The Official TP Funnies thread ( Jokes Memes etc )

My Wife asked me 'how can we stop the stairs creaking" it seems my reply " slimming world " didn't go down well.

Visiting hours are 14:00 - 16;00, don't bring grapes I'm being fed by straw. :muted: :muted:
A very good magician has hypnotised an entire audience. He has them under his complete control and they are willing do whatever he tells them to do. Unfortunately, at the vital moment, he trips over the microphone cord, lands on his ass and says, "S**t!"
A cowboy goes down to the stable, lifts his horse's tail, and plants a kiss smack dab on the horses butthole. Another cowboy sees this and yells, "What the hell are you doing?" He replies, "I've got chapped lips." The other cowboy asks, "Does that help?" "Nope," he answers, "It just keeps me from licking them."