The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

Anyone pre-ordered from WEX. If so, how long do they take, and how many boxes do they usually get?

I`m really getting impatient now ;)
Anyone pre-ordered from WEX. If so, how long do they take, and how many boxes do they usually get?

I`m really getting impatient now ;)
Mine is coming from Park Cameras.
Hoping for 18th November delivery to me.
That sure looks sharp to me, great shot

Great shot that.

Likewise, I found the 18-55 to be a great lens (I think the kit lens tag does it a disservice almost) and if the desire for weather sealing some GAS and a pretty ridiculous deal on a new 16-55 hadn’t come along I’d still be happily using it.
Thank you. I'd love the 16-55 f2.8 lens, for the constant aperture if nothing else but one of my reasons for ditching my old DSLR was I wanted a smaller kit that I was more likely to take with me on days out, on holiday etc. I barely ever did that with my old camera as it was just too bulky to carry around all day. The 16-55 and 16-80 are massive compared to the little 18-55 so that was a consideration as well. Kit lenses are almost always awful but the 18-55 is an exception, I've been amazed at some of the images from it. Another one, with slightly different subject matter, again at 55mm and wide open at f4.

Thank you. I'd love the 16-55 f2.8 lens, for the constant aperture if nothing else but one of my reasons for ditching my old DSLR was I wanted a smaller kit that I was more likely to take with me on days out, on holiday etc. I barely ever did that with my old camera as it was just too bulky to carry around all day. The 16-55 and 16-80 are massive compared to the little 18-55 so that was a consideration as well. Kit lenses are almost always awful but the 18-55 is an exception, I've been amazed at some of the images from it. Another one, with slightly different subject matter, again at 55mm and wide open at f4.

View attachment 373551
That’s a lovely shot. Lovely looking dog.

Yes the 16-55 is a step up in size compared to the 18-55.
Like I say. Pure GAS and the right place at the right time for a feed deal.
The 16-55 is a smudge shorter than the 55-200 but obviously wider.
The weight is often complained about but I think it sits nicely in the XT-4 and have easily done 20mile hikes with the XT-4 + 16-55 attached to a Peak Design Capture Clip with no issue.

Ultimately for me though it was more the weather resistance than the constant f2.8 although that’s nice of course!

If someone didn’t want WR or the constant f2.8 aperture I’d happily recommend the 18-55 based on my experience with it.
Spent some time yesterday with the Dog and X-H2S
Had the 90mm mounted and wanted to get some action shots.
Weather was Dull and Mostly overcast.
Have to say the camera in animal recognition mode struggled to find the eye most of the time.
Expect that the colouring of Brody's face and dark eye/flat light didn't help.
I really haven't got the settings nailed down so there's plenty of opportunity for Pilot Error.
Got this from the shoot.
Everything where he was travelling at speed are OOF.

ISO 6400 and processed in PureRaw to help with noise. No crop.
Tracking Test-2 by Trevor, on Flickr
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Cheeky little pano from yesterday morning. As is usual for me, this was grabbed during my commute - Just a quick 30 second dive into a layby! Worth viewing large on flickr, but even there it's toned down. The original 12000x4000 image is lovely to explore.

Autumn Panorama by Jamie Moulton, on Flickr

Very nice autumnal landscape style capture Jamie, with some really lovely colours.
Me too. I am really looking forward to this camera.
Just got this from WEX (as I asked lol)

Hi Paul

We are unable to give definite answers as to the dates however I was advised by our purchasing team that we are hopeful of receiving stock on or just afterNovember 17th which I think is the official release date.

They seemed confident the first delivery will cover most of the customer orders, so I would hope we can fulfill this in a matter of days for you.

We will of course notify you if/when stock arrives.
The Sigma 18-50mm is beginning to pop up in various online shops for £429… very interested to see how it compares to the Fuji 16-55mm, as both are f2.8 but the Sigma is about half the size. Probably won’t buy one until it begins to appear in the used sections, though!
The Sigma 18-50mm is beginning to pop up in various online shops for £429… very interested to see how it compares to the Fuji 16-55mm, as both are f2.8 but the Sigma is about half the size. Probably won’t buy one until it begins to appear in the used sections, though!
Have you watched the dpreview comparing it to the 18-55 2.8-4?

Admittedly I didn’t pay perfect attention as only watched out of boredom whilst laid up!

However compared to the 18-55 I’d say unless you absolutely had the need for the constant 2.8 and you already owned the 18-55 I wouldn’t be upgrading/changing.
Stopped down to 5.6 they were pretty much indistinguishable on the video.
Better corner sharpness at the long end wide open in the sigma though iirc.
Lack of OIS though and criticised the focus ring as sloppy.

Obviously compared to the 16-55 the lack of OIS doesn’t matter but the Sigma isn’t weather resistant I believe so that’s a ‘win’ for the 16-55.

Lack of aperture ring on the Sigma which I guess is just a personal thing but I like to have it so for me that’s a negative.

Obviously a big plus for the Sigma is price compared to the 16-55. Even new vs used the Sigma is going to win that one!

Just some thoughts from me really.
From what I’ve seen in that video at least, if I owned the 18-55 I wouldn’t change and comparing to the 16-55 I’d probably still take that over the Sigma but for me that would come down to the WR which was why I upgraded from the 18-55 to it.

Nice to see more lenses appear though.
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The Sigma 18-50mm is beginning to pop up in various online shops for £429… very interested to see how it compares to the Fuji 16-55mm, as both are f2.8 but the Sigma is about half the size. Probably won’t buy one until it begins to appear in the used sections, though!

I had a big reply typed out but Lost_Manc said everything I was gonna say.

I'm a big fan of the Sigma primes, and given the reputation of this lens on other systems I was quite excited about it. I could maybe live with the lack of OIS, but compounded with the lack of WR and aperture ring, the only thing this lens has going for it is the price. Swing and a miss for me.
Ah! Somehow I was under the impression that it had some weather sealing, not sure where I got that from. The lack of an aperture ring I could live with, but if there isn't any significant improvement in image quality from the 18-55mm (nevermind the 16-55mm) then indeed it doesn't seem that worthwhile.

I actually have a 16-55mm already and the image quality is excellent, but considering downgrading because of the size and weight...
I actually have a 16-55mm already and the image quality is excellent, but considering downgrading because of the size and weight...
Think I’d definitely give it a miss then unless the size/weight of the 16-55 is really a problem or became one.

Think this Sigma lens could probably be a winner for someone who doesn’t own either of Fuji’s standard zooms though.

Not sure why they would decide to omit both OIS (although I could understand this based on newer bodies having IBIS) and WR unless it was purely in pursuit of price.
Testing looks like it may have to be done between showers. Current forecast is rain every day until end of the month. Seems to be similar across the whole of UK.
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Testing looks like it may have to be between showers. Current forecast is rain every day until end of the month. Seems to be similar across the whole of UK.
Looks like I`ve got a clear day on Saturday (y)
Battery charged and SD cards ready. Just need to customise and then shoot.
Hope all those expecting their nice new XT-5s get a nice early delivery and a chance to have a play.

For any of you that use Mac in case you aren't aware and didn't see the thread from earlier today regarding MacOS Finder and XH-2 files, then you will not be able to see your thumbnails in Finder just yet as Ventura doesn't support the XH-2 & 2s or the XT-5.

Look forward to hearing some real world reviews though whilst I'm laid up. Especially regarding AF performance. Gordon Laing's recent video appears to show considerable improvement vs the XT-4 in eye detection at the very least.


In the meantime, what I can do even with a dodgy arm is sift through some recent photos.
This one of my furry companion from one of my last outings before my accident stood out and might be a good one to keep @woof woof happy and feed his doggy addiction!

A Bed Fit For an English Lady.jpg
Hope all those expecting their nice new XT-5s get a nice early delivery and a chance to have a play.

For any of you that use Mac in case you aren't aware and didn't see the thread from earlier today regarding MacOS Finder and XH-2 files, then you will not be able to see your thumbnails in Finder just yet as Ventura doesn't support the XH-2 & 2s or the XT-5.

Look forward to hearing some real world reviews though whilst I'm laid up. Especially regarding AF performance. Gordon Laing's recent video appears to show considerable improvement vs the XT-4 in eye detection at the very least.


In the meantime, what I can do even with a dodgy arm is sift through some recent photos.
This one of my furry companion from one of my last outings before my accident stood out and might be a good one to keep @woof woof happy and feed his doggy addiction!

View attachment 373749

Very nice dog portrait styled capture Rob, with a good expression and very nicely presented.
You boys are keen, in your younger days I bet you turned up for a date in just your socks and y fronts, talk about counting your chickens :ROFLMAO:
No y fronts for me ;)

But I got camera club tomorrow night, and I laws coming down for the weekend...