where to buy canon 5d mark 3

Cheers guys, I never knew that or noticed before
Their videos are funny that's for sure but really, their practices seem to be dodgy.

They declare a lower value on the shipment to sneak through customs.
less likely to get stolen with a low value on the item than it's true value though
I dont know why i didnt think of this before.
Saving up £3k when DR are selling for £1k less. As said before, it is a no brainer, just pay to get it fixed if needs be.

Now got some spare cash for lenses, grip, batteries etc.
graphilly said:
And how is that progressing if you don't mind me asking?

Has Panamoz stopped replying to emails for anyone else?

I've had mine well over a week now, was delivered 2 days after with the lens. No extra charges. Well happy!!
I've had mine well over a week now, was delivered 2 days after with the lens. No extra charges. Well happy!!

Yes, a friend got theirs after some initial delays in getting a response from them.

£2500 for a MkIII and 24-105. Delivery was 3 days after sending the cash.
I've had a Canon 70-200 f2.8 IS L MkII delivered from Panamoz last week, I ordered it about 3.30 Pm on the monday and it was in my hand at 9.36 Am on thursday. I paid by bank transfer and got a £1423 listed lens for £1361.34 and saved over £500 on the price Jessops and LCE are charging. If I hadn't already of got a 5D3 in march I would of been getting one from Panamoz for definite. I've had 2 bodies and now 3 lenses from Panamoz and I intend on checking them first for future purchases. Excellent service from them every time.
Got my 5d3 last week Monday, after placing an order the previous Friday with Panamoz.

Took the plunge and paid via bank transfer after reading recommendations here. Excellent service and communication throughout.
Out of interest, is there a charge to send the money with a bank transfer. I was looking through my online banking account last night and I seen something about charges may apply transferring money. I with a UK building society and would be transferring into HSBC in the UK I think. It's sent using BACS. Did anyone that has used this method have to pay a fee?
I had no charge when paying by bank transfer
I sooo nearly purchased 5dmk3 and 70-200mm 2.8 usm 2 (saving £1300) from panamoz. However, I decided to stay with nikon because despite the saving, the loss of changing systems was to great. In the end i just ordered Nikkor 70-200 vr2 from them, this arrived on friday!
got a fantastic deal on ebay (pixel_uk) @£2099. and the best thing is its Canon UK Stock.
i was lucky i got it at that price because they put the price up to £2150.
they'd dropped the price from £2399 to £2099 and sold all their stock in a few minutes
I've been watching this on eBay and they have been selling them at £2098 for the past few days. Then, when I made my decision to go ahead and get one, they had jumped up to £2298. I had it in my basket at the lower price and then there was an eBay message to say that the seller had increased the price. :bang:

Also notice that panamoz have gone out of 5Diii stock and I wonder if the jumps in price at pixel_uk coincide with this.:cautious:
Also notice that panamoz have gone out of 5Diii stock and I wonder if the jumps in price at pixel_uk coincide with this.:cautious:
Pananoz pretty much says out of stock all the time but if you email them they get them straight away

they were out of stock when I got mine according to there site and they emailed within 5 minutes saying stock was not a problem I paid there and then camera was in my hands within 4 days and that was a bank holiday as well
Buttkicker said:
Pananoz pretty much says out of stock all the time but if you email them they get them straight away

they were out of stock when I got mine according to there site and they emailed within 5 minutes saying stock was not a problem I paid there and then camera was in my hands within 4 days and that was a bank holiday as well

Same here, status was out if stock, quick email and they advised they did have stock
e-mailed Panamoz from their web-site at 3.30pm today about a new 5Diii with BG-E11 and a 7D with BG-E7. Told them I'd been following others on TP, plus told them I'd be happy to do a bank transfer payment.......
Nothing heard thus far (10pm) :(
e-mailed Panamoz from their web-site at 3.30pm today about a new 5Diii with BG-E11 and a 7D with BG-E7. Told them I'd been following others on TP, plus told them I'd be happy to do a bank transfer payment.......
Nothing heard thus far (10pm) :(

John why the frown... they are in a different time zone than us They will get back to you and when you have the savings you get from them you might cool off a bit

I have not seen a single bad word about them and 7 hours after emailing them your frowning

if your unhappy go to Jessops and pay at least a grand plus for the same stuff your trying to order
they emailed within 5 minutes saying stock was not a problem
Perhaps I have mis-interpreted what you said here.:thinking:

This was the only reason for the frown and it wasn't meant to signal some kind of unhappiness. What time did you e-mail them to get a reply within 5mins?

BTW, I'm not hot under the collar about it so not needing to cool off.;)
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John I cannot remember what time it was when I emailed them.. the point being that they have no bad feedback what so ever from within these forums
and you emailed them at 3.30pm in Hong Kong where in all likelihoods they will be in bed yet 7 hours later your posting frowning about hearing nothing

they did email me back within 5 minutes but if I emailed them in work hours no doubt that is why - try email or phone a UK shop after 5pm and you will be waiting till after 9am the next day for a phone call at the least

my experience of this company was nothing but good so forgive me if I find it frustrating that people frown after hearing nothing for 7 hours from the other side of the Planet
I just bought one from DR for £2038.
That kind fo saving i will pay for repair within a year if anything happens.

Now to sit and wait by the door.
Anyone tell me how long from payment to delivery normally is with DigitalRev ??

they did email me back within 5 minutes but if I emailed them in work hours
Guessing you work night-shift then?

I have come into work this morning and received a fine quote from Panamoz:

Canon 5D Mark III Body: 1995
Canon 7D Body: 780
BG-E7: 110
BG-E11: 185

The cameras come with English manual and UK chargers.

Now I probably need to wait another day, as I've just sent an e-mail confirming my order request and I need to know bank details/order-reference and it's already after 5pm in HK.
Perhaps I have mis-interpreted what you said here.:thinking:

This was the only reason for the frown and it wasn't meant to signal some kind of unhappiness. What time did you e-mail them to get a reply within 5mins?

BTW, I'm not hot under the collar about it so not needing to cool off.;)

Sometimes they can be slow to reply for whatever reason so you may not get a reply within 24 hours. A second polite email may do the trick if you find you are waiting too long.

In general though they appear to be good and on top of things.

From what it looks like they appear to be a very small outfit with maybe one person in Hong Kong doing the work over there and one person over here in the UK handling this end. There might not even be someone in the UK at all.
Well, it's squeaky bum time as I've just paid a bank transfer for a 5Diii with battery grip, 7D with battery grip and two of the latest series III converters.

The saving against a major (on-line exclusive) high street retailer is over £1600!:eek:

Must admit, I'm excited to see the difference in the autofocus of the 5Diii v's the 5Dii and this is the main reason for upgrade. Best of all, I've only jjust discovered that the ii, iii and 7D all take the same battery!:love:
The only thing that surprised me with Panomoz was the lack of supportive packaging for such a delicate and expensive piece of equipment. My 70-200 literally was packed within a card box that was made to measure.

Having said that, the box and lens does not have a single mark on it. Just though they would have been more careful as it must pass through many hands on its journey.

Apart from that..... they rock and I will be using them again.(y)
I can see a price decrease on there, buts is not £2038. It shows £2169

Did you negotiate a deal with them and paid via BT or something?
As you can see above, Panamoz is £1995 all-in by bank transfer for the 5Diii. I didn't try DR.
Hi all,

I'm looking at purchasing a 5D MK III from DR. Have any of you whom purchased from DR got the item delivered to a different address than the invoice address? If so, did you have to wait longer for your order to be processed?

I can see a price decrease on there, buts is not £2038. It shows £2169

Did you negotiate a deal with them and paid via BT or something?

Ah sorry, i went through eBay for a little more protection.
Its even at £2029 from there now.
I contacted them first to check the stock was the same and they assured me it was, so bougth it from eBay.
Mike.P said:
I was always under the impression that if you purchased from DR via Ebay you are liable for import tax and VAT whereas if you use their web site it is prepaid?

Yea I think that's the case. I'd get it from Dr directly. Just use the a credit card for protection