The book and zine making thread

Does anyone have problems uploading files to Mixam?

I've re-worked the covers on my zine slightly but now every time I try to upload the PDF I just get a little spinning wheel and then an email saying the upload failed.

I haven't uploaded anything recently but can't recall having any problems in the past.
I tried again using Edge and it's uploaded ok this time. Fingers crossed I might be good to go.

There are probably things I could still tweak, but I'm treating it as a bit of a test to some extent, so I'll learn from anything I'm not 100% happy with and make changes in any future pieces I put together. Hopefully it will be something I'm happy with though.
I find zines are a bit of a pain to store on bookshelves. Hence the pile of Café Royal zines. I found an acrylic leaflet holder which I used to use to dsiplay my catalogues at shows and thought it might serve a purpose. I put all the zines from the first swap in it and it not only keeps them together it makes a bit of a display. So I went on a search for other holders and got myself a three tier A4 rack to see if it would work for landscape A5 zines. It does! Now I have a multi tier A5 portrait holder on order. :D Just thought this might be of some interest to other zine collectors. I still need more bookshelves though. Yet another photobook is due to arrive next week. :rolleyes:

Just had a message to say the Southport and Ormskirk Bantam Society are placing a copy of my book in their archive. That's made it all worthwhile. For me taking photographs of people has become as much about giving something back as making pictures these days. Probably an age thing and a sense of impending mortality!
I've been taking photos for a long time now which I've been keywording 'reserved' in LR. There was no plan I just snapped anything which seemed to fit a vague idea I had in my head and hoped that one day something might fall into place. It hasn't yet.

However, I also had a 'watchers' keyword and when I looked through both sets I realised that pairing pictures from the two might work. I had just enough to make a thin zine.

Looking at it now I can see how I could have shot more to make it work better, visually. Which is often the way. It'll do, though. I did it as much to see how full bleed pages would look as anything. They look different printed than they do on screen and they do alter the way pictures are perceived compared to having space around them on the page.

Although a couple of the pictures could stand on their own the zine is more a gentle critique of something than a collection of pictures.

(NB - this is NOT my zine for the current swap, that one's pure entertainment. I hope! :) )

There's a link to a flip-through below the cover pic.


I've been taking photos for a long time now which I've been keywording 'reserved' in LR. There was no plan I just snapped anything which seemed to fit a vague idea I had in my head and hoped that one day something might fall into place. It hasn't yet.

However, I also had a 'watchers' keyword and when I looked through both sets I realised that pairing pictures from the two might work. I had just enough to make a thin zine.

Looking at it now I can see how I could have shot more to make it work better, visually. Which is often the way. It'll do, though. I did it as much to see how full bleed pages would look as anything. They look different printed than they do on screen and they do alter the way pictures are perceived compared to having space around them on the page.

Although a couple of the pictures could stand on their own the zine is more a gentle critique of something than a collection of pictures.

(NB - this is NOT my zine for the current swap, that one's pure entertainment. I hope! :) )

There's a link to a flip-through below the cover pic.

View attachment 297227

really like this, great concept
So I've been using Affinity Publisher to make a photo book for my sister-in-law. Very Easy to use and there are tutorials on YT. Will be great for making a Zine too.
Anyone else using Affinity Publisher?
Me too, I think a few of us bought it when it was on offer for £25 earlier this year.
So I've been using Affinity Publisher to make a photo book for my sister-in-law. Very Easy to use and there are tutorials on YT. Will be great for making a Zine too.
Anyone else using Affinity Publisher?
Yup. Done my poultry book, a few zines, and some other stuff using Affinity. Well worth the £25 it cost.
me too, I've also discovered through using it I have no eye for graphic design and also how easy it is to produce an affront to eyesight with said programme, prompting a quick return to "traditional" production values :cool:
So I've been using Affinity Publisher to make a photo book for my sister-in-law. Very Easy to use and there are tutorials on YT. Will be great for making a Zine too.
Anyone else using Affinity Publisher?
I bought it at the discount price in the first lockdown and fiddled about with it until it drove me mad. Actually sat down with a tutorial on Sunday and started to learn how to use it properly (I hope!). Still a long way to go yet but it was well worth the £25.
Talking of Affinity Publisher.
Have anyone found any template resource for it?
Talking of Affinity Publisher.
Have anyone found any template resource for it?

I'm just going through historic zine threads and I think it was either @sirch or @flook999 that found Mixam templates which included their bleed zones etc. Could have been @Ed Sutton as well... Cripes I'm useless.
I'm just going through historic zine threads and I think it was either @sirch or @flook999 that found Mixam templates which included their bleed zones etc. Could have been @Ed Sutton as well... Cripes I'm useless.
Not me but Mixam do have PDF templates for some of their products on the product's page. Affinity opens and edits PDFs.
Be aware that Affinity doesn’t like pdf files with fonts that aren’t on your system. Or at least that’s what I’ve found.
Thanks guys.
I was after more template for a whole book. Mixam templates are just for the print setup. Bleed, margin and what not.
Just watch the bleed in double page spreads that are not in the centre pages), I had a few issues with Mixam when uploading individual pages (as pdfs), had to go back and edit each of the relevant pages and re-upload -Mixam offered to do a mirror bleed but that could have had horrendous results!!
I'm just going through historic zine threads and I think it was either @sirch or @flook999 that found Mixam templates which included their bleed zones etc. Could have been @Ed Sutton as well... Cripes I'm useless.

I found the mixam PDF template for A5 early doors and created a photoshop template from that using guides, then I found affinity and ditched photoshop completely once the images were edited. I may still have the PS templates but they are not tested at any printers
Just watch the bleed in double page spreads that are not in the centre pages), I had a few issues with Mixam when uploading individual pages (as pdfs), had to go back and edit each of the relevant pages and re-upload -Mixam offered to do a mirror bleed but that could have had horrendous results!!
I had a mirror bleed on my poultry book and got away with it and there are pictures which run across a spread in that. I've accounted for the bleed since and uploading a complete publication had no trouble.
OK, so I think I want to have a go at this.

My basis is images from around where I live, and calling it "Around Mere"

I've put an album together from my Flickr images here: And would appreciate a bit of feedback on the content.

I'll redo the images again, removing the logo, and perhaps cropping them to suit.
Well, if you fancy sharing your work with others (and seeing theirs in return) we've just started a zine swap thread here.

Have had a look at the images, and will reply in the morning when I'm less tired :)
I'm a bit bored of making A5 zines for myself so I've made a New Year resolution and invested in the stuff to make it happen (or it wouldn't even get started) - make prints on a regular basis.

But what to do with them? In the past I tried this but it didn't get off the ground. However the album I got back then suits my new plan. However it was A4 and for some reason I don't like making prints on A4 paper. I tried 5x7 but that felt a bit small as I want to have a border round the image with the date printed below. Chopping a sheet of A4 down to 8x10 gave me an image size I was happy with. So...

100 sheets of 8x10 paper and two Easybooks are now waiting to be turned into something!

Using Lightroom's print module I made a template with a wider border on the left for slotting in the album's spine.

7x5 and 8x10 compared.


I didn't really want the albums to have windows but this size has no plain option. That meant making a front page print template. No doubt I'll redo it in Affinity at some point so text is revealed when the cover is opened. Now to see how long this resolution lasts...

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I could do with something like that for storing/viewing my prints
From where did you get them?
How about taking it a step further?
