The23rdman's 52 for 2010- Week 24 - METAL

I think your 52 should be renamed 'Strobist 52' as your off camera flash experiments are a strong influence.

Already been said about face alittle bright in 'shoot' but it does't take too much away from the idea.

Always great to see a little humour added and 'Single' looks like it was fun to shoot and the final image is Fab!.

Thanks, Scott. I always intended this 52 to be an opportunity to practice my strobist skills. :)
Great idea behind your 'single' shot and as usual, some interesting strobist work. Just had a quick look at your Flickt stream and some really cool shots there too. As someone just starting to explore strobist stuff, I could definitely learn a thing or two from your work!
Great idea behind your 'single' shot and as usual, some interesting strobist work. Just had a quick look at your Flickt stream and some really cool shots there too. As someone just starting to explore strobist stuff, I could definitely learn a thing or two from your work!

Thanks! My knowledge is limited, but if I can offer any advice please don't hesitate to ask.

Another splendid shoot Dean, i particularly like the green archway that frames the girl, did you have a hand in the lighting there?

Cheers, mate. Yes, the lighting was worked out by myself and Neal Lewis from the Leeds strobist group.

Great lighting as usual Dean.

Really gives the sense of being alone at night.


Thanks matey. :)
Really good work. Lovely lighting, subject and clever take on the theme...

Well done (y)
Great shot for single - humour & technical quality - a great combination!

Great idea and well executed, a very Hammer House of Horror feel to it.
Thanks for all the great comments, peeps.

Sarah, yes, this was the shoot, and yes, it's back in my camera bag. :D
Brilliant take on Single. Great lighting, great subject, great composition. Man this just shows me how much I've got to learn.
Hahahaha brilliant! Excellent idea superbly executed :) I think I 'might' like to see the shadows legs extend off shot so that we can imagine what's just hiding from view. Love it though (y)
Strobist work? Why the hell not!

Week 16 - Stare.


Strobist info:
430ex 1/8th power below firing up.
Yongnuo 460-II 1/32 through Lumiquest III
below camera. both green gelled (obviously!)
Another one that I'm liking a lot Dean.

You look like some superhero's arch nemesis that is vowing revenge :boxer:

More excellent strobist work. My flashes are waiting to board a plane in hong kong :shake: Stupid volcano.

Thanks Andy. That's kinda the look I was going for.
Like that a lot, I have a very similar one on my out takes but I like the effect of the bars. It really adds to the shot and as Andy mentioned it gives it that 'jail' look...

Well done...I think there will be quite a lot of self stares this week! :LOL:
WARNING: Pregnant women, the elderly, children and those suffering from serious medical conditions are among a wide range of people at risk. Do NOT view large!

great image Dean ;)
Thanks everybody peeps! Jenny, I agree about the catch lights. I had a couple without the fill light that looked pretty damn scary, but this one pipped them. I'm a pussycat really...aren't I , Mark? Mark? ;)
Thanks everybody peeps! Jenny, I agree about the catch lights. I had a couple without the fill light that looked pretty damn scary, but this one pipped them. I'm a pussycat really...aren't I , Mark? Mark? ;)

In true Jim Royle stylee, Pussycat, my a**e!

A 6'4" brute of a man, with a shaven head donating menance to all that see you as you wander in the dark with a lamp in one hand and a trigger in the other......

OK, stepping back into reality - yup, you are a master of misdirection!
Great shot... reminds me of the line, "You wouldn't like me... when i'm angry..."

Ta. Really I'm honestly very mild mannered...:D
Strobist work? Why the hell not!

Week 16 - Stare.


Strobist info:
430ex 1/8th power below firing up.
Yongnuo 460-II 1/32 through Lumiquest III
below camera. both green gelled (obviously!)
Nice shot Dean. Very creative. The only thing I can say that I feel would improve this for me is if the 430ex was dialled down a bit and the 460-II was dialled up a bit. That's just personal preference though. Well done.
Even your avatar is scaring me... :LOL:


Nice shot Dean. Very creative. The only thing I can say that I feel would improve this for me is if the 430ex was dialled down a bit and the 460-II was dialled up a bit. That's just personal preference though. Well done.

Thanks, mate. Yeah, I can see the merit of that, but felt this was a decent enough result. I actually had another 460-II on the banister over my head through a diffused 2"snoot to give a touch of definition to the top of my head. It was only when I downloaded the shots that I saw the fill hadn't fired on those shots. Buggered if I was going to set it all up again though. :D
Great stuff - the green sets the mood, but it is the look in the eyes that makes the shot!
