou again for the understanding - I have every sympathy with you suffering in the same way. It's like you say - NOTHING is comfortable and I have just felt like I can't cope with doing much more than sitting still these past couple of weeks. I'm on the mend now though and it's such a relief :)
There is nothing more to say about this shot. An incredibly powerful poem, complimented by a beautifully composed image...

Hope you're feeling better soon.

Fi - sorry to hear about your neck and shoulder - hope recovery is swift :)

And Doom and Gloom - 100% superb!!!

As you may know I'm a poetry fan (see the poems and pictures threads) and this would be welcome in there.

The image, with the oof poppy plus the words is such a powerful combination and stops you in your tracks - wonderful, moving, well thought out and taken!

Top marks :clap: