Toothie's 52 - All the way to the end

Lovely shot......and so simple

Wall:E was increasing aware that 3s a Crowd

Just a fun Shot from me this week :)

Thanks for all the comments so far, C&C as always encouraged :)
Whoa, too fast, I'm just doing my weekly catch up on last weeks :LOL:

So now you get 2 for the price of 1 post :D

I love the Special image. The composition is spot on with the V shape leading you down to the joined hands, and it conveys a feeling of strength rather than dependency as Martin's hand is on top, so he's holding on to you :love:

I agree with the bracelet comment and also a little more light on your fingers, but that's just being picky ;)

Crowds - that's a great fun shot Ruth. Composition and lighting are spot on and the expressions make me laugh (y)
Absolutely brilliant :D

This had me laughing so loud and for so long that the boys actually left their electronic equipment to come and see what it was all about. I needed that today, thanks.

The expressions on all of the characters are brilliant, good positioning great photo.

Ruth, I'm just playing catch up and there's some great images here.

Keep Grooving!
Ruth - top shot :) Absolutely lovely :) The expressions are priceless as Angela says :)
I like week 6. Great sentiment :)
Week 7 did make me giggle a bit. Excellent idea. I wonder if it might look better with the figures less central (vertically). I'm afraid the lighting doesn't do much for me but I don't know what I'd do differently.
Thanks Guys

Matt your right on all points but other compositions looked strange and i was a bit stuck for lighting :)
:LOL: I like it

I do like your Special image as well, I like the contrast and it looks good in B&W
Very good Ruth, excellent fun take on the theme (y) Bought a smile that has
This is called Look after the Pennies :)


things i have learnt
1. always have a back up plan
2. people don't always see images the same way you do
3. I have no money
4 Ketup cleans coins

another image I took which was the back up plan, but i went with the original in the end.
Aah a very clever shot. I am always using this saying :D

Nice clarity and I love the dark setting. well done :clap: :clap:
Very nice, Ruth. I like the contrasts - the shiny coin, fluffy white stuff, black background. The composition is excellent, partcilulary in the context of the title - "take care of the pennies ..... and the pound will take care of themselves". I wouldn't have thought of blurring out the pound coin - it's very cleverl. :clap::clap:

Your learning point #2 is interesting - I find that, too. :)

Like the crowd shot. Fun interpretation. Lovely colours :)

Not sure about the wealth shot. Lovely detail on the shiny pennies :)
Very good Ruth. I had that idea too, but couldn't think of anyway to implement it. I think having the pennies really shiny has added to the image nicely, I didn't know ketchup did that, Coke Cola does a brilliant job mind you. :clap:
Thanks all.

John - I'm not entirely sure i pulled it off a few people i showed it to didn't get what it was meant to represent.
Aha, thus the learning point. I guess it's true what they say, it's in the eye of the beholder.
Crowds rofl.... superb Ruth:clap:

Wealth, I think I would have liked to see the £1 coin either a bit sharper or shinier or both. It's in a very strong position in the frame and doesn't quite have the punch it needs for me. Great idea though. (y)

Thanks all.

John - I'm not entirely sure i pulled it off a few people i showed it to didn't get what it was meant to represent.

Its funny - it took me a second or two but the meaning clicked for me when i saw it on flickr without the title :)

I think the pound coin would have benefited by being a little sharper but I do like your interpretation of the saying and the setting with the black bg is very well done!

Nice one Ruth :D!
Interesting image which creates a lot of thoughts in my head mostly wondering WTF is that about (in a good way). I like the contrasts in this image although I think a 10x8 crop (loosing the space on the left) would really make this image perfect for me.

P.S. I'm surprised you used Ketchup to clean the coins, have you never heard of Barry Scott and Cilit Bang?
think i will have to follow this more intently.... have not had much time over the last few weeks what with puppy births etc.
love the crowd shot and the idea behind the wealth shot is really good
full marks for those.
Two great takes on theme . The crowds is really funny, just loved it. The pennies and pounds shot has a lovely simple composition and the slightly oof pound is nicely isolated to look after itself. Very well done.:clap:
Nice creative interpretation Ruth and I got the reference to the saying. (y)

The only slight niggle for me is the fibres from the cotton wool in front of the pennies. Otherwise good shot with great use of DoF and reflection. :)
First sorry I missed your crowd shot...I liked it a lot and made me smile...:LOL:

Not sure about the Wealth's a great idea and I'm not sure how I would have done it, but it's not working for me I'm afraid. Maybe one shinny penny a few more pound coins... but still you like it and it fits the theme and that's what counts...(y)
Thanks all :)

Ben I know you did but you can't be right all the time;)

Spartacus i agree tbh i didn't really work as i expected it too but couldn't work out why so went with it in the end.
Here is this weeks :


I check a patients identity many times a day so when i saw this weeks theme i thought staright away that some name bands were needed. Has been a busy week and although i had my idea i didn't have a great deal of time to pull it off.

I also haven't done a reshoot as per this weeks rules but will try and get that done tomorrow:)

Thoughts as always welcome
Ruth, the ID shot is great, a fabulously simple idea that probably helps hugely in making sure you have the right patient.

I don't know if it is the image compression that I get when I connect via my mobile but the image appears a little soft to me.

Thanks Simon.

I think the softness your seeing is because i took the pic at iso 1600 to add some grain but it didn't really work and once compressed for web it looks a little off.
I think the softness your seeing is because i took the pic at iso 1600 to add some grain but it didn't really work and once compressed for web it looks a little off.

You confessed too quickly Ruth. :) My interpretation of your picture was that you have focused on the name band and deliberately made the arm slightly softer to emphasise the theme of Identity. I like the mono treatment, too.

Really good interpretation of the theme - and I haven't had time to do a reshoot as well, so I sympathise. :)
You confessed too quickly Ruth. :) My interpretation of your picture was that you have focused on the name band and deliberately made the arm slightly softer to emphasise the theme of Identity. I like the mono treatment, too.

Really good interpretation of the theme - and I haven't had time to do a reshoot as well, so I sympathise. :)

LOL i did focus on the name band as i wasn't overly fussed how in focus the arm was but on here even the name band looks oof :( am messing with the flickr uploader to see if can get a better copy online.
Oooh - I think this is quite a powerful image. Its anonymous and yet fits the identity theme perfectly. Mono works well too - makes it more powerful I think :)
I like it Ruth, I like the way Martyn's hand seems to be clutching at the sheets - adds some dramatic tension in my eyes. I agree the hand is a little soft but it doesn't impact the concept and composition both of which I think are very good indeed! :clap:

Mono also works on this one adding that photojournalistic touch!