Dean I am a little late in saying but congratulations in winning :woot::woot::woot:

Oh yes when will you be calling it - day and time if you would - ta (y)
Thanks John. I will call it Saturday Night.

:wave: Sorry if I appear a little pedantic but can you tell us roughly a time on Saturday? I ask for a really good reason in my case but others may also like to know.
OK - my limited skills gave me this - hope the polaroid isn't too far outside the rules... but by the time the foreground was removed I was left with a square.

All with free software....
opened with free GIMP plugin UFRAW, created three different exposures
blended with Dynamic Photo HDR
cropped / straightened and added polaroid effect in picasa
(rotated to straighten lighthouse)
added text (in paint :LOL:)
rotated text in GIMP.

Heres my take on it.
opened raw, made 3 versions and then hdr/tonmapped, croped and selectivly sharpened, warmed up photo and extra warming on foreground area to match rest of pic.

Thought I would have a go at this one!

Camera Raw to lift shadows, contrast, vibrance, straighten and sharpen. Photoshop to crop and expand to a landscape format followed by content aware fill and lots of cloning! Then shadows/highlights adjustment, colour balance, warmer foreground and probably lots of other tweaks that I can't remember now! :thinking:

DW0812 (114)a by Fuzzyfelt30, on Flickr
straightened and cropped
basic levels in raw, boosting reds and yellows
reduced black for the foreground
sharpened and reduced noise
opened in ps and lightened lighthouse only

Is it me or is the lighthouse leaning to the right :shrug:

The horizon is level - so I am confused - but I do get very easily confused :LOL:
There is a lean on the lighthouse but this is not the worst angle it can be seen from. Loving the animation Christine I don't know if it is allowed though:rules:
great composition by the way!

opened RAW in LR4:

cropped out a bit of the left side + the bottom,
changed colour temp to something a bit warmer,
used clarity brush on certain rocks and the lighthouse,
darkened the top of the sea with another brush,
lightened shadows with yet another brush,
increased overall clarity,
added graduated filter to the sky,
lots of noise reduction,
lens correction applied,
used lightrooms 'print' mode to add the black border then exported as jpeg.

lighthouse_beach_LAD by btyreman, on Flickr
Loving the animation Christine I don't know if it is allowed though:rules:

Just seen the animation as failed to before on my iPhone & I love it (y)

Rules - naw meant to be broken now and again for a good cause :cool:
This one is just for fun


Just showed this to my wife and she said it should be the winner :clap:

So Christine your work has received recognition (y)


Increased fill light to get some detail in foreground.
Altered WB to warm a bit
Altered HSL - orange mainly and a bit of yellow to change hue to more of a red/pink. Increased saturation and decreased luminance
Applied graduated filter to darken sky/clouds
Used brush on lighthouse to lighten slightly and increase contrast
Used brush on foreground beach/rocks to lighten and increase clarity

Export to PSE10

Darkened highlights and lightened shadows a touch + a tweak to midtone contrast

Noise reduction applied the sharpened
. Loving the animation Christine I don't know if it is allowed though:rules:

I doubt it as it is adding something but you have to have some fun occasionally :)

Just seen the animation as failed to before on my iPhone & I love it (y)

Rules - naw meant to be broken now and again for a good cause :cool:

There are some great efforts going on, loving the animation Christine, how did you do that?[/QUOTE]

I'd like to know how you did that as well :)
livewires71 said:
:wave: 10 Minutes left John, I've been eagerly waiting for your version :love:

Sorry it's been a bad few days with my health & has been impossible.
Some really good entries this week they all had different elements that I liked but it comes down to 1 winner and I was undecided between Fuzzyfelt and Symmetrical OCD, but as I mentioned in my last edit I prefer a darker image and I really like the darkened sky and the crop is just right (IMO), so it's back to you Ben.
And a mention for Christine's excellent animation.

PP edit by Livewires71, on Flickr

So here is mine.
after a bit of RAW adjustments to bring out the details and colours
I created 3 layers of Sky, Foreground & lighthouse
lightened the foreground & sharpened
tweaked the curves for the sky
and lightened the white on the lighthouse
Finally a sharpen & vignette on the whole picture
I'll post one sometime tomorrow/today

Not you again :p:p:p

Seriously you do good edits and good descriptions of how you got there so are a very deserving winner.

Look forward to your upload - today - tomorrow - this week - next week :LOL:
Well Done Ben, lovely edit

It is good Christine.
Thanks Wayne

There are some great efforts going on, loving the animation Christine, how did you do that?

I'd like to know how you did that as well :)[/QUOTE]

Using CS5 I created a layer for each light angle then used the Animation option under Window and I think it is - select all frames - and put them in the order you want them along with the length of time each should show up then save for web - simple when you write it down, not so easy when you are trying to work it out :D
Congratulations, Ben........and does that mean I came 2nd? A bit of silverware and some prize money but without the need to make an acceptance speech - a perfect combination! :D
Come on Ben we're all waiting with baited breath to get editing - unless you're down the pub getting smashed - or out somewhere desperately trying to get a shot worthy of us lot here to 'have a go' with :LOL: