Wedding Photography Help

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All the photographers in Surrey seem to be charging about £1500 including a book or framed picture. The cheapest that I have seen is £900 for 1 hours work.

Well I'm not expecting even 1/2 as much as that! Seems to me like there is a gap in the market for a photographer about 1/2 the price, if I am good enough!

I was thinking that I should create a photobook ( and a CD/DVD of the photos with one folder for the best photos that have been post processed and another for all the shots taken (apart from the rubbish ones)

If you are going to do a Pro job you should charge Pro prices, don't undersell yourself.

How did you get the job and what (if anything) are you being paid? EDIT - forget that bit I type slow :D

I hope Papa's comments haven't scare you away from the forum although I fully agree with what what he has said. However, I think that Papa and the rest of us have to realise that every Bride and Groom makes their choice at the time and if they decide that photos mean so little to them they'd prefer someone who has a good selection of car photos to take the photos of the biggest day of their lives then it's up to them :shrug:

I would hope that we can bring this back on to the topic and try and help the OP out as the B&G have clearly made their choice.

My top suggestions would be to (in no particular order).

1) Find someone locally you can shadow for a wedding to find out what happens (best not to tell them you have a wedding to shoot - you might like to try the work experience route as I suspect you are still quite young). At the very least try to watch one at your local church / registry office, you may need to pretend to be a guest to get in so dress smart and arrive just before the bride for the best chance to blag it. Remember no-one knows everyone at a wedding not even the Bride or Groom - unless it's very small, say you are "Uncle brian's nephew" and point to a big group if you are asked :LOL:
2) Get to the venue(s) ASAP and check them out, taking your camera to find out light levels in the places where the events will be happening.
3) Speak to the couple, even if it is the day before to find out what they want, the parents may want something but it is the B&G's day so they should be your number one priority.
4) Get hold of an external flash unit that has bounce control and is dedicated to your camera (i.e. Nikon - a Canon won't work properly and you may kill your camera, the flash or even both!!) and don't use it during the ceremony.
5) Read everything you can on Wedding and Portrait photography you can (Use Amazon, your local main library, magazines whatever you can).
6) Get to know how your kit works inside out and blind folded (and your backup kit if it is in any way different).

most of all GOOD LUCK - I think you'll need it.
I think as you have never done one you should do it for free and then charge just for prints, that way if you mess up then no one has paid you to be good, if you do well you will win with prints.
No no no, I don't agree with Namllihs. Sorry! You're 15 years old, you can't start charging £750+ for this, not with it being your first gig too... regardless of how good you may be.

Start looking at around the £300 mark if your really going to try to do more and advertise as a student photographer, so they know what they are getting... your still learning! That could be the basic attendance package so you know you walk away with that much, then you can add albums and stuff on top, like an album of 40 images, 8x6, for £100-150 or something. I agree with visualisetheworld though, that maybe this should be a free one, or at least £100 in the pocket and cost of prints.

I don't know what the rule would be in terms of tax. I know your under the age bracket for employment, but I don't know what the rule is for self employment for your age. It's something you are going to have to look into if this gets off the ground.

However, no offence to you on this, I wouldn't be hiring a 15 year old to take my wedding photos unless I was proper broke skint and could do nothing about it. You need to bare this in mind when your thinking of prices, how much would a person be willing to pay such a young person. I'm only 26, and I still feel like I'm too young to be charging a lot, probably because most of the weddings I have been to have togs over 50! However, you are young, there is plenty of room to expand and you can start charging pro prices in 3 years.
All the photographers in Surrey seem to be charging about £1500 including a book or framed picture. The cheapest that I have seen is £900 for 1 hours work.

Well I'm not expecting even 1/2 as much as that! Seems to me like there is a gap in the market for a photographer about 1/2 the price, if I am good enough!

I was thinking that I should create a photobook ( and a CD/DVD of the photos with one folder for the best photos that have been post processed and another for all the shots taken (apart from the rubbish ones)


TBH if you haven't already agreed a fee then I'll suspect they are wanting it free. You should be able to get them to cover your costs but I wouldn't expect more than that.

As for lower price wedding photography - don't go down that route here either start a new thread asking how much to charge otherwise this one will clutter up with us grumpies saying that photography is being devalued by wekend warriors charging peanuts blah blah (which I think it is but that is another topic entirely ;) )
You've not got the kit or the experience to justify a £ 750+ wedding. I know its how you use the kit you've got, but I suspect all the wedding 'togs use 5D's and similar level Nikons with top quality f2.8 or faster glass, because thats what their job depends.

These are likely to be the most significant and prized photos of several peoples lives, so you've got to nail it (and then some) first go. There is no second chance.

I have decided that if any friend asks me to shoot their wedding, I would be suitably honoured but would politely decline, or at least offer to take my camera as second fiddle to a professional, to supplement and compliment what he provides.
Doesn't matter how old he is or what kit he's got, if he produces work of a professional standard he should be paid a professional rate.
Isn't child labour illegal in this country now ;)

You've got balls mate I'll give you that. Whatever you do good luck!

P.S. How is sunny Reigate? I spent 3 very happy years living there not too long ago....
PappaLazarou, I did say I didn't want to offend anyone and it purposefully wasn't diirected at anyone personally hence the word 'one' and certainly don't expect to be insulted in return. Your comment 'You just do not have a clue' is uncall for after all you know nothing about me.
Namllihs, I agree that if the work produced is Professionall standard then he should charge £750+ but how do we know and the people paying him know the work is worth £750+.

If you are good enough then charge alot for the prints if not then they hav't lst anything apart from no photos of there wedding
In regard to price, I was't thinking £750, I was thinking more like £100 tops... And with the lower price wedding photography, I was thinking in a few years.... not now on my first one! :)

SimonTALM: I will try some "Wedding Crashing", and try to contact some local photographers - also, I will bear in mind the other 'tips'

Dangleman: Reigate... Sunny? Not at the moment!

ps. Thanks to everyone on their opinions on the matter!

George, I've just looked at your flickr and there's no doubt you can take a damn good photo (y)

Best of luck to you mate - I hope you have a successful day, learn loads, take some good shots for the B&G, which I'm sure you will, and enjoy it. We all have to start somewhere for goodness sake! I'll tell you what, I've been taking photos for many years now (hobby not pro) and I wouldn't have the balls to do a wedding :shake: so good on you :clap:
PappaLazarou, I did say I didn't want to offend anyone and it purposefully wasn't diirected at anyone personally hence the word 'one' and certainly don't expect to be insulted in return. Your comment 'You just do not have a clue' is uncall for after all you know nothing about me.

Have you ever photographed a wedding as the main tog ?.
If the answer is no then you dont have a clue.

Here's why grooms usually stand on the right and brides on the left during a wedding ceremony.

Long ago, the right arm was considered the sword arm of most fighting men. If a man had to protect his bride, he would hold her with his left hand, and fight off attackers with his right arm.

The reason that men may have had to fight off others was because quite often women were kidnapped. Family members naturally wanted to rescue the stolen brides. Sometimes even during the wedding ceremony, the grooms had to fight off other men who were desirous of their brides, along with the bride's family members. So having his right arm free was an important strategy.

This tradition is followed today by when facing the officiant, having the bride stand to the left, and the groom stand to the right.
Yes and I bet most of you didnt know that, and why ?.
Come on all you people who want to do a wedding.

Is it something to do with her Ring?? its gotta be away from the Father in Law.. untill AFTER the reception anyway... :thinking:

Is that OUR left or the their left??

Im confuzzled.. can i shadow the Op please... ;)
Yes and I bet most of you didnt know that, and why ?.
Come on all you people who want to do a wedding.

Guess the rest of us had better leave then, we are obviously not worthy to be in the same thread as the great PapaLazarou :notworthy: :thumbsdown:
Guess the rest of us had better leave then, we are obviously not worthy to be in the same thread as the great PapaLazarou :notworthy: :thumbsdown:

It's not that I dont think people should learn to be a wedding photographer, but when they come on saying I have a wedding what do I do, that is just taking the p~ss. I might get myself a Moto GP bike and then go along to a race at donnington and ask Valentino Rossi what to do.
Taking a great photo and controlling a wedding is a bit different.
I think your in for a big shock on the day.
It's not that I dont think people should learn to be a wedding photographer, but when they come on saying I have a wedding what do I do, that is just taking the p~ss. .

He's 15 and having a go.. give him a break.

You may or may not have a valid argument PL but frankly, the way you are putting it across makes you sound very elitist, to put it politely :(
You go for it George. (y)

A mate of mine has been nagging me to shoot his wedding next summer but as most around here will know, I HATE weddings a passion and I'd rather have my nails pulled out and stabbed into my eyes.

So, I thought that if I found him someone else to do it, he'd finally go away and leave me alone. Well, looking around at wedding snapper's sites and work from all around the country, I have to say that there are very few I'd want shooting my big day. The vast majority are total tosh, pushing out over priced cliched tat with no imagination.

Time there were more young snapper whippers out there shaking up the market and sweeping away the grey beards. (y)
how much do you charge papa for your basic package?

i suppose you have to tell the world being a wedding togs sooooooooooooo very hard when you charge what i suspect you do.

and before you ask yes i shoot weddings and its not as hard as you are making out.

once you have learnt how to take a 'a1' phot the rest just comes
You may or may not have a valid argument PL but frankly, the way you are putting it across makes you sound very elitist, to put it politely :(

When I got 20 - 30 calls and email a year asking me to fix pictures that amateurs have taken at weddings, I do have a point.

At 15 I started working with a pro wedding tog and no way would I ever even think of trying one on my own. And thats after working with a pro for 5 years, so to come on the forum and say I am doing a wedding what do I do is crazy. And I see it time and time again on the site, if you dont know what your doing then you dont do it.
Have you ever photographed a wedding as the main tog ?.
If the answer is no then you dont have a clue.

There are many that have shot a wedding as the main photographer and still don't have a clue !

Now I am no expert, I have done a grand total of 2 Weddings now but did research the subject on here aswell as the internet and by buying books, books that I will cherish as they are very good.

Both my B&G's have been told about the traditional way to stand but you know, I get them to stand how they feel comfortable, or not even mention it on the day as they will stand how they feel natural, at my first Wedding I noticed the groom wratching around with his fingers inside his collar, he never wears a shirt and it was paining him, a quick word with the bride and the tie was off and the top button undone, one happy Groom and he was Mr Natural again !

Now, right or wrong in breaking with tradition, its progress and how in lengthy discussions with the B&G they have wanted their Weddings to be shot - it works for me and has seemingly paid off with the offers of work I am getting, B&G's that have seen my work, via private galleries from the couples I have shot, I am happy for that, you know what, not one of them has yet asked what I charge or what they get, just they want me to do it - happy, damn right I am !

I have thought about offering to do some freebie 2nd shooting but now I think balls to it, I am getting there the people that are important like my work, that is the B&G !

I appreciate that many photographers have made a living out of shooting Weddings for many years and that is great, we can learn alot from you, some of these are putting their experiences into book form so that people like me can enter the industry, Annabel Williams, Damien Lovegrove, they are diversifying and make people like me aspire to the work they produce, I pick up snippets from all over the place, from those snippets comes my style I guess, I look to the states alot for inspiration - as the world gets smaller the bride and groom will be searching the net and will be seeing the same images and want them re-producing at their own special day.

I will continue to look for inspiration and my eyes are always open for new projects, challenges, monitor and evaluate what I do and keep moving forward, traditional values are being lost everywhere, some bad, some good, I will be succesful and you know what, a kid like George should damn well be encouraged, he really shows his maturity on this thread and I for one wish him all the best for the future.

George is asking for help, this is a forum that could possibly help him become a success and not a drug dealer, he should bloody well be applauded.

Note to George - I will stick my neck out and if no dates collide I will send you some CF cards down for the Wedding, obviously I do want them back but if it helps I would be happy to help out.
Well I've made a commitment havn't I.... And looking at the album from the first Daughter's wedding, they were all underexposted and rather boring. I don't think that they are expecting too much more, hence why they asked me to shoot it for them, not a moody pro! ;) - And with regard to your touchup skills PL, any chance of a viewing? Photoshop isn't that hard!

my post was meant to be above dsreeds,


:clap: :clap:
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