The Official Fuji X10/X20/X30/XF1/XQ1 Thread

Yep, that works. Just a little small.

You're loving it now Damian aren't you... can't say I've ever used any of those settings althought yesterday I came across the double exposure bit in the menu. Didn't use it though. Lol.
its amazing how there appears to be billions of flowers until you take a photo and suddenly they're lost. I really wanted to make the blue pop more but my editting skills are almost nil.

I do think its a very capable camera ( i even persuaded a colleague to buy one yesterday for his wife :) ) and am continuing to experiment with it to see what i like and what i don't.

Was thinking of getting an XF1 - could someone who has one please confirm how the two control dials on the back interact? My understanding (from a review I read) is that the top dial is a clicky dial, but the click only works in manual mode (toggling between aperture and shutter speed) - not in Av or Tv (toggling between aperture and EC in Av for example). So you can only control EC by pressing up on the lower dial, then spinning the lower dial. Is this correct?
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Basically, yes, although once you're in EC mode (after pressing the up part of the lower dial) you can press up and down to change the EC setting. The lower dial is also a clicky one but the clicks are more subtle than the upper dial. In playback mode, pressing the top dial in toggles between full zoom in and full image.

Like any camera, the XF has its little quirks but the results it can give make up for them IMO!
Thanks for the reply. Seems like a very odd design decision to add a physical control that only operates in manual - probably the least used setting for many of us!
I think Panasonic's implementation is more elegant. Guess I'll just have to get used to it!
TBH, most of the time the meter gets it right, only really missing in the usual situations. Once you know where the buttons are and how the system works, it becomes almost 2nd nature to dial in the EC needed.
Both hand held...

3 seconds!!!!

Hi David, Best Selfie I've seen yet (only joking of course). Sorry mate I couldn't resist it.:)
Rumour has it there is an xf1 for sale in the classifieds... :whistle:

If it had been in black I'd have had that off you in a heartbeat. Trying to decide if I can justify paying an extra £25 for a different colour...
Tan is the best looking of the colours but black matches the upholstery in the car!
I don't see the problem
with Red, it's a nice red
Fancy selling up :( And more to the point - you're 10 days too late so now you owe me £25

Anyway, confessed new acquisition to wifey today and she was ok.

Until she saw the pics

And she was amazed :banana:

So, from the spinnaker tower in Portsmouth, taken on platform 1 at 100 metres up. The glass in the tower was bloody filthy.

view from the tower
by damianmkv, on Flickr
Saw this earlier on Flickr, what a lovely shot. Very appealing to me, lots of interest in the shot and i love the processing to boot! :)

Just snapped this from the bathroom window, probably my last shot with the xf1... :(

Might be the proud owner of an x20 soon though!! :D
I see it's sold already so that's good - now you have to suffer Easter for your camera not to arrive :)

To be honest, there's limited processing - it came from the camera like that so a bit of selective sharpening and a crop was about it
Lol... Or i could just go to Currys and buy one tomorrow? :D Sure that would please the missus. :LOL:

The shot from the camera is ace btw, impressive.
I was looking at your boat shot when you posted it and thought it was a bit, well, meh! But on the computer monitor it actually looks really good. :)
Thanks very much - I look forward to see the new examples tomorrow evening then ;)