Urbexers on TP?

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Hi guys,

after looking at another thread on the forum I was wondering how many urbexers are on TP and where you are based. Also interested in your favourite haunt.

I'm from Preston and mine would have to be Huncoat Power Station (or at least I've been told it was a power station), Whittingham was amazing before it became impossible to get in to :(

This isn't intended to be a debate about tresspass etc so if you do not agree with urbexing please do not comment ;)
I like the stuff that's posted on here and "28 Days" forum but i've never had the balls to do any myself, there seem to be plenty of industrial sites and buildings around the Sheffield area but with regeneration i guess they are fast disappearing
few culverts and whittingham mental asylum nr you also miley tunnel preston

A friends Hic Bibi vid enjoy

[YOUTUBE]<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Y7u87Yoy7PY&hl=en_GB&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Y7u87Yoy7PY&hl=en_GB&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]
Me, Not as active as I used to be though. Fave haunt is RAF Upper Heyford followed closely by Pyestock. Used to be a BIG Asylum fan but not anymore.
I've done a bit here and there :)

Favourites - Pyestock is up there because of it's sheer size, as is Fletchers paper mill because it was so intact. However, from a photographic perspective, I think maybe Ivy Bank Mill in Haworth, and Grove Rake are my top 2 as I got some of my best photos in those places.

+1 one for upper heyford - I've done plenty of model shoots in there too! :)
Yes, another one here. I don't post on 28days as I cant stand their attitude towards newcomers and people in general who don't have perfect photography skills (Epic Fail Bin anyone?) Although last time I looked the EFB was not there.

My first ever urbex was the legendary Inverkip Power Station and I've since gone back many times. Fabulous place, pretty much world renowned when it comes to the books of urbex.
I've done a bit here and there :)

Favourites - Pyestock is up there because of it's sheer size, as is Fletchers paper mill because it was so intact. However, from a photographic perspective, I think maybe Ivy Bank Mill in Haworth, and Grove Rake are my top 2 as I got some of my best photos in those places.


Andy we should meet up soon, keep meaning to, Im on holiday in Portugal next week for a week, and 2 weeks later off on holiday to Wales for a week, so can we make a date to meet up mate at last (y) really looking forward to meeting you, have you ever done the culverts in Euxton just after the bridge look well interesting
I would like to get into doing some of this stuff - I'm only down in Lancaster and would be well up for meeting up too - bit scared to do stuff like this on my own. :)
This is going to sound horrible but... being 'scared' isn't a good start. In a group, someone who is 'scared' becomes a liability. Perhaps ease yourself into it by starting with the easy stuff (the shed, maybe? :D) and then just dive into it. But seriously, don't be scared.
This is going to sound horrible but... being 'scared' isn't a good start. In a group, someone who is 'scared' becomes a liability. Perhaps ease yourself into it by starting with the easy stuff (the shed, maybe? :D) and then just dive into it. But seriously, don't be scared.

Well I'm kind of exaggerating really - would just feel more comfortable with other people. If you saw me you would see I'm not really that timid :)
Just remember folks, that all urbexers use crowbars and boots. ;)
Did you hear that all urbexers break their way in as well? I mean, we wouldn't be able to get all those lovely photos if we didn't crash, bash and smash our way in.
Hi, I do a bit of urbex. My fav locations are Thorpe marsh power station (decommissioned) near Doncaster, South Yorkshire and Gildersome railway tunnel at Morley, near Leeds.
Every where seems to get loccked down or demolished before I get the chance to visit with the camera.
Not all Urbexers break in, well I never do, and I wouldnt condone or encourage anyone to break in

It was sarcasm, heavy quantities of it ;)

I was just taking the mick, with regards to the general grossly misinformed opinions of urbexers and what we do, demonstrated blatantly in a similar thread here called 'to trespass or not'.

I'm an urbexer myself, and there is no breaking in. A large amount of people seem too thick to distinguish the fact that walking in through a hole in a fence and going through a door that is ajar is not 'breaking in' at all. It's simply taking advantage of weaknesses in security.

Just remember folks, that all urbexers use crowbars and boots

Did you hear that all urbexers break their way in as well? I mean, we wouldn't be able to get all those lovely photos if we didn't crash, bash and smash our way in.

I hope they're subtle tongue-in-cheek statements, or else you're just a wind up merchant! I would assume the former given your location as Inverkip :)

Just to clarify to those who haven't twigged or don't know much about urbexing, the use of crowbars/breaking and entering/criminal behaviour is looked down on in the urbex world.
Haven't done any for over a year though, I miss it!
A large amount of people seem too thick to distinguish the fact that walking in through a hole in a fence and going through a door that is ajar is not 'breaking in' at all. It's simply taking advantage of weaknesses in security.

The car was unlocked your honour so it wasn't really stealing. :thinking:

I've no problem with urbexing, or whatever it's called this week, but a lot of the end shots look very samey to me.

But then other people think that about street I guess ...
I hope they're subtle tongue-in-cheek statements, or else you're just a wind up merchant! I would assume the former given your location as Inverkip :)

Of course they're tongue in cheek comments.

Despite this, there is at least one other person on here who is happy to tell me that I use crowbars and boots to force my way into buildings. Screw being in control of my own body and not even owning a crowbar, for one, this guy means business, and has decided that I crash bash and smash my way into urbex locations, despite not breaking anything at all. He actually knows more about me than I do myself - amazing!

And people wonder why I get ****ed off.
Oh yeah, when I go in abandoned buildings I also fill my bag with junk to steal. Everyone knows ALL urbexers do it.
Buy a tripod, a flash will just make you stand out like an airport beacon, which will only make the men in flourescent yellow coats appear and make enquires as to what you are doing, how you got in and 'you better delete those pictures and get out of here'
I feel these will help to clarify the Urbex scene:

Take only a dump on the floor, leave only the newspaper you wiped your arse on.

As opposed to:

Take only photographs, leave only footprints

Or, just to fuel the fire

Take everything that isn't nailed down, leave a wake of destruction as you go